bjaelke said:I put so much time and effort into that character that I almost(!) cried when I couldn't load the save. I'm not playing the game again before the patch comes out.
Is there anything glitchy or buggy about the PC version?Musashi Wins! said:I went back to the pc version, I'm just too addicted to the pretty and lack of bugs. But I would still get this on console if that were my only option for sure. I think it's better than any game of this type I've played on console before (and BG: DA II was pretty fucking great.)
Really curious about this, specifically. My machine could tear through this much better than my 360 could and I'd love to have my girlfriend play along with me.Hazaro said:Is there anything glitchy or buggy about the PC version?
I read in one review that something about the mini-map(?) was bugged.
I think there was a semi-recent patch though, so is everything all fine?
How does the multiplayer / Co-Op work out on PC?
Also can I have two playing on my PC at once? That L4D hack to use a KB and 360 pad at the same time has always kept me interested.
bjaelke said:I put so much time and effort into that character that I almost(!) cried when I couldn't load the save. I'm not playing the game again before the patch comes out.
Kinitari said:Is there diminishing returns on boss fights or something?
I kinda got lucky with an online game the other day, and got saved to a monolith near the first real boss (that hulking rock thing at the bottom of that canyon). Anyhoo, this is on my level 18 Seraphim. So I decide to make a "free world" game, private and go after it solo - after a bit of trouble I down him and get a wicked ass 3 star spear (er, I forget the exact details, but +3 to all combat skills, +2 battle stance, and 0.5s regen per hit if I remember correct) a real awesome (2 star) helmet (ridiculous defense and +10.5% to finding valuables among other things) and some other pretty good stuff.
This is so awesome, my girlfriend who was watching insists that I make a new game and let her co-op in. We do and she gets a wicked awesome 3 star staff, but that's about it.
I try this a few more times and get pretty much squat, the occasional 2 star item I can use, but no better than what I have, and no more 3 star items.
What the hell! Am I just unlucky? Or does the game know I am farming :3.
Petrie said:Done with this game. Loved it, but after 40 hours with my characters, and getting hit with the savegame glitch, I'm done. 360 version for those wondering.
Revengeance said:So I returned my copy, but they didn't have any additional ones in stock, so it might be a bit before I'm back into the game.
These stories of save corruption have me worried. Is there a way to back up your save to a memory unit every now and then?
Petrie said:No, I actually tried last night. This title does not allow any copying or backing up of saves. Bullshit.
Xevren said:If I had my save file corrupted I'd definitely quit too. It's ridiculous that its taking so long for the patch to get out even though they sent it to MS a week ago for such a huge problem.
EternalGamer said:Well, technically, I think they just sent it to them last Friday. MS hasn't even had one workday yet (today was Memorial Day) since they've had it.
If they got it out by the end of the week, I'd be thrilled. However, I seriously doubt that is even in the realm of possibility. I fear the best scenario involves weeks. The worst (like Castle Crashers) could be months and months.
Long cert times are a hallmark of the MS process. Happens to every game that needs a patch.Xevren said:If I had my save file corrupted I'd definitely quit too. It's ridiculous that its taking so long for the patch to get out even though they sent it to MS a week ago for such a huge problem.
Tobor said:If my level 32 Temple Guardian gets hosed, I'm going to be pissed. Let's hope the patch gets released ASAP.
It took Bethesda a week to get a patch certified for The Pitt expansion.
EternalGamer said:Yeah and that's a best case scenario when there was a single issue. Wasn't it also a universal problem? Much easier to fix and test.
Tobor said:You know what, now that I think about it, that was fixed by re-downloading the expansion, not a patch. That bypasses the certification, right?
Revengeance said:Can you copy the save through the xbox's memory management screens?
purvispisgah said:I've read that a patch is supposed to be coming tomorrow to fix the save bug and add item-swapping in local co-op. Anyone know if this is the case?
I saw you on a bit today. I'm at lvl 48 now, so maybe we can play later this week. Not sure I'll be on later tonight.Jtyettis said:Anyone playing online tonight( 360 version)? Level 53 SW here. Boss runs or whatever.
It's kind of glitchy/exploitive, but the ogre cave is a good way to get some good gear and exp. I haven't done it much, but there's a fair amount of one-three star stuff showing up in the cave. (Well, more one and two star stuff with the occasional three star for me at about lvl 50.) You can pretty much pop in and out picking stuff up until you're full. Just be careful that you don't get killed. :lolAny good tips on running these bosses pretty quickly aka fastest spot to buy a mount back and then roll?
AwRy108 said:Seems to me that the savegame glitch is isolated to the 360 version. Can anyone contest this?
I've been periodically copying my save file to an SD Card (PS3 obviously) just in case.
Petrie said:This may cause me to use the kit I bought to get saves on and off my hard drive to my pc, something up until now I never felt the need to do.
EternalGamer said:Can you do that with the "upgrade" harddrive kit that comes with a 120GB Harddrive?
I'm interested in that, but I think you're on PS3, right? I have the shoulders, greaves, and boots already, iirc.Anerythristic said:Detheyas Agilty Set
Detheyas Cowl
Brashnir said:no. The Datel XSata can do it, but be warned that using it has been known to get people's gamerscores reset.
Hammer24 said:- zoomout factor of ca. 80%
Thrakier said:Not possible in coop and it seems to be the most important point framerate wise.
AwRy108 said:Did you buy the game yet? I've been out of town for a few days.
Thrakier said:It's not out in europe!!! June the 6th it is.
Anerythristic said:Need any piece of Faladal's Blizzard set.
Hammer24 said:Have been away over the weekend, not being able to play. Now reading up on this thread - wow, I just hope I don´t run into some savegame bug, that´d suck. Hopefully the patch comes soon!
For those bitching about framerate - just do what has been written in this thread numerous times:
- install the game to HD
- in the options menu set the camera to "fixed"
- zoomout factor of ca. 80%
I run it at 1080p and apart from the occasional hiccup its smooth more than 90% of the time.
Thrakier said:It's not out in europe!!! June the 6th it is.
PuMa said:I found a few more Faladal's pieces over the past weekend.
Faladal's Cord (Belt)
Faladal's Safe Step (Legs)
Faladal's Finesse (Boots)
All up for trade.