Lee Chaolan
10 years ago, I came awfully close to having to cosplay as Venus. Luckily I won the bet that day.
Although I might have been able to pull it off xD
cj_iwakura's the best!
Today's my birthday.
Glad it arrived! Hope you enjoy.
When in March is yours?
First the mugs now this? Is this thread turning into a secret ploy to make me lose all my money to SM merchandise?
My birthday is one day after Minako. : >
March 6th, according to the internet.
Here are all of their birthdays, according to multiple sources:
-Sailor Moon: June 30
-Sailor Mercury: September 10
-Sailor Mars: April 17
-Sailor Jupiter: December 5
-Sailor Venus: October 22
-Sailor Pluto: October 29
-Sailor Uranus: January 27
-Sailor Neptune: March 6
-Sailor Saturn: January 6
-Tuxedo Kamen: August 3
-Chibi-Usa: June 30
-Star Fighter: July 30
-Star Maker: May 30
-Star Healer: February 8
Well PRINCESS NAOKO is March 15.
Does she have any other notable works? It seems like everything else she has done has been one-offs.
I posted a link about it in the previous post heh.
Who Posted? Total Posts: 985
User Name Posts
KDash31987 213
MikeMyers 212
cj_iwakura 153
RoryDropkick 111
TheBatman 82
Syrinx 25
Cheerilee 16
Femmeworth 10
SaintZ 9
KirbYayoi 9
zeopower6 9
Pluto 8
PepsimanVsJoe 7
Amalthea 7
Zoe 7
Chet Rippo 7
UberTag 7
cajunator 6
Conan-san 6
Emitan 6
enigmatic_alex44 5
Lord Ghirahim 5
ZombiePlatypus 4
jello44 4
DrForester 4
Man God 3
royalan 3
Uraizen 3
HolyBaikal 3
Hours Left 2
DR2K 2
BBboy20 2
Quackula 2
Doctor Ninja 2
Cynosure 2
Yado 2
bjork 2
Necrovex 2
Lambtron 2
SailorCosmos 2
jbug617 2
Damon Bennet 1
Koppai 1
King Endymion 1
Bladenic 1
xaosslug 1
Zee-Row 1
Atsumi 1
foxuzamaki 1
Peru 1
SpeedySwaf 1
Articalys 1
Scirrocco 1
Stulaw 1
StayDead 1
Benclank01 1
wonzo 1
KremlinChaos 1
I like how we only have about 5 consistent posters here.
Still in Season 1.
Next thread we'll get two more - ChibiusaGAF and PlutoGAF.
(Although I think we already had a Sailor Pluto person post here).
Satsuki <3
Been watching Kill la Kill again, eh? I'm about to watch the latest episode myself. :O
Oh, yeah, I was watching the dubbed Sailor Moon SuperS again earlier. I stopped at the episode with that princess from Amethyst. Next up is the college dance one. I might continue watching later today.
Wow, I didn't think I posted so much here. I'm glad people are still participating.
I was super far behind! I hadn't watched in a couple months. I left off at episode 8, and was able to binge watch to ep 18. Freaking crazy. I had to honor it with a nice avie for now. Knowing me it'll change soon but yeah![]()
Oh! Excellent! That show just keeps getting crazier and crazier. I love it.
I've thought about changing my avatar to a Kill la Kill one, but I'm happy with Sailor Moon for now.
You must have looked at my profile and noticed all my psn/nintendo/360 names are "Lee Chaolan" something or another. If not, you'reexcelentpsychic.
Psychic or not, I still think you're neat![]()
Anyway, we should play Tekken sometime. I have 5, 6, and Tag 2 (on multiple platforms
Over here.(Although I think we already had a Sailor Pluto person post here).