Local Multiplayer is splitscreen or on the same screen? I have the game but haven't had a chance to play it yet.
Bamelin said:Local Multiplayer is splitscreen or on the same screen?
Xenon said:Everything I read stated that Bronze is too easy. I'm finding Silver to be easy as well.
Slaylock said:Is it possible in this game to play and succeed as a magic-only user without ever wielding a weapon?
Slaylock said:Is it possible in this game to play and succeed as a magic-only user without ever wielding a weapon?
Phthisis said:This game is so clunky. Every important menu and info screen you need to play are buried beneath multiple button presses. The skill system, in particular, desperately needs a chart or map to help you plot out character progress; as it is, everything is buried in the ass end of some obscure menu, which is not helpful at all.
The camera needs an option for being titled horizontally; you can't see shit ahead of you no matter how far zoomed out you are, enemies ambush you from off screen, the targeting system has a huge delay in it. Sometimes you get stuck performing certain attacks....
Phthisis said:This game is so clunky. Every important menu and info screen you need to play are buried beneath multiple button presses. The skill system, in particular, desperately needs a chart or map to help you plot out character progress; as it is, everything is buried in the ass end of some obscure menu, which is not helpful at all.
The camera needs an option for being titled horizontally; you can't see shit ahead of you no matter how far zoomed out you are, enemies ambush you from off screen, the targeting system has a huge delay in it. Sometimes you get stuck performing certain attacks....
Before I even got one quest, a quest-giving NPC was stuck walking in place on the roof of his house. I hate the vision bubble you get when under tree cover; it's really nauseating.
I'm still willing to give it some time and see if it grows on me, but right now I'm just very annoyed. I want to explore the huge world, it's a shame everything else sucks so bad.
yes.sloppyjoe_gamer said:Does PS3 version have trophies?
PuMa said:Clunky? Really? I think the menu so far has been extremely easy to use. Access to to all pages is only one-two button presses away.
With regards to the camera, have you ever played Diablo? The view is very similar.
As far as the bugs you mentioned, I'm curious what version you're playing. I haven't seen anything like this yet.
No kidding. I mean, imagine how many hours one would have to pour into the game to even unlock Niobium.Artadius said:Not alot of build information out there for ANY spec for Plat and Niobium difficulties to be honest...
Phthisis said:This game is so clunky. Every important menu and info screen you need to play are buried beneath multiple button presses. The skill system, in particular, desperately needs a chart or map to help you plot out character progress; as it is, everything is buried in the ass end of some obscure menu, which is not helpful at all.
The camera needs an option for being titled horizontally; you can't see shit ahead of you no matter how far zoomed out you are, enemies ambush you from off screen, the targeting system has a huge delay in it. Sometimes you get stuck performing certain attacks....
Before I even got one quest, a quest-giving NPC was stuck walking in place on the roof of his house. I hate the vision bubble you get when under tree cover; it's really nauseating.
I'm still willing to give it some time and see if it grows on me, but right now I'm just very annoyed. I want to explore the huge world, it's a shame everything else sucks so bad.
Concept17 said:As for the camera issues, it feels like a standard hack n'slash perspective to me. Using the radar for off-screen enemies and moving the camera around is easy enough.
Toy Soldier said:Agreed. Keeping the occasional eye on the radar is sufficient to keep you aware of what's around the corner - to avoid ambushes. It took me a while to get used to, but I'm just fine with it now.
But Phthisis is right that the game would be much more enjoyable with the option to tilt the camera behind the character. Even with this being the traditional perspective for this sort of game, it'd still be better with that additional option.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Agreed. Though I dont see this as a reason to not recommend anyone to buy this for full price. Anyone that loves these games will eat this up definetly.
Toy Soldier said:Absolutely agreed. Coming from someone who had major issues with the camera at first, it is something that you can grow accustomed to and navigate with successfully. I still feel a disconnect from the character that I don't think I'd feel if the view were closer with a better visual perspective...but that's no reason to skip this one. You learn to work within the camera and the game ends up being a lot of fun and REALLY draws you in.
Phthisis said:Hey, I just found a new helmet! I wonder if it's better than what I have...
*hold RB*
*Select inventory menu with right stick
*Press A button*
*Press right on dpad to move to armor*
*Highlight new helmet from list of loot*
*Press RB to view info pane of item*
*If so, press A to equip*
That's way too many button presses for the simple act of changing gear. Not to mention that the game manual never tells you if you should be aiming for regen/movement penalties to be positive or negative.
Oh, what? The menu doesn't pause the game, and now I'm being attacked while trying to figure out if this thing I want to wear is good or bad?
Diablo's camera is so much better. If I wanted a straight-down orbital view of my hero, I would have launched my own satellite.
EDIT- I couldn't in good faith recommend anyone buy this for full price.
PuMa said:On an entirely separate note, I finally found out why I was having such a hard time identifying the magic/unique/rare items. It's problem my own dumb fault because I didn't read the manual. I guess I just expected it to be the same as in the PC version, but they took out the whole color coding system for item rarity! Instead, the console versions have a "star" system, which allows you to view rarity only while in the inventory screen. That's a big bummer for me because I always got excited to see the colored items drop from the game screen.
I got this info from the official site forums, and one of the devs posted saying this is something they might patch into the console versions. I guess some people complained about color-blind people not being able to see the item rarities on the PC version. LAME.
PuMa said:I got this info from the official site forums, and one of the devs posted saying this is something they might patch into the console versions. I guess some people complained about color-blind people not being able to see the item rarities on the PC version. LAME.
They should just have both. Everyone's happy.PuMa said:On an entirely separate note, I finally found out why I was having such a hard time identifying the magic/unique/rare items. It's problem my own dumb fault because I didn't read the manual. I guess I just expected it to be the same as in the PC version, but they took out the whole color coding system for item rarity! Instead, the console versions have a "star" system, which allows you to view rarity only while in the inventory screen. That's a big bummer for me because I always got excited to see the colored items drop from the game screen.
I got this info from the official site forums, and one of the devs posted saying this is something they might patch into the console versions. I guess some people complained about color-blind people not being able to see the item rarities on the PC version. LAME.
Phthisis said:EDIT- I couldn't in good faith recommend anyone buy this for full price.
Phthisis said:Hey, I just found a new helmet! I wonder if it's better than what I have...
*hold RB*
*Select inventory menu with right stick
*Press A button*
*Press right on dpad to move to armor*
*Highlight new helmet from list of loot*
*Press RB to view info pane of item*
*If so, press A to equip*
Artadius said:Yeah, this is actually my biggest complaint so far. One of the best moments in loot parade games such as this (also for MMOs frequently) is seeing the different colors of items drop. Now, I understand why they might need a different method for color blind folks... but couldn't they at least give us the option to switch between the two or do both at the same time?
Alot of times I'll be out and just mowing stuff down that I don't really pay attention to what the words say as I pick up loot. If a different colored item dropped which denoted a different quality of item drops, that's typically a clue for me stop what I'm doing and check out the phat lewtz![]()
DustinC said:I'll agree that pressing RB for info is dumb, and there's no real reason for it to not always show, but outside of that, how is this any different from any other RPG when it comes to weapon/armor equips?
Almost every one I've ever played requires a button press for menu screen, cycling to armor, cycling to select the piece of armor, pressing a button for the equip, and ocassionally pressing a button to confirm.
KernelPanic said:I'm considering the PS3 version for (mostly) local co-op with my SO but it sounds awfully awkward to play local co-op if you can't trade items.
KernelPanic said:So there's no way to trade between characters on local co-op ? And no FFA loot option ?
I'm considering the PS3 version for (mostly) local co-op with my SO but it sounds awfully awkward to play local co-op if you can't trade items.
ZombieSupaStar said:ok so which version should i get? (I Have a Gaming PC, and Live Gold also)
ZombieSupaStar said:ok so which version should i get? (I Have a Gaming PC, and Live Gold also)
_tetsuo_ said:Bought it. The UI, graphics, stability are all bad to terrible. Gameplay is great though, lol.
_tetsuo_ said:Bought it. The UI, graphics, stability are all bad to terrible. Gameplay is great though, lol.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Yeah how is this terrible? Honestly wondering what your comparing to for curiosity sakes.
_tetsuo_ said:Bought it. The UI, graphics, stability are all bad to terrible. Gameplay is great though, lol.
Phthisis said:It's okay for people to have some dissenting opinions on the game.
Artadius said:Until it is patched, you can apparently have one person sell the item to a vendor and the other person can buy it back. This is probably not an elegant solution though as you likely pay more to buy back than you did to sell. So this could be used for items you just couldn't bear seeing lost. I haven't tested this out personally though so I can't confirm.
It picks up all the loot within the ring.Brandon F said:I'm so lost on what the deal with the LB 'ring' thing is for? Read the manual cover to cover and it explains nothing.
Brandon F said:I'm so lost on what the deal with the LB 'ring' thing is for? Read the manual cover to cover and it explains nothing.
Also, any way to get a better idea of what you can interact with or not? It's been kinda tough to see what is glowing or not, such as pots or such.
Finally, the whole combat art confused. Any reason why I SHOULDN'T just upgrade my arts the moment I discover one? The manual states something about a trader, but doesn't describe any reason why I would hang on to the runes.
The whole downtime bar system isn't explained well either. Sword X has slightly better stats, but it increases the big yellow bar by .03%. WTF does that mean???
Brandon F said:I'm so lost on what the deal with the LB 'ring' thing is for? Read the manual cover to cover and it explains nothing.
Also, any way to get a better idea of what you can interact with or not? It's been kinda tough to see what is glowing or not, such as pots or such.
Finally, the whole combat art confused. Any reason why I SHOULDN'T just upgrade my arts the moment I discover one? The manual states something about a trader, but doesn't describe any reason why I would hang on to the runes.
The whole downtime bar system isn't explained well either. Sword X has slightly better stats, but it increases the big yellow bar by .03%. WTF does that mean???
Wired All Wrong said:It picks up all the loot within the ring.