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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!

Tom Penny

Hammer24 said:
According to the Wiki its an offensive secondary skill for the SW. You can only choose it, if one of your primary offensive skills (sword weapons/hafted weapons/pole arms or tactics lore) reaches lvl 5.

There isn't even a screen that shows "Lore" ( PS3 version). How do I even know what I am rated at? I've gone through every menu screen.


Hammer24 said:
So these don´t count? Is there a limit for those?
You can have all 15 if you like but it's better to pick 1-2 aspects (each aspect has 5 combat arts) because of the regeneration time.


Black Canada Mafia
Ugh, I hate my girlfriend. She picked up bargaining, and now she keeps finding banging gear off of vendors. I'm lucky to find one piece that is any good for me, and she keeps on finding more than she needs. And she also keeps getting gear with "chance to find valuables +%" her total is at +12% right now, and there is a noticeable increase. She's found three 3 star pieces already, lucky none of them are things she can wear, so she cant rub that in my face.

The only revenge I've gotten was when we fired up the game last, her horse disappeared. Mwahahahahahahahaha! I don't know why it happened though, and now I am afraid for my horse.

Tom Penny said:
So nobody knows how dual wielding works. Maybe Shadow Warrior doesn't have the option? Anyone know?

Oh dude it's simple. For Dual Wield you need to have 5 points into an offensive skill like... swords, or tactics or hafted weapons or whatever. Once you hit 5 points in that, it will unlock Dual Wield. Each section of skills has skills like that, there are skills you can only get once you put 5 points into that tree of skills - like in general you can't get like... bargaining until you have 5 points into a general skill.

The default skills varies from character type to character type, and of course some are restricted to certain characters. General skills as another example, blacksmithing is one of the main skills but you need 5 points in general skills to get bargaining. High elves have bargaining as a main skill, but can't even learn blacksmithing (if I remember correctly).

Hope that helps!


Alright, so the armors change your appearance then. Are there many armors/helmets and all that?

I've tried looking for this info but I couldn't find anything on google! Sorry :(

EDIT - Another question. How is the transition from online to offline? Like, you have to create a new 'game' to play online, or you can just 'call' someone to your session and they go to your world, or what? Up to 4 people at the same time, right?


Aurora said:

Are you in the UK? What console did you get it for? Also, your Seraphim build looks pretty good. I take it you're not going to dual wield?

Germany, 360.
I´m not going to dual wield, because I want to mainly do magical attacks (radiant pillar focus). Close combat only for selfdefense (thus the shield and armor), and assailing somersault to get out of tight spots.
Does the build make sense for this?


Mik2121 said:
Alright, so the armors change your appearance then. Are there many armors/helmets and all that?

I've tried looking for this info but I couldn't find anything on google! Sorry :(

There is a metric butt-load of weapons and armor. Loot to your hearts content.


Tobor said:
There is a metric butt-load of weapons and armor. Loot to your hearts content.
That sounds awesome.

I'm a HUGE loot whore so this was one of the things that worried me the most. Many stuff to do around? Tell me more good things about this! The wikipedia page is soooooooo limited, and I'd rather have a nice short review or just bullet-points made by you guys that are playing the game a lot, rather than from IGN or Gamespot.
Mik2121 said:
That sounds awesome.

I'm a HUGE loot whore so this was one of the things that worried me the most. Many stuff to do around? Tell me more good things about this! The wikipedia page is soooooooo limited, and I'd rather have a nice short review or just bullet-points made by you guys that are playing the game a lot, rather than from IGN or Gamespot.

There are an assload of side quests. I made it to chapter 2 with around 65 quests completed. Ive been playing for around 9 hours.


bjaelke said:
You can have all 15 if you like but it's better to pick 1-2 aspects (each aspect has 5 combat arts) because of the regeneration time.

So with the three ones I´m planning for I should be good?

Kinitari said:
She's found three 3 star pieces already, lucky none of them are things she can wear, so she cant rub that in my face.


Mik2121 said:
Alright, so the armors change your appearance then. Are there many armors/helmets and all that?




... and these are just the rare ones!

EDIT - Another question. How is the transition from online to offline? Like, you have to create a new 'game' to play online, or you can just 'call' someone to your session and they go to your world, or what? Up to 4 people at the same time, right?

Depends on how you set your game. Usually its seemless, others can join your game anytime.


Hammer24 said:
Germany, 360.
I´m not going to dual wield, because I want to mainly do magical attacks (radiant pillar focus). Close combat only for selfdefense (thus the shield and armor), and assailing somersault to get out of tight spots.
Does the build make sense for this?
It seems good, although people with similar builds have said that it is quite inefficient for boss fights. Have a look at this thread which has some advice and feedback on a similar build. Hope it helps.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Fuck it!

As a SD TV ownder I'm gonna take a risk and buy this game,if the game is unreadable I'm gonna cry for the rest of the month and blame someone else
Mik2121 said:
That sounds awesome.

I'm a HUGE loot whore so this was one of the things that worried me the most. Many stuff to do around? Tell me more good things about this! The wikipedia page is soooooooo limited, and I'd rather have a nice short review or just bullet-points made by you guys that are playing the game a lot, rather than from IGN or Gamespot.

I'm about 23 hours in with a level 26. Ive done over 100 quests with only like 3 of them consisting of being the main quest line. This game is massive just like the boner this game gives me consistantly. :lol


dgenx said:
Fuck it!

As a SD TV ownder I'm gonna take a risk and buy this game,if the game is unreadable I'm gonna cry for the rest of the month and blame someone else
At worst you can just VGA your console to your PC monitor for guaranteed HD. Why don't you do that anyway? I think you explained why but I forgot.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
PC Monitor is old as fuck, something like this



Last few questions (I hope!):

- Is this game good enough even on singleplayer?

- Can you play through the whole game on multiplayer like in Diablo II?

- How good is the online? Laggy? I'm in Japan so I'm a bit worried about this because I would have to play with people from the US or Europe.

- Say I'm playing alone and one friend comes by (in Real Life), could he join me? I heard there's a 2-players mode. Could he join me even if I'm like, level 10 or whatever, and still stand a chance? I guess I would have to go back to some area with low-level enemies, right?

- I heard the map is very big. Are there loading screens in-between areas? If so, is each area pretty big?. Also, are the areas like "corridors" or you can free-roam? Any pic of the whole map? :p

(edited with a couple new things)


Aurora said:
It seems good, although people with similar builds have said that it is quite inefficient for boss fights. Have a look at this thread which has some advice and feedback on a similar build. Hope it helps.

Thanks for the link! They seem to go the same direction I´m planning to take.
Mik2121 said:
Last few questions (I hope!):

- Is this game good enough even on singleplayer?

- Can you play through the whole game on multiplayer like in Diablo II?

- How good is the online? Laggy? I'm in Japan so I'm a bit worried about this because I would have to play with people from the US or Europe.

- Say I'm playing alone and one friend comes by, could he join me? I heard there's a 2-players mode. Could he join me even if I'm like, level 10 or whatever, and still stand a chance? I guess I would have to go back to some area with low-level enemies, right?

- I heard the map is very big. Are there loading screens in-between areas? If so, is each area pretty big?. Also, are the areas like "corridors" or you can free-roam?

Alright for the first question. Yes, the simple strive to completed quests and get better loot, see different areas is consistant in single and multiplayer.

Second quest. Yes the ENTIRE game can be played with co-op but let it be know if you join a persons game, all the quests your working on is for that person not your game, though you keep all experience, loots, etc for your character back on your game. So if you wanna do your quests, its best you host.

Third. Not sure about playing with people from Japan but the game is pretty good online from my experience and I mostly play with people online. Never checked to see where they were coming from though.

Forth. A friend can join but there is a max 10 level gap. Though I dont know how this effects a person joining your game locally, but I'd assume the same rules apply.

edit for your sneaky extra!! :D

As for loading its all streamlined. Occasionally in towns you will get a few screen thats need to load for a few seconds but its mostly load free and the loads that are there are extremely short for such a open ended game. I'd highly suggest putting this on the hard drive. Considering how many hour you will end up playing, consider it doing your disc drive on your xbox a favor! :lol And yes the map is HUGE! Over 20 hours in and just about ready to leave the first area of the game! Yeah.... HUGEEEEEEEEEE.
So I hit level 27 last night. Got the 1 million gold achievement at around level 24. Finally upgraded my 2hand hammer with a massive 2hand axe that's just ungodly. In Overview it tells me my max damage is 513, and I've seen criticals well over 700 with it. I miss the aluminum bat ping I had when cracking skulls with the hammer, though.

I finished up most quests in Thylisium, including the Lich quest in the Old Port. That's a great fight since the undead elites keep coming back from the dead. Nothing like killing things 3 times over. After finishing up most everything in the city, I headed out east and started the ball rolling on the Undead Legion quest. I love that one, so fun!


Mik2121 said:
Last few questions (I hope!):

- Is this game good enough even on singleplayer?

- Can you play through the whole game on multiplayer like in Diablo II?

- How good is the online? Laggy? I'm in Japan so I'm a bit worried about this because I would have to play with people from the US or Europe.

- Say I'm playing alone and one friend comes by (in Real Life), could he join me? I heard there's a 2-players mode. Could he join me even if I'm like, level 10 or whatever, and still stand a chance? I guess I would have to go back to some area with low-level enemies, right?

- I heard the map is very big. Are there loading screens in-between areas? If so, is each area pretty big?. Also, are the areas like "corridors" or you can free-roam? Any pic of the whole map? :p

(edited with a couple new things)

I'll try to answer a few.

- Yes

- Yes (single/multi are pretty seamless you can play solo or continue the entire with people in/out of your game)

- Lag varies. Seems "OK" overall. Host is the server so it kind of depends on their/your connection.

- Yes friends can join for 2 player local. 10 level difference limit in online, not sure about local.

- World is friggin HUGE. Towns seem to load more than the overall world. Lots of caves etc to explore as well: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Map_of_Ancaria


Diseased Yak said:
In Overview it tells me my max damage is 513, and I've seen criticals well over 700 with it.

Could you post a screenshot of your character with the stats? Might be interesting to compare builds.
Spent over 200,000 upgrading gold slot armor and weapons last night for almost all - regen time. It was well worth it my glacial thorns spell is essentially an automatic ice shotgun at this point.

Edit - Also a tip for any HE user using Mystic Stormite, make sure you mod Frost Flare for area damage and max damage over time, then hit a mob with it, then use shadow step to teleport through them for confusion, the entire mob will be dead before they break out of confusion.
Anerythristic said:
Spent over 200,000 upgrading gold slot armor and weapons last night for almost all - regen time. It was well worth it my glacial thorns spell is essentially an automatic ice shotgun at this point.

Now you just gotta run around quoting Army of Darkness. "This... is my BOOMSTICK!":lol
Hammer24 said:
Could you post a screenshot of your character with the stats? Might be interesting to compare builds.

Sure thing, it'll be tonight though, at work now :(

I've mostly been putting points into Tactics Lore (keeping it even with my character level), and putting my attribute points into strength. Also been pumping up Armor Lore and recently picked up Hafted Weapons.


I'm cribbing my Temple Guardian off a build I found on the Sacred Forums.

So far he has Hafted Weapons, Tactic Lore, Devout Guardian, and Armor Lore. I'll be adding Bargaining and Blacksmithing to make a treasure hunting bad ass!

Cool thing about the Temple Guardian, with Battle Extension you grow a Doc Ock style tentacle arm that adds a Dual Wield attack on command. SO awesome.


Mik2121 said:
Last few questions (I hope!):

- Is this game good enough even on singleplayer?

- Can you play through the whole game on multiplayer like in Diablo II?

- How good is the online? Laggy? I'm in Japan so I'm a bit worried about this because I would have to play with people from the US or Europe.

- Say I'm playing alone and one friend comes by (in Real Life), could he join me? I heard there's a 2-players mode. Could he join me even if I'm like, level 10 or whatever, and still stand a chance? I guess I would have to go back to some area with low-level enemies, right?

- I heard the map is very big. Are there loading screens in-between areas? If so, is each area pretty big?. Also, are the areas like "corridors" or you can free-roam? Any pic of the whole map? :p

(edited with a couple new things)

Yes. Its great on singleplayer.

Yes. The whole game.

Online works well. Can't say how the lag would be in japan.

Yes, there is local co-op for 2 players. You share the same screen, can rotate the camera, but can't zoom in/out. The 2 of you can also go online together. If one of you is a significantly lower level than the other, it will be harder yes, but that person will catch up very quickly.

The map is ginormous. And the picture of the map is very deceiving. Loading only occurs briefly going in and out of dungeons/caves and teleporting. And does it on-the-fly in towns. There is also a free world mode.
Concept17 said:
The map is ginormous. And the picture of the map is very deceiving. Loading only occurs briefly going in and out of dungeons/caves and teleporting. And does it on-the-fly in towns. There is also a free world mode.

I don't know if it makes that big of a difference, but I installed it on my harddrive and the loading never takes more than 3-4 seconds to go into the dungeons. The only other time it loads is in the towns and it is an "on the fly" loading that doesn't even go to a load screen or stop you moving, it just has little disc that appears on the screen that prevents the screen from scrolling up for like 2 seconds.


Hey, if you guys would post screens of you character (preferably with a short description), I´d rework the OP and collect them there as a gallery.


Anerythristic said:
Spent over 200,000 upgrading gold slot armor and weapons last night for almost all - regen time. It was well worth it my glacial thorns spell is essentially an automatic ice shotgun at this point.

Edit - Also a tip for any HE user using Mystic Stormite, make sure you mod Frost Flare for area damage and max damage over time, then hit a mob with it, then use shadow step to teleport through them for confusion, the entire mob will be dead before they break out of confusion.
I do that with Incendiary Shower (meteor) + it has initial stun as well.


Hammer24 said:
Hey, if you guys would post screens of you character (preferably with a short description), I´d rework the OP and collect them there as a gallery.

Ermm... I would, but my characters look about as uncool as possible with all the mutt shit I currently have them in. ;)


so....is this game awesome? y/n (circle one)

I may have to pick it up. I'm actually surprised how well it's being received.


Tom Penny said:
There isn't even a screen that shows "Lore" ( PS3 version). How do I even know what I am rated at? I've gone through every menu screen.

Sorry, forgot to answer.
Bring up your character screen, then cycle through with the triggers. Highlight the art/skill and it tells you what level you have.
Mamesj said:
so....is this game awesome? y/n (circle one)

I may have to pick it up. I'm actually surprised how well it's being received.

Read through the thread. It contains about a thousand "yes." I think there may have been ONE guy somewhere in there that had some problems that prevented him from really enjoying it. Everyone else is having a blast.

A word of warning that it is a little rough around the edges with some minor glitches, but the actual game is great and even better online co-op. There is also a patch coming to address some of the issues.


Definitely the surprise of the generation for me. Wasn't even on my radar two months ago, but it came flying out of left field and punched me right in the cooter.

I can easily envision multiple runs through Ancaria until D3 hits.
Mamesj said:
so....is this game awesome? y/n (circle one)

I may have to pick it up. I'm actually surprised how well it's being received.

Awesome, if your entire association with hack and slash games is playing a bunch of import korean grind games.
bjaelke said:
I do that with Incendiary Shower (meteor) + it has initial stun as well.

I used both types, I am pretty sure both aspects have comparable spells. I think Ardent Pyromancer is more powerful (damage wise) and Mystic Stormite is faster (faster regen, quicker to cast) at their base levels.


syllogism said:
Somehow I don't think this game would be quite as well received among you folks had you played it on PC

i played the pre-release PC demo and didn't like it. but since I understand that it got cleaned up nicely, I thought I'd check back in on it.

looks like this is my next game after Vesperia.


syllogism said:
It's just the kind of flawed, unpolished and buggy european game gaf loves to hate/ignore. It wasn't really well received among more forgiving pc gamers.
Ahh. I thought you talked about the console port AFTER we had played the PC version


syllogism said:
Somehow I don't think this game would be quite as well received among you folks had you played it on PC
If you're planning to fuck up this thread like you tried to do in the Mass Effect teaser thread, then save your breath. We're not buying.
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Is that a stab at the game?

It is a 'The game isn't all that great unless you haven't played a lot of action hack and slash PC RPG games". I can see someone enjoying it from a tabula rasa standpoint, but I could get more out of tieing a five dollar bill to a string, sticking a peice of gum on it, and fishing in the Bestbuy bargain PC bin.
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