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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!


Diseased Yak said:
Then again, I have 2 million+ gold and nothing to spend it on, so maybe not...

The gold thing is just becoming a joke for me. I think I exceeded four million gold yesterday, and despite wasting money enhancing a bunch of armor and trading in runes that I don't want for runes that I do, I'm just amassing more and more gold.
Kauza said:
The gold thing is just becoming a joke for me. I think I exceeded four million gold yesterday, and despite wasting money enhancing a bunch of armor and trading in runes that I don't want for runes that I do, I'm just amassing more and more gold.

Yup, though at higher levels it becomes really expensive to socket stuff. Plus there's rebuying mounts, should yours die. Still, lots of gold with not a lot to spend it on.
Aurora said:
My friend has a level 170 character on PC version. He gets 10-15 million gold per enemy kill :lol

Dear god!

Also, a Gheed would be awesome! There's your DLC idea, Ascaron! Give us a gambling hall to blow money in.


Aurora said:
My friend has a level 170 character on PC version. He gets 10-15 million gold per enemy kill :lol

Every character past level 150 is given a Scrooge-McDuck-style vault in which to go swimming, right?

Yeah, we either need some gambling or some Fable 2 property purchasing.


Diseased Yak said:
It means just that one item is boosted in selling price. I was confused by this at first, too. Really wish it applied to everything you sell when you have something like that equip'd hah!

Then again, I have 2 million+ gold and nothing to spend it on, so maybe not...

Have you been blacksmithing? That get's crazy expensive. Also, you can put those rings and stuff into your weapons/armor and it will increase the sell price of your items by that much.

Edit after reading other posts: Okay, so I guess money is never an issue? For that matter neither are heath potions, which is why I guess there isn't a pure healer class.

Huh, so the game's framerate is better at 720p than 1080p? I'll have to give that a shot, not that it bothers me much other than some of the CAs seem to cause slowdown if I'm zoomed in.


Brashnir said:
360 version runs terribly on 1080p, badly on 720p and pretty well on 480p for the sake of comparison.

According to a Sacred 2 dev this makes no difference. The game always renders @1080p. However, when I insert the disc in the ps3 next month I'm expecting a game which has a constant 25FPS at best. Yeah, that's sad considerd how much better this game could shine with more polish.


I'm on the PS3 version 1080p.

Only put about half an hour to an hour into the game thus far but yeah the framerate is noticeably bad right from the start. It seems to hold steady in the mid to high 20s. The screen tearing is horrible as well and this is coming from someone who rarely gets bothered by screen tearing.

I'm thinking of running it in 720p to see if it improves but it's going to be annoying to repeatedly switch my PS3 video settings around just to play a game.

EDIT: Just read Thrakier's remarks so yeah never mind about the settings.


Yeah, let me know if it's working better. The devs also claimed that the PS3 version is running fine (acutally it seems to be the opposite) so maybe they were wrong again.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
The devs had sid anything about a text fixin in the patch? or was it a dream?
Brashnir said:
360 version runs terribly on 1080p, badly on 720p and pretty well on 480p for the sake of comparison.

All this depends upon your notion of "terribly" and 'badly." The game seems to hover around 30 frames per second, it's easily on par with the average game last gen. It's not smooth as ice, but it is fine and totally playable. I'm not sure what you people who are complaining about the frame rate in this game did last generation when this was the norm.

The game itself is still a blast. Three of my friends have picked it up and all of them are really digging it. In my opinion, it is one of the best co-op games on the 360.

Musashi Wins!

I guess I enjoy it enough to put up with it, but the frame rate is a bit sketchy on PS3. The screen tearing is definitely more annoying, though I've played worse :(

Musashi Wins!

Thrakier said:
So which game was worse than that...?

I'm having trouble remembering, but the tear here is a rather regular vsync issue, without the ugly tear you sometimes get in games that have awful problems with it. It's not that pronounced, but it is obvious.


Level 22, finally made it to Thylysium tonight. This game is massive; it hit me when I realized how many quests were in the city alone.

I got a Temjin-lookalike helmet for my Seraphim tonight to go with her techno future boots. She needs to start blasting some techno or cliqhop to complete the look.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
He was just warning you that the monsters beyond that bridge are more powerful than the monsters before it. Relax. :D

Oh ok,I been across that bridge many times,all the enemies are 4 levels higher than me now :lol


Is there a blind gaurdian quest bug? I just found the guitar and it says I need to find the sticks. But Im standing on the next quest point which is in an empty camp, but nothing is happening.

edit: whew! Saving and going back fixed it.

BTW running the 360 version in 1080P and framerate is good most of the time. I tried 720 but didn't see any improvement in the fps, just a drop in picture quality. So I switched back.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
I apologize for not reading each post, skimming instead, but is there any update about the patching status for

a) the imp, and,
b) the general gameplay issues?

I've had a couple of freeze ups in the last few days, neither of which were too much of a waste of time, but which were annoying nonetheless. Aside from that, I've started 4 characters, all around level 20, and I am as happy as a pig in shit with this game....:lol
tekumseh said:
I apologize for not reading each post, skimming instead, but is there any update about the patching status for

a) the imp, and,
b) the general gameplay issues?

I've had a couple of freeze ups in the last few days, neither of which were too much of a waste of time, but which were annoying nonetheless. Aside from that, I've started 4 characters, all around level 20, and I am as happy as a pig in shit with this game....:lol

A patch has been sent to MS for certification. Just waiting for it to be approved.


Thrakier said:
According to a Sacred 2 dev this makes no difference. The game always renders @1080p. However, when I insert the disc in the ps3 next month I'm expecting a game which has a constant 25FPS at best. Yeah, that's sad considerd how much better this game could shine with more polish.

Did he say it makes no difference on both version or just the PS3 one. If he said it about both, i can tell you he is certifiably full of shit.

Around 25fps is about right for the 360 version at 720p. It's less at 1080p, and generally runs at 30 at 480p, except in the big cities and a few other areas with lots of geometry.

Even at 1080p, it's still playable though. Since it's a top-down perspective, the framerate has very little impact on gameplay. It just makes the game look like crap every time you travel more than a few feet.

EternalGamer said:
A patch has been sent to MS for certification. Just waiting for it to be approved.

has this been confirmed? Last I heard, all that was said was someone from the publisher posted on teamxbox that the patch should be out soon. He never said anything about sending it to MS.

edit - nevermind, I see on the forum that the same guy said it was sent to MS.


Xenon said:
BTW running the 360 version in 1080P and framerate is good most of the time. I tried 720 but didn't see any improvement in the fps, just a drop in picture quality. So I switched back.

Same here - After 50+ hours at 1080p I put it on 720p and didn't notice any difference in framerate then switched it back.


Brashnir said:
Did he say it makes no difference on both version or just the PS3 one. If he said it about both, i can tell you he is certifiably full of shit.

About both. I'm quite sure he's reading it so maybe he can say something himself. Is also on beyond 3D.

Around 25fps is about right for the 360 version at 720p. It's less at 1080p, and generally runs at 30 at 480p, except in the big cities and a few other areas with lots of geometry.

Less than 25FPS??? If this is true how can anyone in this thread say that the game runs "fine". Even 25 is horrible.


Brashnir said:
Did he say it makes no difference on both version or just the PS3 one. If he said it about both, i can tell you he is certifiably full of shit.

Around 25fps is about right for the 360 version at 720p. It's less at 1080p, and generally runs at 30 at 480p, except in the big cities and a few other areas with lots of geometry.
Either you're playing with the camera fully zoomed out (which, admittedly, takes a noticeable hit on fps) or else you need new eyes from ebay. I'm playing the 360 version at 1080p, with a static camera and zoomed in at roughly 60%, with very few drops under 30. Believe me, I should know, as I've suffered through Two Worlds from beginning to end. Of course, I also realize that fiddling around with the perspective isn't an option for co-op play.


So would you guys who have both versions say the controls and local coop of the 360 version trumps the graphics of the PC version? Did they ever fix the item trading for local coop?

Musashi Wins!

Zzoram said:
So would you guys who have both versions say the controls and local coop of the 360 version trumps the graphics of the PC version? Did they ever fix the item trading for local coop?

I'm torn about it as I got a little better with the PC controls. It runs at full at a buttery 50fps with all effects at full on my pc. It's easier to do everything else with less bugs too.


GreekWolf said:
Either you're playing with the camera fully zoomed out (which, admittedly, takes a noticeable hit on fps) or else you need new eyes from ebay. I'm playing the 360 version at 1080p, with a static camera and zoomed in at roughly 60%, with very few drops under 30. Believe me, I should know, as I've suffered through Two Worlds from beginning to end. Of course, I also realize that fiddling around with the perspective isn't an option for co-op play.

I always play zoomed all the way out in top-down games. I don't think I could stand playing any other way.


This game has gotten shit reviews from IGN and gametrailers and the like. Not sure if i should bother.

Im a fan of diablo type games but i dont know..


GreekWolf said:
Either you're playing with the camera fully zoomed out (which, admittedly, takes a noticeable hit on fps) or else you need new eyes from ebay. I'm playing the 360 version at 1080p, with a static camera and zoomed in at roughly 60%, with very few drops under 30. Believe me, I should know, as I've suffered through Two Worlds from beginning to end. Of course, I also realize that fiddling around with the perspective isn't an option for co-op play.

Meh, meh and double meh. I so wish that they would have made a better port. I really want to love the game, loved the first one. Otherwise I wouldn't be in this thread anymore...

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I went and recreated my character yesterday since I wasnt really loving the shield sword warrior and made a dual wield warrior. He owns shit so quickly now. I have my 2 skeleton soldiers with me as I do frenzied rampage attacks and then a combo of dem. blow and s. sweep and I just own everything. My screen, if there is enough mobs will just fill with XP gained above my head its funny.
Ok, so I took the plunge, and started last night. I'm sure there are plenty of posts like mine sprinkled throughout the thread, but what they hell am I doing? I'm a level 3 seraphim but I haven't picked any skills or done anything to my character, because I have no idea what's going on.

I suppose I need to go spend some quality time with the wiki, but is there a beginner's faq to explain the mechanics anywhere?


Revengeance said:
Ok, so I took the plunge, and started last night. I'm sure there are plenty of posts like mine sprinkled throughout the thread, but what they hell am I doing? I'm a level 3 seraphim but I haven't picked any skills or done anything to my character, because I have no idea what's going on.

I suppose I need to go spend some quality time with the wiki, but is there a beginner's faq to explain the mechanics anywhere?
There was one added to the OP, check it out :)

Corran Horn said:
I went and recreated my character yesterday since I wasnt really loving the shield sword warrior and made a dual wield warrior. He owns shit so quickly now. I have my 2 skeleton soldiers with me as I do frenzied rampage attacks and then a combo of dem. blow and s. sweep and I just own everything. My screen, if there is enough mobs will just fill with XP gained above my head its funny.
Did you change difficulty to Silver this time?
~Kinggi~ said:
This game has gotten shit reviews from IGN and gametrailers and the like. Not sure if i should bother.

Im a fan of diablo type games but i dont know..

These posts bother me a little and I will explain to you why.

If you are going soley by reviews the games metacritic s 75 green and generally favorable. That is about where it is at for me personally it is an extemely fun and deep 8 due to minor bugs.

You also have a shit ton of disclosure from GAF, complete with gameplay, tips, and screenshots.


Revengeance said:
Ok, so I took the plunge, and started last night. I'm sure there are plenty of posts like mine sprinkled throughout the thread, but what they hell am I doing? I'm a level 3 seraphim but I haven't picked any skills or done anything to my character, because I have no idea what's going on.

I suppose I need to go spend some quality time with the wiki, but is there a beginner's faq to explain the mechanics anywhere?
I think the general consensus here (which I agree with) is that your first character should not be your primary. That is, just pick a class, start a new game and play around with it a bit until you gradually become accustomed to the skill/rune system. It may take an hour or two to figure out what's going on, but it's definitely worth the time investment. Obviously, scouring the wiki helps to familiarize with the terminology, but I had to actually get into the game world and experiment with different skill modifiers before I felt comfortable with a particular strategy.

If you are going soley by reviews the games metacritic s 75 green and generally favorable.
Agreed. IGN has admitted to submitting their initial review based on a pre-retail build (the rewrite was a farce), and I would wage that GameTrailers followed suit, considering that they detracted points from many of the same "game killing" bugs. Also, how does one explain away the 90+ scores from 1UP and GA?

As a fan of hack&slash, loot collectathons, I've wholeheartedly recommended S2 to several friends, all of whom have been just as pleased with their purchase as I've been. It's roughly the same quality as Divine Divinity (which is the greatest compliment I can give), and a far cry from garbage like Too Human.


Damn, what level were you? And how did it happen? It seems that a lot of the corruptions occur after completing the game on one difficulty and starting on a new one with the same character.

This patch better be released soon to avoid further corruptions!


Gamer @ Heart said:
I just got corrupted.

I dont know what to think right now.

I feel empty.

Sorry for your loss. I'm almost done with the sliver Light campaign. I wouldn't be very happy if my file got corrupted. Were you doing anything special when it happened?
Im paranoid right now so i decided to save on my memory card rather than my hard drive. It was starting to get really slow everytime i saved which makes sense if its loading and saving to the same source.

At least now i get to redo some of those skills choices.

I liked my melee seph but dont want to play my ranged character as another female. Does the shadow warrior get really kick ass looking armor relatively early on?


Pretty early on yes, especially if you choose bargaining as a skill. By the teens you should have some really nice armour.


so i bought the game based on gaf claims (typically horrible idea) but i must say im really liking it. Got it for 360. Everything ive seen of the game has screamed super generic and uninteresting to me, but on my tv screen it is much moire beautiful than i expected. Also, the atmosphere of the game hasnt translated at all in any of the media ive seen for it. I love how i can be in the graveyard hearing moans and crickets at night. Great ambient sounds.

Ive only played for like 30 minutes though so i dont know.

edit: I just read tombstones that said "The cake is a lie!" and "Reserved for critics"

good stuff
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