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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!


relies on auto-aim
BudokaiMR2 said:
Also does the camera just suck or am I just not used to it?

hmmm...maybe i will change it to static and see if that helps.
Default camera threw me off so bad. I have it follow my character now.
Lain said:
Got 18 today doing a couple quests, haven't played much lately.
I had found a couple nice pieces of equipment, so went to the blacksmith to put something in the sockets when I noticed those nice pieces of equip were set pieces (was socketing when I noticed the word set ><). It was pretty cool, altho only 1 was for my build really. Didn't expect to start finding them before like level 30 or 40.
Well human enemies and skellies drop more equips, so if you are farming kobolds or ghosts or w/e all you are going to be getting are runes and relics. ;)

I started a Dyrad yesterday, got her to level 24, specced for attack speed and darting asault. I never realized how important socketed items are (8% regen just by normal blacksmithing, half penalties, etc.)

So awesome. Except I used my level 8 bow until 21 :lol Then I found a nice blow...shooter.

I might try to fix my Pyro High Elf (Also 24), but I ate so many runes on Meteor Shower I think I am doomed.

One major thing that annoys me is that the quests are mostly worthless in reward. 2,000 exp for what I could of gotten in killing 5 enemies for? 5,000 gold to add to my 650,000?

I mainly stick with the blue ones or the ones I find interesting. I've finished maybe half, but I've only go back to finish them 33% of the time. Even on a mount move speed sucks :(

*Last thing is that does anyone know when the regen penalties start going down?
Going up 3 seconds for 10 more damage is really frustrating...


Well, after 90 hours, I'm completely bored of my shadow warrior. I took a few days off to enjoy some other games that I've been neglecting over the last month, then decided to start over and roll a high elf.

Crazy as it sounds, I'm having so much more fun playing online with people new to the game. I just picked a random server last night, teamed up with three other level 1 players, and we spent hours running around slaying mobs and completing quests. It was great.


relies on auto-aim
So I have 2 characters, a level 24 HE and 24 dryad, ran around on the HE, then decided to pump bargaining and got 44 after items, bought some +2 All Skill rings / Amulets and some 0.3s regen per hit + 5% exp per kill

Stuck those on my Dyrad with some EP stuff.


I'm wanting to spend some money on a game. Thinking about picking up this game and/or Dead Space.

I really loved Dark Alliance on PS2, but haven't really played a similar game since, so this thread is sort of making me want to grab it, hmmmmmm.


If you aren't put down by technical deficiencies (game has alot of tearing and occasional slowdowns, along with some bugs -talking about PS3 version-), then by all means buy this game. It's a pretty fun game and it's big. I'm still only level 18 because I'm takin it slow, but I think I've played for 30 hours now and only discovered like 9% of the map and still in chapter 1 ><.


relies on auto-aim
Hammer24 said:
Is it just me, or is the money rolling in big time after you crossed lvl50? I think I got 4mil just between lvl 50 and 51.
I had about 1 mil at level 25 on both my characters :lol

Turned one into a trade slave for the other.


Hammer24 said:
I need the breast plate and the trousers. Got three or four Niokaste things, but not sure which.
Lately mainly 3* weapons drop (with unique names), but no more set pieces...

I found a 45 and a 60 for your set bud. I'll check what they are tonight and shoot you a message.
AwRy108 said:
...reading this thread is making me jealous 'cause I'm still waiting for Sony to return mt repaired 60GB unit...

Yeah, you're in my friend list with a pending invitation lol

Anyhow, i'm thinking about going trough the main quest and ignoring the side quests to unlock gold and then go trough gold and do the side quests, just because silver is (at least until now) a bit too easy.

Is it a bad decision?


relies on auto-aim
BudokaiMR2 said:
I might give another character class a shot today. Not really sure which one I want to stick with.
Going from a Pyro HE to a Ranged Dryad I really really miss Blazing Tempest and killing 20 people in 1 hit :lol

I've been struggling to get my regen down on my HE though.


I accidentally deleted my save game, good bye level 45 shadow warrior :(

Slight digression, can somebody explain to me why some XBLA games don't have separate save files on the harddrive?
Hazaro said:
I've been struggling to get my regen down on my HE though.

I keep my mystic stormite focus skill up at my level and have also started raising delphic arcania focus just for grand invigoration, which reduces regen times as well, and also concentration. I have frost flare at around 1.5 seconds, glacial thorns at 5 or so, and raging nimbus at its highest level without penalty, and it's around 10 seconds.

Also, I try to get the strength of the spells up through spell intensity + items and weapons, and through the lore skills, and not through runes. I watch my rune diet very carefully, and went like 15 levels or so without eating any. Now that I have the regen times were I want them, I'll consume runes only as needed.

That scorpion everyone was talking about was laughingly easy for me. I had him slowed so much that he never even touched me. The large green scorpions that roam around in the the desert posed a greater threat, because they're so much faster.


relies on auto-aim
Revengeance said:
I keep my mystic stormite focus skill up at my level and have also started raising delphic arcania focus just for grand invigoration, which reduces regen times as well, and also concentration. I have frost flare at around 1.5 seconds, glacial thorns at 5 or so, and raging nimbus at its highest level without penalty, and it's around 10 seconds.

Also, I try to get the strength of the spells up through spell intensity + items and weapons, and through the lore skills, and not through runes. I watch my rune diet very carefully, and went like 15 levels or so without eating any. Now that I have the regen times were I want them, I'll consume runes only as needed.

That scorpion everyone was talking about was laughingly easy for me. I had him slowed so much that he never even touched me. The large green scorpions that roam around in the the desert posed a greater threat, because they're so much faster.
I got a whole bunch of +Skill items and tacked those on to my HE. Bargaining is awesome.

I'm ridiculously unstoppable now. :lol

Apologies for the stretch.





How do I kill the Forest Guardian?! I wasted a good 500 health potions on trying to down the fucker. I think I´m getting him pretty good - but whenever his life falls below 20% he immediately heals himself tu full strength.
Is there ANY chance to keep him from healing? Any other tips ot hints?
So I recently completed the Light campaign with my Shadow Warrior (Silver difficulty). Here's his stats and what he looked like at the end (actually, these were taken when I restarted over again on Gold):





Damn Yak,you finished the campaign series of quests with only 5.4 % of the game covered ? hehe...didn't think it could be done so low...


Ricker said:
Damn Yak,you finished the campaign series of quests with only 5.4 % of the game covered ? hehe...didn't think it could be done so low...
That's the starting percentage for the gold campaign, not the ending percentage for the silver.
Ricker said:
Ah yeah,just noticed that when I saw the "quests solved" at 0 hehe...

Hehe, yeah, it's at the start of the Gold restart. Which begs the question, why is it showing 5.4% complete? I took that pic even before talking to the dude you wake up next to when starting a new campaign.

I really hate those 2 deaths I got, both of them were from me getting overwhelmed by those disappearing desert sand dudes, the 2nd resulting in my unique mount getting killed out from under me, which cost 1.2 million to replace :|

I'll probably take this character all the way through Gold/Plat/Niobium just to do it, and then restart on Bronze with a Shadow campaign character and run through to get the "Don't buy anything", "explore less than 20% of map", and "don't die" achievements.
Flachmatuch said:
Errr...so you can start on Gold regardless of your level if you clear Silver? Good news, I'm getting very bored of Silver now.

Yup, doesn't matter what your level is, if you beat the main quest in Silver, then at any time past that you can just fire up a new game with that same character under Gold.


I've been playing Too Human lately to satisfy my inside loootwhore but after seeing this thread I'm tempted to buy Sacred 2.
vilmer_ said:
It's WELL worth it :D

Second this! 35 hours in. One inquisotr level 31, light temple guardian level 16. Awesome, awesome game. Taking a break from it now to beat the likes of Ghostbusters and Prototype, but after that its back to Sacred 2 :D


Hammer24 said:
I tried, but to no avail. He resurrects just the same...

I'm not being sarcastic here but you need to do more damage (weakest against fire). Use something with stun/slow as well and just beat the crap outta him. He may get a heal or two in but if he's coming back up to full while you're hitting him with your strongest stuff you're not ready to take him down yet. Doesn't help that he runs away constantly either. On silver I had to go back there a couple times before taking him down. Then we started going back just for fun since he's such an ass. Sometimes he went down quickly, other times seemed to take forever.

Helped my bud finish Gold last night and got killed by the end boss with my Ser when her shield ran out... Ugh. All that SB down to 0%. *shaking head*

So now I have a 50 HE, 55 Ser, 45 Inq (third time I made him - scrapped at 28 and 42) and a 27 TG. Gonna start my Shadow Warrior soon.


Looks like the PS3 patch is out for those that have been waiting.


"PS3 Patch 1.40 now available!

New features
Support for downloadable content has been added
Trading between two players on the same console is now possible
Added the 'Find me' option to the leaderboard
A rare crash was located and fixed
AI related problems during the final boss encounter were fixed
The fourth player joining a multiplayer session now correcty gains the 'Group Hug' achievement
Player characters sometimes were not able to move after teleporting with a mount. This has been fixed.
Additonal changes
Improved player character responsiveness when using ranged weapons
Improved player character responsiveness when using the Temple Guardians weapon arm
Mounts will now appear along with the hero when joining a multiplayer session
Medium potions will now drop for players of level 40 and above, major potions for players of level 80 and above
Spiders using their web attack no longer cause graphical errors
Some minor issues with voice chat and the block list have been fixed
Some graphical issues with the world map have been corrected
The inventory list will no longer scroll downwards when opened using the radial menu
Action buttons are no longer shown when opening the radial menu and using the 'Static HUD' graphics option
It is no longer possible to talk to friendly animals and hirelings
It is no longer possible to talk to town NPCs in Spanish, Italian an Polish versions of 'Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel' since no localized voice data is available for these languages
Players are now informed correctly when a controller is disconnected during gameplay

Your Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel Team"


Crazy awesome bugfix list!

I am still pondering between the PS3 and PC versions... Probably still going to buy the PC version for ultimate mouse control.


Doesn't look like they fixed the Blacksmith bug on consoles though. That's a pretty major oversight (I have PC version though, so that doesn't affect me), but it still odd that it hasn't been fixed.

My TG is level 35 (or 36, can't remember for sure) in Silver and I haven't even completed Chapter 1 yet. I'm 1-2 shotting everything but champion's and bosses now. Amplifying Discharge/Jolting Touch/Dealthy Spears owns everything.


Cahill said:
I'm not being sarcastic here but you need to do more damage (weakest against fire). Use something with stun/slow as well and just beat the crap outta him.

Man, I´m lvl58 by now. I stun him with Flaring Nova + Radiant Pillar, and my BFG (ca. 1500 hp/per shot) plus my Archangels Wrath (ca. 6500hp/per shot) get good chunks out of his health bar. But whenever necessary, he heals - stunned or not. :`-(
I decided to let him keep guarding...


Mashing said:
Doesn't look like they fixed the Blacksmith bug on consoles though. That's a pretty major oversight (I have PC version though, so that doesn't affect me), but it still odd that it hasn't been fixed.

My TG is level 35 (or 36, can't remember for sure) in Silver and I haven't even completed Chapter 1 yet. I'm 1-2 shotting everything but champion's and bosses now. Amplifying Discharge/Jolting Touch/Dealthy Spears owns everything.

There are still a LOT of bugs on the console side. Some are extremely annoying and would seem pretty easy to spot in QA. Community and company reps over at the "official" board specifically avoid any and all smith questions/complaints. Doesn't look promising on that front for us console players.

Hopefully they'll at least bang out a larger patch to fix some of the other annoyances and maybe update the consoles to the similar PC version.

Hammer24 said:
Man, I´m lvl58 by now. I stun him with Flaring Nova + Radiant Pillar, and my BFG (ca. 1500 hp/per shot) plus my Archangels Wrath (ca. 6500hp/per shot) get good chunks out of his health bar. But whenever necessary, he heals - stunned or not. :`-(
I decided to let him keep guarding...

You running solo? I should be on Saturday AM (my time). We'll head down there together if you want.

Went boss hunting a couple nights ago. Bloodclaw, Harpy Queen, couple of the dragons. Was pretty cool. Still have a few sub-bosses I haven't seen...
what a huge game. i have a few issues so far:

- im only at level 5 and i feel overpowered. im killing things in one hit. shouldnt i be struggling in the beginning?

- is there an easy way to optimize how youre equipped? you get way too much loot to be sifting through

- lastly - and this is important - i set up my options to invite-only. how can i set it back so that people can just join?


Cahill said:
You running solo? I should be on Saturday AM (my time). We'll head down there together if you want.

Thx for the offer - but I´ll be finally going on holiday on Saturday. :D

- im only at level 5 and i feel overpowered. im killing things in one hit. shouldnt i be struggling in the beginning?

- is there an easy way to optimize how youre equipped? you get way too much loot to be sifting through

- lastly - and this is important - i set up my options to invite-only. how can i set it back so that people can just join?

- Nope, its beginner friendly. Enemies scale somewhat to you build (at least on the easier difficulties), but get harder in the different areas. I assume you started on Silver at least?

- You can tell the game to preselect, wich items to pick, f.i. 3 stars only.

- Don´t do that. You´ll get random strangers joining your game but not cooping your campaign. Fill your friendslist with GAFers (there is a thread in the online forum), thats the best you can do!


Any tips on a nice to play dryade and warrior guy? My GF is struggling with her Dryad because every attack seems to look the same and do the same. That's not motivating.


Rollo Larson said:
what a huge game. i have a few issues so far:

- im only at level 5 and i feel overpowered. im killing things in one hit. shouldnt i be struggling in the beginning?

- is there an easy way to optimize how youre equipped? you get way too much loot to be sifting through

- lastly - and this is important - i set up my options to invite-only. how can i set it back so that people can just join?
- Which difficulty are you in? If you're in bronze I'm not surprised, in silver most things will take at least a couple of hits (Using my Pyro HE as an example).

- You can configure your loot to only pick up items above a certain star value I believe, can't remember where the option is.

- I'm not entirely sure you can do that, might need to start again.

Nice to see the PS3 patch is out. :)


Rollo Larson said:
what a huge game. i have a few issues so far:

- im only at level 5 and i feel overpowered. im killing things in one hit. shouldnt i be struggling in the beginning?

- is there an easy way to optimize how youre equipped? you get way too much loot to be sifting through

- lastly - and this is important - i set up my options to invite-only. how can i set it back so that people can just join?

Bit early in the game to consider yourself overpowered. ;) Wait till there are huge mobs (not 1-3 dudes) with a bunch of champions later in the game or on higher difficulties... speaking of, are you on bronze or silver? If bronze, I wouldn't bother.. just go straight to silver. Better drops and XP and little more difficulty. Additionally, as you go longer without dying the enemies level up more. No worries, the game can be challenging. Lot of people fly through Silver/Gold/Plat to run in Niob where some people say "the game starts".

Best bet for gear is to sift through it. I think the idea is to check all the crap you get and put on whatcha want.

Which version are you playing? On the 360 it's set whenever you create a game.

EDIT: Wait, for the game setting thing, instead of Continue, choose Start Game, then the Difficulty (of your existing campaign) and Continue Campaign that way. By picking just Continue it's not an actual online game that people can join.
thanks. i started with an inquisitor. right now im just exploring, doing little missions , opening teleporters. i think i will hit that gaf thread instead of opening my game


Thrakier said:
Any tips on a nice to play dryade and warrior guy? My GF is struggling with her Dryad because every attack seems to look the same and do the same. That's not motivating.

She has assigned her Combat Arts to the various buttons and is using them, not just pressing A, right? If so, each one has a recharge time so while it's recharging you will get a standard attack. Could that be it?

There's a thread here with some various builds you and your girlfriend can try.



Cahill said:
She has assigned her Combat Arts to the various buttons and is using them, not just pressing A, right? If so, each one has a recharge time so while it's recharging you will get a standard attack. Could that be it?

There's a thread here with some various builds you and your girlfriend can try.


Yeah, she's using it correctly...it's just, I don't know...compared to Diablo II every attack looks very similar so far. Also for my own charater.


I'm using a HE and everything is nice and distinct, if that helps. Fireball, Blazing Tempest and Incendiary Shower all look great (Same for the ICE HE CAs as well).


I've got a bunch of stuff I'm not using, 360 version, I know one item was claimed awhile back, but I have yet to catch that person online so anywho...

I have for the SW

Armantin's Armor: Level 45

Denderan's Foresight: Level 45

2 Denderan's Maneuver: Level 45/Level 15

Lucretis' Ambling Paths: Level 45

And for the Dryad

Detheya's Protection: Level 30

Also, I'm in search of anything fron the Lucretis' set other than the armor and feet, so if anyone has anything spare, I would really appreciate it.

GT: Petrieslastword, and I should have a game open most of the day so just send me a friend request or hop on in.


Had no idea this game was out. Wife has been asking what I want for father's day and I keep saying nothing. I'll be picking up Sacred 2 now asap.

Question though, how is the loot? Like does everyone already know the best items to have or is it more random like in Diablo? I hate joining a game like this whenever people already know whats the best and everyone has the best.

MAn I'm excited to get this game, I cant believe I didnt know it was out yet. Been waiting for this and Demon Souls.
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