Thanks to OA
Would you guys be willing to forgive Sega, and throw your bones their way again?
Clues of Sega's hardware aspirations (23 July 04)
There's been alot of speculation that's gone on on the internet in the last couple of months regarding Sega and if they'll ever return back to hardware. From journalists to insiders to sega otaku's on the many sega boards on the net.
Today I would like to chip in with some of my own personal thoughts regarding the matter-
I think in all honestly if you string all the clues together you would agree that if Sega did end up announcing another Sega console soon then none of use should be suprised. Why so? well let's look at all the clues shall we?
Clue 1- Yuji Naka's desire for a propriety platform
Clue 2- Sega's merger with Sammy
Clue 3- Hajime Satomi's desire for rapid expansion and willingness to invest Pachinko and Pachislot income into new businesses.
Clue 4- Sega's choice to choose PVR for their next arcade board, thus meaning it'll be custom and not based on any future next gen console when they could of easily adopted Chihiro 2 based on Xenon which is released mere months after Sega plans on debuting it's new arcade system into the arcades of Japan.
Clue 5- The size of the new Holding company to emerge on the 1st of October cannot be underestimated. Sega-Sammy on 2003-2004 fiscal year alone is only second to Nintendo and by May of next year will have supplanted the Kyoto company and by 2006 to 2007 when the re-organisation takes place the company is estimated to be bringing in a Billion dollars of net profits annually. On pure profit count alone that's not only bigger than Nintendo and EA, but also Sony.
Clue 6- The holding back of key franchises and general emptiness in the company's release schedules for the last year including the current one
Clue 7- Isn't kind of weird that Sega hyped up it's pre-e3 conference this year beyond belief, only for them to end up delivering the Matrix online?
Well I don't see it that way, I think what really happened was Sega was ready to unveil not only it's next gen console but also Yu Suzuki's Shenmue III. Why didn't it happen? Well according to some- Shenmue's trademark had expired and it was only in June when Sega got it back thus leaving Sega to think up of something else for the announcement, that something else being the Matrix online.
Clue 8- If you check Imagination Technologies upcoming year statements, when they refer to their next GPU they say that it targets arcades(sega's next board), PC desk top and also Consoles, I've heard many IMGtec guys in magazines over the last few months in PC mags saying the same thing, a few months ago one of them actually said- "this would be ideal for a next generation console" when refering to it's upcoming "high end" graphics technology.
The truth of the matter is this- we all know that both Nintendo and Microsoft have partnered with Ati to supply the GPU's for their future machines, as both companies have already announced this. So if Nintendo has Ati, Microsoft has ATi and Sony has it's own, then what machine are they "targeting" with their upcoming GPU? who else is left on the field? infinium and the Phantom 2?
Highly unlikely.
Just like you had Naomi and Dreamcast based on it, the chances for a Naomi3(or whatever it'll be called) and a home system based of it is seeming more and more likely as time goes on.
There are more clues that I'll be back to post later, untill then digest the above and realise that somethings stirring and that it's not out of the equation as some may have you believe.
-Zach Morris
Thanks to OA
Would you guys be willing to forgive Sega, and throw your bones their way again?