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Saints Row IV |OT| One Nation, One Crew


So a side mission is completely bugged for me and won't let me finish it unless i am completely overlooking something.
On the 2nd set of Keith side quest there is a mission where you have to jack an alien plane and it wont let me. I get in and switch mode is completely greyed out and it wont move. I restarted the game twice and still the same thing

Either i am just completely overlooking something or i will never finish this chain of side quest /shrug
Anyone else run into a bug where no one talks to you (as in no audio and no popup)? For example at the beginning during
the Armageddon spoof when everyone is saying their goodbyes
, I basically did that part alone. No one talked to me. I only know there was supposed to be talking because I did that part on PC already. It dawned on me there was a problem when I was driving around and my character was talking to Kinzie, except I couldn't hear Kinzie and didn't even know she was talking because there was no on screen popup from her. Restaring the game fixed it, so it's not a big deal, but I feel bad for anyone who had that problem at the beginning and didn't realize it. This was on PS3.


New info for anyone else that ordered from Nuuvem:

Hello all,

First of all we'd like to express our sincere thanks to our international community for the patience and understanding about this issue with the Saints Row IV Keys.

Accordingly to the instruction that was passed to us so far, there are some information that i'd like to share with you guys:

  • All the Saints Row IV keys that are being passed to us so far are regionally locked.
  • Saints Row IV's launch date for Europe happens this friday (23), so, we'll only receive keys for Europe region after the game is launched there. To the european community that pre-purchased with us, please, wait a little longer, we won't forget you guys.
  • Saints Row IV's launch date for Australia hasn't been set yet. But as soon as the game launches there, we will be able to provide you guys with the Australia region keys.
  • All the keys that we gonna distribute to our international community that pre-purchased from us have the exact same content as a pre-purchase key.
  • Saints Row IV was launched yesterday (20) on Brasil, therefore we are not selling the pre-purchase product anymore. From the launch moment on, Nuuvem sells only Brasil regionally locked keys.
We already started the distribution of the keys for North and South American users, but we are still preparing our system to do the distribution automatically. Right now we are manually handing the keys.

If you are one of the American users, and wish to receive your key as fast as possible, send an e-mail to our customer support ([email protected]) and we will provide you with the key. If you do so, please remember to identify yourself and your region.

Again, i kindly ask for your patience and understanding. Since we have a huge queue of requests, your ticket might take a while to be answered.

We are still working full time on this issue, and we hope to have our system releasing the keys automatically anytime soon.

Best Regards!

Nuuvem Team
played a bit last night. think i spend 2 hours collecting clusters and not getting any main missions done :(

and was the character creator always this bad? faces look ok stationary, but as soon as they move, they look crazy, no matter how hard you try. i think just put a mask on my poor lass.

Ploid 3.0

I posted about the FOV mod a few pages ago, the modder officially released the mod.

Why, Volition? Why? Why can't I change my FOV?

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, FOV stands for Field Of View, which basically means the amount of shit you can see on your screen while playing the game. This mod increases it to work nicely on higher resolution monitors- the camera won't be focused so closely on your character, allowing you to get a much better view.

Just look at the pictures:

Without the FOV fix:

With the FOV fix:

After having this a while I like it. I'm able to see more, the character isn't as close to the screen, and because clusters. Because

Look at that second picture, there's something blue glowing, I bet that's a CLUSTER!
Performance on PS3 is actually pretty solid, it's the tearing and muddy textures that make it hard to watch. Not really getting framerate issues even at top speed with shit flying all over.

LOL at whichever review that said this game should have had a cover mechanic. I don't have a clue how they must have been playing this. That said, I certainly had concerns about the superpowers trivializing the combat, but really they just make up for the lack of complexity in the combat carried over from 3. Clusterfucks of enemies on Hardcore and the Wardens almost necessitate using them. The game certainly isn't any harder than 3, but it's overall felt just right to me so far.


Yeah why cover? That's dumb. Granted it is tough as balls but I might set combat back to hard after I stop running into Warden attacks.


I liked the
incoming call from the 217 area code to Oleg. I'm from the 217 area code. It's weird that they are based out of Champaign. Go Illinois!


Is anyone else having trouble getting this game to open on Steam? It was running find when it released and yesterday, but it just now crashes to desktop and won't open.


Performance on PS3 is actually pretty solid, it's the tearing and muddy textures that make it hard to watch. Not really getting framerate issues even at top speed with shit flying all over.

Same here. No one should have a terrible time if they can only play the console versions, as long as they haven't grown accustomed to playing PC versions of games for the past year or so.


Why would anyone want cover in this game? You can run faster than a speeding bullet, and jump 300FT into the air... and you want to stay still in one spot? Someone has no imagination.


Traffic fraud became even better with the sprint/jump powers.

Dubstep gun changes songs based on skin? Sweeeeeet. Still prefer industrial though after hearing the others.

Ploid 3.0

Why would anyone want cover in this game? You can run faster than a speeding bullet, and jump 300FT into the air... and you want to stay still in one spot? Someone has no imagination.

They should do what I did in SR3, use the environment. Just duck down, or move behind a building and peep around the corner of it.
The only thing I use guns for in this game is to destroy portals.

That alone is the best reason to play through SR3 first, so you can experience all the gunplay and cool vehicles. Once you get super powers in #4, it's all over :)

Ploid 3.0

Angry Joe gives a spoilerrific review.

I think I just have to go through the missions and stop messing around. Don't want to be spoiled.

He liked it, he wanted to not like it, but it won him over. He didn't like SR3, he wanted SR2.
I think I just have to go through the missions and stop messing around. Don't want to be spoiled.

Same here. I finally started ignoring the clusters and Zinyak statues last night and began concentrating on missions, although I still have done every sidequest as it appeared. I've had a couple things accidentally spoiled for me, but nothing that would ruin the game for me.

Ploid 3.0

kind of surprised that I haven't seen anyone on the internet mention the probably intentional similarities to
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, what with each of the supporting crew being trapped in an endless computer-controlled personal hell

Because of this post I looked up that thing mentioned in the spoilers (Book and there's a game, but I checked the game on youtube with a good commentary). Creepy as heck, and it does seem like the saints are in that situation to be tortured forever, well planned to be. AM is a messed up monster. I'd like to see a updated game on this, though the old graphics give it a grittiness that makes it even more creepy, and hopeless.
Mailman came by with a giant box today. My Game of the Generation edition came already! I didn't even pay for any special shipping, and it still came the day after release.

The content is sort of a mixed bag, though:

* The worst item is definitely the pouch. Cheap material that tore nearly in half the first time I tried to pull the drawstrings. Bleh.
* Best item is probably the replica dubstep gun. Plastic with a cheap, muffled speaker, but has a nice laser light for my cat to play with.
* The display case takes *8* AA batteries! Guess I won't be running that thing much. Thought it was broken at first when it wouldn't turn on, but then I realized there's a sensor on it where the top has to be on for it to work.
* The doomsday button looks cool, but the sound on it is absolutely terrible. Can barely understand what the voice is saying.
* Johnny Gat statue works as advertised. It's a mini-statue of Johnny Gat.

So, all in all, the usual crap you get with those special editions, but hey. I'm proud owner # 5052 of the game of the generation! Which ranks up there with being proud backer # 100 of Drake Tracker 2000 EX on my list of "dumb things I do with my money."


So far, the game is all the fun of Crackdown with Saints Row personality. So basically, a way better Crackdown. Have barely touched the main missions yet! Thought I may have made a mistake getting caught up and paying close to full price, but even with shades of expansion pack-ness poking through they've really done a good job given this title's history. It's stupid, at times funny stupid, and packed with stuff to do. Good videogame.
I posted about the FOV mod a few pages ago, the modder officially released the mod.


After having this a while I like it. I'm able to see more, the character isn't as close to the screen, and because clusters. Because

Look at that second picture, there's something blue glowing, I bet that's a CLUSTER!

YES! Only major problem I've had was the FOV. I almost always am able to get used to it, but it's never ideal to me to have a super small FOV on PC.

Only other graphical thing I've noticed is some slight glowing around the edge of character's hair.


I thought the first Saints Row was actually a really good game, it was a SLIGHTLY tongue in cheek take on GTA but itb was pretty much GTA. Now the SR games are just silly and a parody of a parody, this games a bit of a joke to be honest.


I actually didn't hate SR3. But I'm not-hating SR4 even more!

Why would anyone want cover in this game? You can run faster than a speeding bullet, and jump 300FT into the air... and you want to stay still in one spot? Someone has no imagination.

True, but you can't shoot while running or jumping, so at some point you have to literally stop and shoot. At which point you start absorbing bullets from every direction. I wouldn't kick this game out of bed for having a cover system.


The only thing I use guns for in this game is to destroy portals.

That alone is the best reason to play through SR3 first, so you can experience all the gunplay and cool vehicles. Once you get super powers in #4, it's all over :)

but but I love my gunplay and vehicle s. that Can Am is my new favorite ride. :3


Thinking about picking this up for 360 or PS3 (PC is not an option for me right now). Anyone have any more impressions? I wasn't going to pick it up because of all the issues I have read about with the console versions but it looks like a ton of fun.


I posted about the FOV mod a few pages ago, the modder officially released the mod.


After having this a while I like it. I'm able to see more, the character isn't as close to the screen, and because clusters. Because

Look at that second picture, there's something blue glowing, I bet that's a CLUSTER!

Ooh! More clothing mod! Excellent!

Also it really does seem like most of the mods for SR3 would work for SR4, doesn't it?


I had a lock up while trying to customize the Gatmobile lol. Had to ctrl-alt-del.

Don't ask why I was customizing a car.

Alright, I'm now starting to get some of these glitches. Had my game crash on me twice now, and had to ctrl-alt-del. as well. Guess I spoke too soon.

Besides the muddy textures, my only other gripe about this game is the lack of variety with the stores (again). Just like SR3, I feel like the stores are way too limited. Way too many Planet Zins. Some of the stores have the same exact clothes as the others (in fact, I would say 50% of the stores carry the same stuff as the other 50%). Its really disappointing. Makes me wonder why they even bother having so many stores in the game, if they all carry the same stuff.

I mean, some of the pre-made outfits/suits they have added for this game are nice. But all in all, this is just the same problems with SR3. It's not a huge deal, but I'm finding no incentives to even bother going into the stores. Already seen them all, and not a lot of the stuff is any better than say the Decker outfit.


I got super powers and stopped playing the game. Well, stopped following the story, anyway. I have superjump and there are orbs to collect? I spent the next three hours collecting orbs, before climbing
an alien tower
stealing a spaceship
, and then dropping myself at the top of
every other alien tower
. All
alien towers done
, boom!


One of the weirder things that keep happening to me is when I got to Let's pretend sometimes I become totally naked when I'm browsing some outfits or something lol. (on 360) I don't know If I should keep messing around with the sidequests or play the main mission. I can't decide right now....
So is the radio music supposed to keep playing when you exit a car and walk around and all that? I thought it was a glitch but after several resets and reloads it keeps on happening.

Fun game anyway.
Rented from Redbox so I can play a bit to tide me over until I can actually buy this game. Love the Hitchhiker's Guide achievement reference. Also, romancing Kenzie.
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