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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!

Ranger X

I want this game badly but I clearly don't have time for time sinkers like that.... and Oblivion is still waiting on my shelve...



PepsimanVsJoe said:
Whatever delay that's going on it has yet to affect the Amazon listing.

March just might be saved for me yet.

Well, there's yet to be a truly "official" announcement of this most recent delay, at least from what I can gather. So I'm not entirely sure what to make of the Eurogamer announcement. The game does have a different publisher in Europe, so it could be a Europe only delay. The USA publisher, CDV, still lists "March 2009" as the game's release date. Deep Silver's site (European Publisher) lists only "2009."

Conclusion? At this point, who knows. Perhaps the info above means something, perhaps it doesn't. But I'm not going to lose all hope quite yet.


Hammer24 said:
From european retailer lsitings it is now set for April 8th. Lets cross our fingers...

That's cool if it sticks,if North America gets it on the 24th of March,it won't take too long before we can play with the Euro guys...there's a nice list of players on Teamxbox getting this and half of them are from Europe.Let's hope both release date stick this time...unless the game is a bloody mess online,like Two Worlds(kinda liked the single player but online was dreadful),then I can wait longer...


I have this on PC and love it; and since it's coded to be very CPU-heavy, I have high hopes for it running well on the PS3.

IMHO, Sacred 2 is a fantastic game for fans of Diablo II that are waiting for Diablo III: it totally nails the gameplay formula, it's incredibly stat-heavy (it's made by Germans, no less), the open-world design is fresh (...and freekin' massive!), and the graphics / detail are pretty much unparalleled.

If Ascaron nails the net code for the PS3 version, console owners will be very happy when this game drops.


AwRy108 said:
I have this on PC and love it; and since it's coded to be very CPU-heavy, I have high hopes for it running well on the PS3.

IMHO, Sacred 2 is a fantastic game for fans of Diablo II that are waiting for Diablo III: it totally nails the gameplay formula, it's incredibly stat-heavy (it's made by Germans, no less), the open-world design is fresh (...and freekin' massive!), and the graphics / detail are pretty much unparalleled.

If Ascaron nails the net code for the PS3 version, console owners will be very happy when this game drops.

Has it been patched much? I read it was pretty buggy at launch.


Zzoram said:
I can't decide if this is something I should get on PC or 360, but I'm interested.

Seeing that consoles are rather lacking this kind of games, I´d go with those versions. It´s pretty safe to assume they´ll get a nice and stable following over Live/PSN.


I'm going with the console(360) version. Same box co-op sealed the deal plus I have Titan Quest - recently purchased on Steam - to satisfy my loot needs on PC.


This may be one of the few games I double dip on just so I can enjoy it's loot whoring goodness with my console friends.

I absolutely love the PC version. I've been playing non-stop for over a month.
Been playing the demo now for a few days. Goddamn, I usually hate these loot games but Sacred 2 must be doing something right. The PC version is $64.99 up here in Canada. That's too much for a PC game.


I got 53 bucks store credit for either this or Halo wars-- right now I'm leaning toward this since I have never found a game to try to scratch the itch of Champions of Norrath on next gen consoles.

I loved that game and this looks like the next best answer. But will wait for reviews though as well...

Ranger X

disappeared said:
Been playing the demo now for a few days. Goddamn, I usually hate these loot games but Sacred 2 must be doing something right. The PC version is $64.99 up here in Canada. That's too much for a PC game.

holyfuckingbatman wtf

64 bucks? Looks like I will stay with the demo for a time.











European pre-madonna
How is the 360 version? Anyone wanna give impressions of the controls? Framerate? thank you


There have been no preview of the latest (Xbox 360) version. Hopefully a new badge will be released soon. Ascaron called their last debug version, which has been previewed, for flawed. Framerate was the biggest problem, but since they are aware that, it should be fixed...


those 360 shots look a little weak, the lighting looks off, almost flat.. at least compared to the PC versions.


I planned on getting this for 360 and have been waiting (along with Witcher), but my Quad Core 4mb RAM system arrived in the mail last week and now I'm torn.

I would love a good test for my system's capabilities. STALKER, WOW, and Vampire: BL are too old and I'm too scared to try Crysis.


We're almost two weeks out from the supposed console release date here in the US... but there still doesn't seem to be any firm confirmation one way or another that this date is still holding true. Anyone know anything? Sacred 2 boards (and team xbox sacred 2 forum linked on sacred2.com) don't glean any new information. No gone gold announcement or anything. I'm fearful that this game is on the verge of slipping again.


But they have a contest where the winner will get a copy of the game,the contest ends on April 13th...I figure we hear a release date/gold this week otherwise the contest winner will get the game later then April 13th...
Woot, I can't wait! Has anyone seen achievements posted yet? I'm curious as to what they are. I hope there's one for reaching the max level...


Diseased Yak said:
Woot, I can't wait! Has anyone seen achievements posted yet? I'm curious as to what they are. I hope there's one for reaching the max level...

No achievement info yet. Do we know what the max level is (based on the PC version)? I hope it's something ridiculous.


Achievements haven't been revealed yet.

Really considering picking this up. Just the sort of game I feel like plowing through in the coming months.
Diseased Yak said:
It's over level 200 I believe.

It is 200. But that's already fairly ridiculous. After 20+ hours of play on my Inquisitor I'm up to about level 25. I think once you beat the story though and unlock a new difficulty, you can take your existing character and start over (new game+) so it would make sense that leveling would be fairly slow.

It's not a huge deal though because everything is so front-loaded. You'll have all your abilities by level ten because there are only twelve and you learn them from loot drops. You'll have visited the majority of the areas by level twenty if you make even a token effort at following the story.
I got a reply from koch media about the UK date.

'Dear Steve,

thank you for your inquiry.

The official release date is still March 27th. We have currently no
information available about a delay.

Should the release date change, the information in the shops will be edited


The date looks good for UK/Europe but looks like the North America release,which is handled piss poorly by CDV is getting pushed back to May 12th now,according to Amazon. :( ...I think i never saw such a mess for a release of game.


Ricker said:
The date looks good for UK/Europe but looks like the North America release,which is handled piss poorly by CDV is getting pushed back to May 12th now,according to Amazon. :( ...I think i never saw such a mess for a release of game.

Yep, I guess this makes the NA delay official. Amazon shows "This item will be released on May 12, 2009."

Sucks, as I just ordered the damn thing this morning. Shit! Should have checked Amazon before I ordered.

I really hope that I still care about this game when it finally comes out. End of March was looking like a great time for it, since nothing else huge seems to be releasing right around there. May...now that I'm not so sure about.
Yep, Amazon just sent me an email per my preorder:

The release date for the video game listed below has been changed by the publisher, and we want to provide you with a new delivery estimate based on the new release date:

"Sacred 2: Fallen Angel" [Video Game]
Release date: 05/12/2009
Estimated arrival date: 05/15/2009

Sucky, but now I have more time for Demon's Souls, so all is well.


The UK release date is by no means confirmed. Amazon has it down as 31st March while Play has it down as 26th June...

I find it shocking that developers/publishers can be so complacent about release dates.
Aurora said:
The UK release date is by no means confirmed. Amazon has it down as 31st March while Play has it down as 26th June...

I find it shocking that developers/publishers can be so complacent about release dates.

Let's hope it's still on 31st March...


Release date has been confirmed as May 13th world wide.

PSU interview with Sacred 2 Game Director, Daniel Dumont (good read, so didn't highlight anything):
PSU: Sacred 2: Fallen Angel has been well received within Europe thus far. Has the rest of the world shown as warm of a reception, and do you think console gamers will follow suit?

Daniel Dumont: Well, I think the PC version wasn’t really accepted outside Europe. Maybe people think it’s huge and too complex, which would be a shame as Sacred 2 is really simple to get into. For the console version we concentrated on delivering fun and easy gameplay. The controls on console are direct and not mouse-driven like the PC version, and there are help functions like “automatic equip” which helps players find and equip the best equipment without being forced to compare and understand every detail of every item you’ve collected. However, players who want that extra level of depth can happily drill down and optimize their character.

On PC, Sacred 2 is an Action-RPG title competing in quite a crowded and established genre. But on console we have a different situation as the Sacred 2 genre isn’t especially represented on console. On top of this, there are few games that compete with Sacred 2 in terms of a huge world free for exploring.

PSU: With the extra months taken for development of the console versions, will there be any new additions to the game in the form of creatures, quests, spells and mounts?

Dumont: The console version has a complete new interface, the ability for two users to play together on one console, a more flexible online mode (dedicated servers aren’t required, and we have a very secure anti-cheat system) and the direct-control method. The console version is extremely stable, well optimized and features substantially more balancing as well as some additional creature changes and mini bosses.

PSU: Since you are developing on consoles which provide set system specs, what can we expect in terms of visual appeal in comparison to the PC version? Will the console versions support the 'elite' textures that were only available in the PC Collector's Edition?

Dumont: Both PC and console use the same graphical assets. Details, number of objects, and complexity of level design – this is all the same. The “Elite” textures were created specifically for high end extreme gaming PCs and need more graphics card memory than the consoles have in total. This isn’t a set back as Sacred 2 on console offers a Full HD gaming experience.

PSU: A lot of developers often assure gamers that their multiplatform titles are similar on both platforms, but the reality of the situation usually leaves the PlayStation 3 with the short end of the stick. Do you feel that Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is successful in bringing a parallel experience to both consoles?

Dumont: Both consoles work with the same sources for interface, logic, graphics and level design. Both versions offer Full HD. There are some differences on the technical side, for example on PS3 you can’t go online with two users on one console so it’s not possible to log in two users to the PSN at the same time. However, there’s a generous HDD in every PS3 which allows us to use more space for temporary streaming data.

PSU: Games which are predominantly keyboard and mouse-centric happen to transition to consoles very poorly. Do you believe that the development team was able to create a control fluid scheme for the consoles? Also, will the console versions support keyboard and mouse?

Dumont: No, there is no keyboard or mouse control for the console versions. We kept the logic behind the interface and created a completely new interface and control method which fully supports console pads and the console experience.

PSU: Will the console versions be supported with post-release patches and DLC?

Dumont: We have implemented the function to offer post-release support, and there are a number of ideas we have to make use of this opportunity. However, please keep in mind that Sacred 2 is a huge game that literally offers over 100 hours of gaming right out of the box. That’s a lot of gaming for your money!

PSU: With the release of the console versions, development on Sacred 2: Fallen Angel will be finally complete. Are you guys planning any expansions for the title and if so, will they be offered for console users as well?

Dumont: I can’t tell you right now about other projects, but I can confirm console will be a primary focus.

PSU: What’s your take on the PS3 Trophy system, and how do you feel it stacks up against Xbox Live Achievements?

Dumont: Both systems are fine for supporting the explorers and achievers out there. The approaches may be slightly different as, for example, there are medals on the PS3 and points on 360. However, Sacred 2 supports both systems in a similar way and I am sure it will provide an enjoyable motivation for users on both consoles.

PSU: Have you thought about PlayStation Home support for Sacred 2?

Dumont: PS Home dropped in at a late phase of our development and we had no opportunity to support it to the level we wanted to. For the future? Yes, this is definitely something we plan to look into and take some time over.

PSU: Anything else you’d like to add?

Dumont: People who have played Sacred 2 have been impressed with just how much game we have created and also how well the controller works on consoles. Some of the most positive comments have been for the multiplayer modes… four-players online has been very well received, and simultaneous two players on one console receives continuous praise for being great fun. Sacred 2 has been a great project to work on and we’re all looking forward to the response from console players.


There are some differences on the technical side, for example on PS3 you can’t go online with two users on one console so it’s not possible to log in two users to the PSN at the same time.

Huh? Never heard of this before.

BTW, did anyone try out the XBL theme? I´d like to know what it looks like before I buy.


Hammer24 said:
Huh? Never heard of this before.

Not exactly sure what he means. I know that, for instance, you can play split screen on PS3 online, as it works just fine with Resistance 2. However, I don't believe that you can have two accounts signed in at the same time, which is how Sacred 2 deals with your character (stored online based on your account). So I think that what he's getting at.
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