And the warez "market" was much different not only in 2000 as opposed to 1995, but for the Dreamcast compared to other systems as well.
SELF BOOTING NO MOD CHIP REQUIRED games opened the door to CASUAL piracy. No modification needed, no risk, pop it in and play. You're delusional if you think the piracy rate wasn't higher because of this fact.
Secondly, the Internet was much, much more prevelant during the Dreamcast's lifetime as opposed to the PlayStation's, so piracy was easier due to file swapping. PSOne piracy involved renting a game and burning it (costly), or just buying a bootleg from somebody. (also costly)
With P2P and Usenet and broadband connections, all one had to do was download a game and burn it. (cheaply) Plus it would SELF BOOT. I don't care i you don't think that fact wasn't an important one, it was, and I'm going to continually drill that home. Hell, I've never modded a system, nor will I ever, but I downloaded Shenmue 2 after I'd placed my order for the legit copy from Game Express because I couldn't wait anymore, and I'd legally purchased it, and was waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I would've never done so if I needed to mod my system.
I'm also going to bed now, so if you'd like to argue this further, I won't be able to until morning.