Sailor Moon store in Japan.
So what is a non-manga thing that you want to see in the new adaptation? I want more villain development personally.
That Engrish. "Girls love mode."![]()
Sailor Moon store in Japan.
Just finished volume 9. Wasn't really feeling this arc to start with and I'm still not sure that I like the Dead Moon Circus group of villains compared to previous ones but I've enjoyed the format of focus chapters for each character, and the Outer Guardians' little family is just the sweetest thing after their introduction as lonely, isolated individuals.
I liked that arc because of the reason I bolded.
The character-focus felt lacking in the manga.
Or maybe girls just love mode. They seem to like prisms too.Unless it means "Girl's Love mode".
Since we did Puar Vs Luna, what about Karin Vs Artemis? I go with the latter; the former always struck me as an asshole.
Nehelenia is the yin to Serenity's yang. It's when Takeuchi gets the most direct with her ideas about good-evil duality in the story, and also lends from Sleeping Beauty a bit.
Not a big Future Trunks fan either.
Well he's kind of lacking in personality, and most of his fights are mostly one-sided stomps. His only interesting moment for me his is his battle against Perfect Cell. It's not that I hate him as that is way too strong of a word, but he's just.....dull. I guess he's good in the sense that adds more to Vegeta's character. Vegeta's actually my favourite of the "DBZ" era because even though he acts insanely dumb at times, he feels like the most conflicted.
Since we are talking about characters, and this is the Sailor Moon thread. I was gonna say Mamoru is by far my favourite character in my favourite adaptation, PGSM. With the anime, its Minako of the main characters but Fisheye if we count minor ones. Haven't decided for the manga yet, but I will when I re-read it.
I like him for the same reason I like Gohan: being a character who doesn't necessarily like fighting for fighting's sake but does it because he has to to protect the people important to him makes for an interesting contrast amongst a cast full of martial artists. Additionally his interactions with Vegeta and Gohan are interesting, and his visual design is just generally kinda cool.
In what I've read of the manga so far Mamoru, Makoto and Haruka are my top three characters. I haven't seen the cartoon past R and it's been like fifteen years since I last watched that (have it all lined up for a rewatch/proper viewing once I finish the comic, though) but my favourite characters as a kid were Jupiter and Tuxedo Mask.
Still haven't watched PGSM despite being a big Rider/Ranger fan. Will probably slot that in between finishing reading the comic and starting on revisiting the cartoon.
Heh, that's an interesting way to put it. You know I always found it so weird that Trunks doesn't seem to have a strong connection to the younger Gohan given how close they were in the original timeline. I liked Kid Gohan's character arc too, but it kind of seems to repeat itself in the Cell Arc. The Saiyan battle had him overcoming his doubts and fighting to protect his friends even though he doesn't like it, and then that kind of repeats at the Cell Games. He doesn't really seem to have that problem on Namek, so it comes across as regression for me when it happens at the Cell Games. This is made worse by those filler scenes where Gohan is training in the Time Chamber and aggressively harps on about how much he wishes to take down Cell, making it look especially awkward when Gohan refuses to fight Cell. Ironically, I felt the Saiyan Saga filler helped flesh out Gohan's character arc more. Saiyaman is best though.
I've always enjoyed Haruka's Voice Actor (WORLD SHAKING!), I remember checking out the Toei Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yu Yu Hakusho episodes just to hear that voice even though I'm not really big on those series.
PGSM is my favourite since it's the most character-driven one in my opinion. At first I thought I didn't care to see it because it looked silly, even for something based on a manga. A friend of mine begged me to watch it, and boy did I enjoy it.
PGSM has its charms, but it wrecks Minako a bit too much for my tastes.
That's a cool WORLD SHAKING.
I'm really looking forward to both revisiting the cartoon and finally watching PGSM. As much as I've enjoyed reading the comic (and I've enjoyed it a lot and found myself compelled to keep reading when I might have otherwise just put it down mid volume) it really is just pushing forward the whole time. There's no room for characters to breath, and the adaptations seem like they give more of that.
In terms of Gohan in the Cell arc, I think it works because it's not so much about an unwillingness to fight as his doubt in his own power. He's still like nine years old and his father that always saves the world is right there. What can he as a young kid contribute? He still sees himself as below being the hero. Plus I really like Cyborg 16 a lot so his death being given that kind of impact is good to me and Spirit vs Spirit is a super cool song so I just generally like the SSj2 transformation.
Saiyaman is definitely best Gohan though. It shows his having lapsed in the time of peace but still wanting to help and protect people.
I don't know if I'm the first person to say this, but Sailor Moon is a lot better than DBZ. It's a shame that DBZ got all the fame and glory. Reminds me of the Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison feud.
Holy mother of god, I need this.Also, here's the first fully painted picture of the Sailor Saturn S.H. Figuarts:
Wowwowow just read volumes 11 and 12. Talk about going out with a bang. Completely blows the lid off the scope of things (theshowed that there are other guardians out there sure, but this is taken to a whole other level) and it wastes no time getting down to businessAmazoness Quartet. The concept of "star seeds" and the galactic cauldron is all really cool, interesting stuff.indiscriminately killing people left, right and center
Ending onis perfect, too.Mamo-chan and Usa's wedding
The only action figure I own is a Buffy Summers one.
Well done! Are you going to read Sailor V and the Short Stories too?
It looks like there's going to be some sort of Sailor Moon press event on the 27th with anime and musical news: http://sailormoon-official.com/information/post_106.php
Also, here's the first fully painted picture of the Sailor Saturn S.H. Figuarts:
You've just gained so many cool points from me.
I have (had?) a Buffy figure, too...but my friends accidentally broke her legs off.![]()
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Bluefin Tamashii Nations USA said:It’s official, S.H.Figuarts Sailor Saturn is making her way to stores this August (Sept U.S.)!!
Two months after the unveiling of the prototype at Wonder Festival 2014 [Winter] in Japan, the first full color images are being released.
Sailor Saturn is the 6th addition, and first Outer Sailor Senshi, to join the S.H.Figuarts Sailor Moon line-up!
As a member of the high-quality S.H.Figuarts brand, Sailor Saturn is beautifully detailed and comes with her elegantly fearsome weapon, Silence Glaive. Additional facial expression parts and a display stand are also included in set. Pose Sailor Saturn along with the other Sailor Senshi and recreate dynamic scenes from the anime!
Sailor Saturn will be carried by stores around the globe- please check our agents list for local release info (http://tamashii.jp/special/global/)
and stay-tuned for pre-order announcements!
Product Information:
Product: S.H.Figuarts Sailor Saturn
Expected Sale Date: August, 2014 (Sept 2014 U.S.)
MSRP:4500yen +tax (U.S. price coming soon)
Figure Height: 13 cm
Age: 15 and up
Yeah, Buffy is one of my favourite shows ever. In fact, I was considering making a Community Thread for that but decided to do this instead since there was a new anime coming out and thus more to talk about.
Willow is my favourite character; my best friend in High School was her cousin but I still haven't met her yet
My cousin bought me that figure as a Xmas Present in 2010. Haven't unopened it either.
Buffy is one of my favorite shows, too! I have the entire series on DVD (along with the movie and all but the last season of Angel), and I've watched it all twice. I've been thinking for a good long while about doing a third watch through soon, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I also have both of the Xbox games, and I also have a nice wallscroll in my room.
I wasn't really a fan of Buffy Season 6 and 7 (they have their moments though), so I didn't really bother to look into the comics. Angel never actually appealed to me either as I mostly got into Buffy for the School aspect, but I should probably watch it one day.It'd be cool to have a community thread, but I guess there's not that much new to talk about, unless you read the comics. My older brother has them, but I haven't read them all yet.
Willow is adorable! She's the gangs Sailor Mercury, sweet but no pushover. I guess if want to get meta here: Usagi is Buffy, Luna is Giles, Rei is Cordelia, Mamoru is Angel, and Minako is Faith. No idea for Makoto, I guess Xander?I'm not sure if I have a favorite...I like everyone. That last part is pretty crazy, though!
It's cool. I'm pretty sure that's impossible, anyway, unless you have time controlling powers or something like that.![]()
Sailor Moon store in Japan.
Hey there. Long time lurker of this thread.
I finally got access to proper internet, so here's some more pictures:
And, yeah, the store was there for only a week. It's gone now.
The universe does not want me to have a Sailor Saturn T-Shirt.
Yeah. Buffy's like in my top 5 TV shows ever. In fact besides Inuyasha and both PGSM/Sailor Moon anime, I'd add Buffy and Courage the Cowardly Dog to make a top 5. Guess I just like thing with horror element.
I wasn't really a fan of Buffy Season 6 and 7 (they have their moments though), so I didn't really bother to look into the comics. Angel never actually appealed to me either as I mostly got into Buffy for the School aspect, but I should probably watch it one day.
Willow is adorable! She's the gangs Sailor Mercury, sweet but no pushover. I guess if want to get meta here: Usagi is Buffy, Luna is Giles, Rei is Cordelia, Mamoru is Angel, and Minako is Faith. No idea for Makoto, I guess Xander?
What's everyone's favourite song that somehow relates to the series? This is mine, Furuya has some pretty good pipes.
I do have Moonlight Densetsu and a few different versions of the English theme song (including dance mixes!) on my playlist, though. Hah.
My playlist is mostly rock music
I had a crazy idea for an SM podcast. Could that be a thing?
I'm mostly into R&B, but Stevie Wonder is my favourite singer. The Sailor Moon image songs are fun too, I give them a listen to on youtube every now and then.I have trouble remembering anything besides the opening theme songs. I'm not really a big fan of anime music...though, I do have Moonlight Densetsu and a few different versions of the English theme song (including dance mixes!) on my playlist, though. Hah.
My playlist is mostly rock music (Foo Fighters, Beatles, Metallica, Soundgarden, Offspring, Agent Orange, etcetera), though, with a hint of Sega video game music. No anime stuff besides Sailor Moon.
I don't think I could make a top 5 list at all. I love way too many TV shows...but if I could make one, Buffy and Sailor Moon would probably be pretty high up, along with stuff like Angel, Supernatural, 24, Arrow, Community, The Office, Parks and Recreation, Married... With Children, and...well, I could keep going at this all day. Hah. I haven't even gotten to the animated stuff yet! GO WATCH ANGEL RIGHT NOW.
There's no way Minako is Faith. Like what? If anything she's Anya. Makoto could be Angel/Spike, ie. the team's muscle. Actually Makoto could be Faith since she was very physically tough and tomboy-ish.
Anyway I just started watching Sailor Moon Abridged today, I've laughed so much.
Sailor War! from the musicals is really cool.