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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!

Musashi Wins!

So, in inventory and more importantly in merchants, there appears a button to compare items as opposed to just seeing its details. Is this broken in the console version, or am I using it wrong? On PC it's incredibly easy to compare items, or see what I have on as compared to what I might purchase or equip, but I'm having a rough go of that here.

Any suggestions as to what I'm missing? Going back and forth is annoying.


Musashi Wins! said:
So, in inventory and more importantly in merchants, there appears a button to compare items as opposed to just seeing its details. Is this broken in the console version, or am I using it wrong? On PC it's incredibly easy to compare items, or see what I have on as compared to what I might purchase or equip, but I'm having a rough go of that here.

Any suggestions as to what I'm missing? Going back and forth is annoying.

It works just not that well. You highlight the first item, hit the button then do the same on the second item. Now you can push the button to jump between the two items.

Musashi Wins!

Justin said:
It works just not that well. You highlight the first item, hit the button then do the same on the second item. Now you can push the button to jump between the two items.

Whoa, that's a little odd. Thank you.


Justin said:
It works just not that well. You highlight the first item, hit the button then do the same on the second item. Now you can push the button to jump between the two items.

I can't believe I didn't figure this out until reading this post. It makes complete sense, yet at the same time completely eluded me when I was trying to figure it out.

I guess it was easy enough to just hop back and forth that I didn't dwell on it for more than a few seconds.
ElectricThunder said:
I'm strongly leaning towards getting this with a friend, maybe going halfs or something, seeing as he's got the 360 and whatnot to play it on. There's something magical about a local co-op loot whore game---even moreso perhaps when you can do that and STILL get online to find folk.

Might just do the same with the EDF game on 360 too...we'll see.

Impressions thus far seem to match all that could've realistically been hoped for. I reckon I'd create a recharge rate monster of some sort...just outright abandon other stuff for the sake of it.

I can't speak for the local co-op,but the online co-op is fantastic. This is the most fun I've had co-op on the 360. I agree completely with the 1up review of the "A-" and the only reason it gets the minus is because of the minor bugs and rough edges. The game itself is fantastic and plays fantastic with friends.


Unlimited Capacity
Sigh. I've literally been trying all day to play with my friends and it just wont work. We can never all get in a game and when at least one or two of us do join in the game it is unplayable. I know its probably silly to hope that there is a patch soon but god damn it needs one.


Black Canada Mafia
So me and my lady are playing the crap out of this game. Well it's only been like 2 days, but in these 2 days, it's been played a lot.

We just hit level 9 each, and are about to hit the hay and come at this game again tomorrow (Yay Victoria day holiday) - but one thing we've noticed is, we haven't run into any problems killing things yet. We have it on Silver difficulty, and we do spend a bit of extra time maybe meticulously planning out our skills and equipment, but even then, we go through mobs of hobgoblin thingies like butter. She's High Elf or whatsit, the mage equiv - and I'm a shadow warrior.

Anyway, that's my roundabout way of asking, does this get any harder? When do I see my first -boss- boss, and how many bosses are there, is it like titan quest where there are only about half a dozen total bosses in the game, or am I going to see a lot more than that? Also around what level do we start seeing set gear? And what sort of bonuses do set pieces give you? Is it just like regular pieces but... bigger bonuses, or do we some really unique bonuses from set pieces? And whats the deal with mounts - am I close to coming across them? I guess my level isn't a good indication of my progress in the game... uhh... I'm closing in on that giant port city that is kinda across the lake/ocean or whatever from the starting town - east of it.

Guide me!
_tetsuo_ said:
Sigh. I've literally been trying all day to play with my friends and it just wont work. We can never all get in a game and when at least one or two of us do join in the game it is unplayable. I know its probably silly to hope that there is a patch soon but god damn it needs one.

There does seem to be a weird glitch but there is a work around. Have your friends exit to the dashboard and then send them an invite from there. Whenver one of us couldn't join the game, that always fixed the problem.

As far as lag, goes, I actually have been very pleasantly surprised. I've played the game online co-op now for over 20 hours 3 players and we've had hardly any problems despite the fact that I live 600 miles away from them.


Kinitari said:
So me and my lady are playing the crap out of this game. Well it's only been like 2 days, but in these 2 days, it's been played a lot.

We just hit level 9 each, and are about to hit the hay and come at this game again tomorrow (Yay Victoria day holiday) - but one thing we've noticed is, we haven't run into any problems killing things yet. We have it on Silver difficulty, and we do spend a bit of extra time maybe meticulously planning out our skills and equipment, but even then, we go through mobs of hobgoblin thingies like butter. She's High Elf or whatsit, the mage equiv - and I'm a shadow warrior.

Anyway, that's my roundabout way of asking, does this get any harder? When do I see my first -boss- boss, and how many bosses are there, is it like titan quest where there are only about half a dozen total bosses in the game, or am I going to see a lot more than that? Also around what level do we start seeing set gear? And what sort of bonuses do set pieces give you? Is it just like regular pieces but... bigger bonuses, or do we some really unique bonuses from set pieces? And whats the deal with mounts - am I close to coming across them? I guess my level isn't a good indication of my progress in the game... uhh... I'm closing in on that giant port city that is kinda across the lake/ocean or whatever from the starting town - east of it.

Guide me!

I am almost 19 hours in and level 29 and have only seen 1 boss and he wasn't part of a quest or in a dungeon. He was on top of a big kobold city in the northern part of the starter area.

As for the difficulty it has been really easy so far. I have noticed that there is starting to be a lot more elite monsters and monsters with buffs/resistance but I am still not in any real danger of being killed (I now have 290 health potions). I am still only 18% done with the campaign though so there is still a long way to go
Kinitari said:
So me and my lady are playing the crap out of this game. Well it's only been like 2 days, but in these 2 days, it's been played a lot.

We just hit level 9 each, and are about to hit the hay and come at this game again tomorrow (Yay Victoria day holiday) - but one thing we've noticed is, we haven't run into any problems killing things yet. We have it on Silver difficulty, and we do spend a bit of extra time maybe meticulously planning out our skills and equipment, but even then, we go through mobs of hobgoblin thingies like butter. She's High Elf or whatsit, the mage equiv - and I'm a shadow warrior.

Anyway, that's my roundabout way of asking, does this get any harder? When do I see my first -boss- boss, and how many bosses are there, is it like titan quest where there are only about half a dozen total bosses in the game, or am I going to see a lot more than that? Also around what level do we start seeing set gear? And what sort of bonuses do set pieces give you? Is it just like regular pieces but... bigger bonuses, or do we some really unique bonuses from set pieces? And whats the deal with mounts - am I close to coming across them? I guess my level isn't a good indication of my progress in the game... uhh... I'm closing in on that giant port city that is kinda across the lake/ocean or whatever from the starting town - east of it.

Guide me!

Take some journeys outside of the starting area. We went to the desert wtih level 11 guys and were getting our collective asses handed to us. We had to run away. Up north you will find some challening fights too.

I can't speak for all the set pieces, I've only come across a few rares. I got my first 3 star weapon today. One of the things that sets them apart are the bonuses, but also the slots on them that you can modify. Obviously the more slots and the higher the slots (silver or gold) the more options you have to trick them out further. But be prepared, because blacksmitthing those sonsofbitches will put you in the poor house.

As for mounts, again, take a trip to the desert. It's further East (check your map, youan't miss it--it's HUGE). This game really is really, really, big and there is a ton of variety both in the locales and enemies.

I've put about 20 hours into the character I'm playing now and I've only uncovered 5% of the map, and it feels like we've been to a considerable amount of different environments and areas. The idea that there is 20x's as much stuff that I haven't seen compared to what I have is almost too much to comprehend. I hate to keep proselytizing for the game, it makes me sound like a shill, but I really, really love this game.
Justin said:
I am almost 19 hours in and level 29 and have only seen 1 boss and he wasn't part of a quest or in a dungeon. He was on top of a big kobold city in the northern part of the starter area.

As for the difficulty it has been really easy so far. I have noticed that there is starting to be a lot more elite monsters and monsters with buffs/resistance but I am still not in any real danger of being killed (I now have 290 health potions). I am still only 18% done with the campaign though so there is still a long way to go

If you still don't find a challenge, there is always Gold. Then Platinum. Then Niobium (with it's level 200 cap). I sort of wish they didn't put a minimum level requirement on the higher difficulties just because it would be fun to see how badly you'd get squished with a level on in Niobium and how many levels you gain from killing a rat. :)


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I'm officially hooked on this game now. Glad I worked through my initial dislike!

I decided to focus my Shadow Warrior on two main skills:

- Rallied Souls (res defeated enemies to fight with you for a time)
- Skeletal Fortification buff (skeleton allies fight alongside you at all times)

I upgraded Rallied Souls so the rez'd enemies last longer, and I upgraded the skeleton buff to provide an additional skeleton. This means I now have ~5 allies fighting alongside me at all times. :lol :lol

It's insane. I just steamroll everything. I generally don't even attack. I'll take out the first enemy or two, res them with rallied souls, then sit there while my minions scurry around killing everything in sight, and I soak up the EXP. :lol If it's an especially long fight against more enemies, I'll Rez more frequently, and get 7 (or more) minions.

To make battles even more trivial, I spent some points to allow me to have two buffs up at once, and the second one is Grim Resistance (much higher hit points, dmg resistance).

The two buffs and the nature of this load-out in general is giving me fairly high regeneration times, but this doesn't tend to matter, because I never have to do anything. The minions are EXP machines :lol


GDJustin said:
I'm officially hooked on this game now. Glad I worked through my initial dislike!

I decided to focus my Shadow Warrior on two main skills:

- Rallied Souls (res defeated enemies to fight with you for a time)
- Skeletal Fortification buff (skeleton allies fight alongside you at all times)

I thought Skeletal Fortification was the turret and Nether Allegiance was the skeleton allies.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Brashnir said:
I thought Skeletal Fortification was the turret and Nether Allegiance was the skeleton allies.

Oh, yeah. It is! I just got the names switched around.


This game has the worst escort missions in the history of video games. Also, on a more perverted note. Why does the dryad have the least revealing armor? It makes no sense. The dryad should be the most naked. She starts off wearing what you would expect such a character to wear and then you start getting all this heavy looking armor which totally ruins the character.


Newb question. I'm playing an Inquisitor, focusing mainly on the lightning spell, along with the doppleganger and the thread that lets you temp res enemies if it kills them. Thing is, I feel I picked a few bad skills, namely starting with staffs (I haven't found any even halfway decent) and spreaing myself among too many spells, and using 4 and 5 runes on my spells early on. My question is, will I never be able to rectify these issues? Like with concentration and such bring my regen times low enough where it won't make a difference, or am I screwed when I get to the highest difficulties, and should I create a new build?


Equip a Seraphim with a gun, use Assailing Somersault. It's like some crazy John Woo, Neo from the Matrix action movie shit.

Fuck yeah. My 180 on this game is now complete.


A few questions:

All I've been playing (22 HE) is 3 and 4p co-op in someone else's game world. How do I know which quests are the story quests? I have my "class" quest.

And are there dungeons to run and rerun like in Diablo II? We haven't stumbled across anything like that and have only ended up fighting the Chieftain - but he was in the overworld. Are there additional dungeons at different difficulties?


Petrie said:
Newb question. I'm playing an Inquisitor, focusing mainly on the lightning spell, along with the doppleganger and the thread that lets you temp res enemies if it kills them. Thing is, I feel I picked a few bad skills, namely starting with staffs (I haven't found any even halfway decent) and spreaing myself among too many spells, and using 4 and 5 runes on my spells early on. My question is, will I never be able to rectify these issues? Like with concentration and such bring my regen times low enough where it won't make a difference, or am I screwed when I get to the highest difficulties, and should I create a new build?

I can't imagine playing this game and not using the first character as a trial run. The leveling process is insanely complex and it's practically impossible to not screw up the first time through. If you know what you did wrong, and you know the direction you want the character to go, I would do it.

EDIT: But yes, I suspect you can fix just about anything. I have an obsessive/compulsive problem when optimizing characters.


LukeSmith said:
A few questions:

All I've been playing (22 HE) is 3 and 4p co-op in someone else's game world. How do I know which quests are the story quests? I have my "class" quest.

And are there dungeons to run and rerun like in Diablo II? We haven't stumbled across anything like that and have only ended up fighting the Chieftain - but he was in the overworld. Are there additional dungeons at different difficulties?

Main quest are gold, and side quests are sliver question marks.

nyong said:
I can't imagine playing this game and not using the first character as a trial run. The leveling process is insanely complex and it's practically impossible to not screw up the first time through. If you know what you did wrong, and you know the direction you want the character to go, I would do it.

EDIT: But yes, I suspect you can fix just about anything. I have an obsessive/compulsive problem when optimizing characters.

I think I am doing a good job on my first character :p


Unlimited Capacity
LukeSmith said:
A few questions:

All I've been playing (22 HE) is 3 and 4p co-op in someone else's game world. How do I know which quests are the story quests? I have my "class" quest.

And are there dungeons to run and rerun like in Diablo II? We haven't stumbled across anything like that and have only ended up fighting the Chieftain - but he was in the overworld. Are there additional dungeons at different difficulties?

11 Hours in, we just found our first 2 big dungeons today. Neither one had a boss in it though, unfortunately.


Anyone notice a weird awarding of drops in local co-op? Caved and picked it up yesterday despite wanting to wait for the patch, and the future Ms. Drek and I fired it up for a few hours last night. She's playing a Seraphim and I'm a Shadow Warrior, we set her character up as the primary turn and I joined after her intro. Now whenever we pick stuff up about 80% of it is going to her, even if she's nowhere near when I hit L1.

Any way to adjust that? It seems so screwy. Oh, and I second the notion that coloring items by rarity and all that would be super awesome.
LukeSmith said:
And are there dungeons to run and rerun like in Diablo II? We haven't stumbled across anything like that and have only ended up fighting the Chieftain - but he was in the overworld. Are there additional dungeons at different difficulties?

I believe if you play "open world" mode rather than the dark or light campaign, the bosses all regenerate. In this mode you can also use both light and dark characters mixed.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Perfect podcast enjoying game.

You know I never really thought of that. I usually do that with racing games but since there's not a whole lot of story going on while your questing I best you're right. Have to give that a go. thanks.
Petrie said:
Newb question. I'm playing an Inquisitor, focusing mainly on the lightning spell, along with the doppleganger and the thread that lets you temp res enemies if it kills them. Thing is, I feel I picked a few bad skills, namely starting with staffs (I haven't found any even halfway decent) and spreaing myself among too many spells, and using 4 and 5 runes on my spells early on. My question is, will I never be able to rectify these issues? Like with concentration and such bring my regen times low enough where it won't make a difference, or am I screwed when I get to the highest difficulties, and should I create a new build?

If you put the attribute points into those "bad skills" rather than in stuff you actually use, it could be a minor setback, but you can still raise any of your other spells by using runes. The real danger people seem to be worried about is putting TOO MANY runes into a spell thus leveling it up so high the regen rate becomes a problem. But even that doesn't seem to be that big of a deal to me. It is something you probably want to avoid if possible, but it is not like it would make the character unplayable. It seems it would simply mean you would have to go the route of finding a lot of runes and leveling up many different spells so that you can cycle through them while you wait for the others to cool down.

I have two characters and one of them is an Inquisitor. I have focused mostly on his close range attacks and buff spells. His mutilation spell (a arc swipe that also slows guys down) does an amazing amount of damage after a few levels up. I've also got armor lore on him and he has become sort of a "tank" character and works great. But just because your character is different or less than optimal, doesn't mean it is "wrong." This isn't a competitive sport. Unless you are planning on using him for Player vs. Player, don't sweat it if he isn't as streamlined as possible.

One thing everyone should make sure they are aware of fairly early is that there are other Skills besides the combat arts ones. When you select "Learn New Skill" and it takes you to the skill screen, you can hit left or right to cycle through different types of skills (Defense, Offense, etc.). Since you only get 10 skills, pick them carefully. Personally, I wouldn't be without Armor Lore. If you keep leveling it up, it basically eliminates all of the regen penalties on the armor you wear and boosts your defense significantly.
Played the shit out of this game this weekend.

I am sorry I wasn't able to co op with the few people that asked, when I get in the zone I stop checking messages.

I'll have to focus on a character to catch up to you guys as I was all over the place and I have two Lvl. 20s and a a Lvl. 15.

I will most likely focus on the magic hooker. :lol

If you focus on a single aspect (mystic stormite) as well as add + jewlery and gear, she is ridiculous.


This game is definitely sweet. I bought it on the recommendation of this thread and I'm glad I did. It's a little confusing trying to figure out the way they use terms (skills, combat arts, aspects, etc.) but I'm starting to figure it out.

I still don't really understand the way weapons and armor work as far as the modifying skills and stuff. Like when it says that a sword is modified by Sword Weapons, does that mean eventually there is a "sword weapons" skill? I guess right now it just seems like any class can use most any weapon about as effectively as any other. Does that change?
Amneisac said:
I still don't really understand the way weapons and armor work as far as the modifying skills and stuff. Like when it says that a sword is modified by Sword Weapons, does that mean eventually there is a "sword weapons" skill? I guess right now it just seems like any class can use most any weapon about as effectively as any other. Does that change?

Basically, a sword that is modified by the Sword Weapons skill means that whatever part of the weapon description that has "Sword Weapons" out beside it will be unlocked should you indeed have the Sword Weapons skill for your player.

For instance, you might see this sword:

Awesome Sword of Awesome
Sword Weapons
Damage 120 - 220
All Combat Arts +3
Scything Sweep (Sword Weapons) +5

In the above case, the +3 to all combat arts would be active for anyone wielding the sword. However, the +5 to the Scything Sweep skill would only be active if you had invested in the Sword Weapons skill.

I hope that makes sense, it's hard to explain things in this game hah. It's so deep, but rewarding.
Amneisac said:
This game is definitely sweet. I bought it on the recommendation of this thread and I'm glad I did. It's a little confusing trying to figure out the way they use terms (skills, combat arts, aspects, etc.) but I'm starting to figure it out.

I still don't really understand the way weapons and armor work as far as the modifying skills and stuff. Like when it says that a sword is modified by Sword Weapons, does that mean eventually there is a "sword weapons" skill? I guess right now it just seems like any class can use most any weapon about as effectively as any other. Does that change?

Yes, if the modification is in red, that means that having that skill will give the weapon that attribute.

I posted this elsewhere, but thought it might be useful for some here. I'm certainly no expert at the game, so anyone feel free to correct anything I don't have right. Alot of it simply summarizes things that have already been discussed in this thread.

Seven important things for beginners to keep in mind.

1) In this game, you should HOLD DOWN the button to continue attacking, don't mash the button, it will only slow things down.

2) Start a game on Silver difficulty. Bronze is super easy and for beginners, sort of like a "My first RPG mode." Silver is slightly difficult for the first few levels (the first 10-20 minutes) but becomes easier after that.

3) In this game you don't have magic points. Instead, every spell just has a certain amount of "cool down time" before you can use it again. However, if you keep holding down the spell button, rather than just standing there, your character will default to their basic attack until the spell/ability regenerates.

4) You upgrade spells ("Combat Arts") by reading runes (books). You can trade in runes for skills you may not be interested in focusing on for the specific ones you want at the town's rune master. More you trade in the cheaper the new one will be. This is the only way to upgrade a spell's level, using the runes for that spell.

5) You upgrade your "Attributes" and "Skills" by gaining levels. These are like other action RPGs, you get points to put in the various areas. But you only get 10 "Skills" over the course of the game, so choose them wisely. Choosing skills that are related to the spell category you use most is wise because it will allow you to add extra effects to the spells and lower the regen time. But you will also want skills in things like Armor Lore (which will allow you to wear armor without effecting the regeneration time of your spells and give extra defense) and Tactics (which will allow you to use modificiations for weapons, increase your damage and change for critical hits). If you hit left and right on the skills selection screen it will cycle through the different types of skills, the first one it brings you to is just the skills associated with your magic spells.

6) The more you upgrade spells, the longer the regen rate will be. However, there are ways to reduce this. One is by upgrading the Skill associated with the class the magic is from (each character has 3 different classes of magic, they are listed on the "Combat Arts" screen). The skill associated with the spell will allow you to upgrade it to a certain level without any regen penalty. When you upgrade this skill, this level will increase and you will also gain new attributes for your spell. Increasing your stamina and wearing certain items will also help reduce your regen time. But you want to keep your regen time in mind when you are decided whether or not to upgrade a spell further.

7) As you upgrade your "Skills," at certain levels, the skills associated with a certain group of Combat Arts (your spells) will grant you attribute points to put into your spells. These appear as little numbers next to red dots on your Combat Arts screen. These are not level upgrades (again, you get those from runes), rather they are extra attributes you add on top of your spells. You can add 3 total attribute upgrades to each spell. Each tiem you upgrade, you will have two options. When you select a spell to upgrade, it will show two paths with a description at the bottom the denotes the difference. You may bounce back and forth between these two paths at will.
Diseased Yak said:
For instance, you might see this sword:

Awesome Sword of Awesome
Sword Weapons
Damage 120 - 220
All Combat Arts +3
Scything Sweep (Sword Weapons) +5

Where do I find your "Awesome Sword of Awesome," that sword sounds fantastic. :lol

Are there really swords that add values to ALL your combat arts?
EternalGamer said:
Where do I find your "Awesome Sword of Awesome," that sword sounds fantastic. :lol

Are there really swords that add values to ALL your combat arts?

Hahaha, for all I know there is indeed a sword in the game with such a name. Perhaps it's on an uncharted island called "Awesome Island".

I'm currently wielding a two-handed hammer that has +3 to all combat arts, so yep they are out there. It's a 3-star level weapon.

Speaking of sweet islands to visit, I found something I never knew about from playing the PC version: In the huge city Thylisium (or whatever), if you go down to the docks, there are two different row boats that transport you to one small island (which I forget the name of) and another larger island called "Jail Island". I walked around a bit and didn't see much except for a dungeon entrance, which I left without exploring. Figured there would be a quest associated with it later.

I love finding things like that, and this game is full of 'em.


EternalGamer said:
Where do I find your "Awesome Sword of Awesome," that sword sounds fantastic. :lol

Are there really swords that add values to ALL your combat arts?

Yep. I got a few items that add +(x) to all Arts so far. I'm only in the mid-20's. Cool too is that you can smith a ring etc that adds to all as well to increase it even more.


So, I know it's never going to happen (and may have already been asked, so I apologize if that's the case), but is there any rumor of a demo for Sacred getting out there soon? If I could try a short demo, I could at least tell if it's going to destroy my eyes to play it on a non-HD screen.

I want to run out and buy this like you guys can't imagine, and it makes me a sad panda not to know if I should =p


Retro said:
So, I know it's never going to happen (and may have already been asked, so I apologize if that's the case), but is there any rumor of a demo for Sacred getting out there soon? If I could try a short demo, I could at least tell if it's going to destroy my eyes to play it on a non-HD screen.

I want to run out and buy this like you guys can't imagine, and it makes me a sad panda not to know if I should =p

Not to be a downer, but a lot of the text is really small. On my HD set I can read everything fine from the floor or love seat fairly close to the TV, but my wife can't see shit for text from the couch a few feet away.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Shit , I have a Non-HD screen too... is that a deal breaker?


Cahill said:
Not to be a downer, but a lot of the text is really small. On my HD set I can read everything fine from the floor or love seat fairly close to the TV, but my wife can't see shit for text from the couch a few feet away.

Yep, that's pretty much the dilemma. :lol
Quick question, is any body playing a succesful High Elf build that is using all three aspects fully.

Right now I have both lore and focus taken in Mystic Stormite and Delphic Arcana but with it being the only primary magic class, I figure it could be done. I don't even use weapons, I have staffs that boost my stats and sometimes I'll wack something with the staff:D I figure it would leave her with open slots.

Edit: If you are not using a High Elf and come across any pieces to the armor set Faladal's Blizzard and would trade it, please let me know. This is a standing offer.


Retro said:
Yep, that's pretty much the dilemma. :lol

Not many choices for these games on consoles and it's actually pretty good so far (bout 20 hours into it between two chars). Hate to see people pass because of the text. :(


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I asked this earlier and didn't get an answer, so sorry for the repost -

- If I have the sword skill, when a sword drops, are the stats displayed on it already being modified by my skill, or not? Example:

- I have a sword skill at about lvl 10, which grants 41 additional attack value. I pick up a new sword, and a new mace. They both list their dmg as 60-80. Will I ACTUALLY do 101-121 dmg with the sword, thanks to my skill?

Liking this game, but if so, those skill modifiers should really be displayed on the weapon panel. -_- I find myself getting axe/pike drops that have more base dmg than my sword, and then I have to tab back and forth to add together my sword's dmg and my sword skill dmg to figure out which is better, overall.


Anerythristic said:
Quick question, is any body playing a succesful High Elf build that is using all three aspects fully.

Right now I have both lore and focus taken in Mystic Stormite and Delphic Arcana but with it being the only primary magic class, I figure it could be done. I don't even use weapons, I have staffs that boost my stats and sometimes I'll wack something with the staff:D I figure it would leave her with open slots.

Edit: If you are not using a High Elf and come across any pieces to the armor set Faladal's Blizzard and would trade it, please let me know. This is a standing offer.

I'm not sure that it's even feasible to take all aspects. With Lore and Focus on each, thats 6 of your 10 skills gone right there. That doesn't leave you with a lot of options.

I have a 38 HE right now, but I focused solely on Pyro. I also added Delphic Focus but just to mod Grand Invigoration.

I have Faladal's Finesse (the feet). It doesn't do me much good since I chose the pyro route, so I will gladly trade it to you. I'm looking for the rest of the Celdrahil set. I have the Wrath and Devotion pieces so far.


A buddy of mine is playing this (360) on a shitty CRT TV. He says he can't read any of the text. Any way to help him out?
GDJustin said:
- I have a sword skill at about lvl 10, which grants 41 additional attack value. I pick up a new sword, and a new mace. They both list their dmg as 60-80. Will I ACTUALLY do 101-121 dmg with the sword, thanks to my skill?

I think this is the way it works. What I usually do is check what my overall damage stat is, the one listed under Overview, and then equip the new weapon I'm wondering about, and go see how it measures up. There are so many factors that go into a weapons damage, though, that often that's the best way to be sure.

Stuff like adding points to Combat Arts, or +% to criticals, or physical damage, all that goes into figuring your overall damage. I believe it's correct to say that the raw damage listed on the weapon (like 60-80, etc) isn't representative of what it will actually do once everything is figured in.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
At PuMa -

Damn, I'll have to look I know from memory that I have two pieces off the Adornments of the Ancestors set (greaves and gloves) but that is the Arcana set.

I fell you on the other things you said, I hadn't thought about all the slots it would take til after I actually thought it through. I have lore and focus in two aspects because I am contantly casting magic I will use ice, then use an arcana attack,then ice, then arcana...


Diseased Yak said:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
You're correct. You can see bonusses and stuff in your profile tab (press rb). You can just pass the weapon on to someone else if you need to check it :)
Well guys after playing for the weekend. I'm at level 24 with my inquisitor around 20 hours of play time. Ive got one set peice. Some wicked arm bands. Ive been having a blast playing this game. Just got the achievement for getting 20% of all side quests completed. Barely touched the main story.

Overall this game is my new crack and def worht the 60 dollars. You get so much damn content its not even funny. I do have some issues like character movement freezing at random, and some other odd moments or graphical glitches. Aside from this though game has been really, really good to me.

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