Oh my god these crazy motherfuckers actually went and gotand reenacted theRowdy Roddy Piperfight scene from They Live.
I loved this bit. Loved it!
Oh my god these crazy motherfuckers actually went and gotand reenacted theRowdy Roddy Piperfight scene from They Live.
Just finished. That sequel tease.
I hope that is actually what they want to do for a sequel because that would be fucking insane in the best way, and really the only place to go after aliens.
Loved the game. Not as enjoyably dumb as 3, but still delivered what I wanted. The powers were amazing.
Just wondering from you Console guys, how bad was the framerate during that final mission?
regarding that,did you play as a male char or female char? I played as a female boss and during Asha's rescue I'm pretty sure they changed me to the same model that they used for Jane Austen
Oh my god these crazy motherfuckers actually went and gotand reenacted theRowdy Roddy Piperfight scene from They Live.
I never really called homies to tag along in past Saints Row games, but I am doing it all the time just to hear what they say to each other. Really love all the call backs to previous games.
I completed all of the quests and loyalty missions for Ben, CID, Pierce, and Matt, but I haven't gotten any of the Steam achievements for those yet. Am I missing something?
Edit: Same with the achievement for finding all of the audio logs.
I completed all of the quests and loyalty missions for Ben, CID, Pierce, and Matt, but I haven't gotten any of the Steam achievements for those yet. Am I missing something? I haven't used any cheats or had any problem unlocking the other achievements.
Edit: Same with the achievement for finding all of the audio logs. For one reason or another, I never got that one either.
I completed all of the quests and loyalty missions for Ben, CID, Pierce, and Matt, but I haven't gotten any of the Steam achievements for those yet. Am I missing something? I haven't used any cheats or had any problem unlocking the other achievements.
Edit: Same with the achievement for finding all of the audio logs. For one reason or another, I never got that one either.
Fuck, I didn't realize this was a thing. I find the difficulty more to my taste going solo (I say this as if half the fights aren't just Freeze > Stompable) and have been missing out.
Have you fucked them yet?
Do you romance them?
3 more Audio Logs become available near the end of the game.
:/ game froze while I was upgrading my abilities. I just got stuck on the screen and couldn't back out. Hope it can get fixed in time.
And when I start my game I automatically get notoriety lol. Does that happen the further you are in the game?
One of Keith David's audio logs automatically plays every time I load up my save.
Yeah, didn't really play the game with Homies, starting to group them in now in post game. Think everyone has some sort of dialogue with every other character. That's ALOT of combinations.
Some creative ones too. :lolPut DJ Childs and Matt Miller in together :lol
Automatic notoriety is related to a certain section in the main game, if you look in your quest log, it will be shown in the details of the quest description.
This happened to me too. First it was someone else's audio log (I think Kinzie) then when I got a Keith David one, it was always that.
I have a question which I think would have been obvious. But is there a super hero costume in this game that we can unlock? Like a cape and everything?
Okay, my save file says I'm about 65% through the game, and the rescue + loyalty missions have gotten pretty ridiculous. The Shaundi ones were great, and I love all the callbacks to SR1 and SR2. I've already collected all the data clusters, destroyed all the statues, etc, etc. because jumping around never gets old.
Few complaints:
1. I hate that Genki M.O.M. activity where the gold is ~3 minutes and you have to go to like 4 different locations. I'm always a few seconds behind and a few targets short. I've heard the commentary so much that I can tell if I'm going too slow by what part of the conversations the announcers are on. It's torture.
2. The moments in the super power fight club where you're just being bombarded by stuff, or hit with laser swords and ragdolling around while precious seconds are ticking away are infuriating. Eff em.
3. After a relatively glitch free experience for ~19 hours, the game got stuck 3 times when I tried opening my map or quest log while an auto-save was happening. It didn't actually lock up as I could still pull up the PS3 XMB, and the game still saved, but it just didn't respond anymore.
It's mostly good times. I don't think it'll surpass SR2 for me unless this stretch of missions is super top notch but it feels about on par with SR3 so far. Maybe a slight edge over 3 because of the powers.
One thing I miss from SR2, though (which was also an issue in 3), is that the missions don't make good use of the city anymore. I feel like the missions in 2 were more involved, less sectioned off "zones", and more multi tiered. I guess it's just the nature of the super powers + simulation story framing, but there's no more passing a location and having fond memories of a big mission or set piece that took place there. The best example in 3 was probably storming the pool party with "Power" playing and the last few set of missions all the way at the end, but it wasn't much. More locations in SR2 had a story to them. Gave the game more character.
As soon as I started the Asha loyalty missions, I've been constantly pursued by rival gangs with no way to lose them no matter where I go. Is that part of the story or did I hit a bug? Getting annoying, I cant go to any shops or switch weapons out of the storage without getting interrupted by constant enemies.
for point 2: frost element buff = iwin mode in the fighting arenas, just run around and punch all the people who get autofrozen for a one shot kill.
This works even in level 2 or 3 when the stronger enemies start appearing? Because FML if it does and I never thought of doing that. I was using the ice blast, but only in combination with the stomp or telekinesis, never the one hit punch.
He means the buff, not the ice blast. Buff is the 4th power you get.
Some of your complaints are very much eliminated when you've gotten most of the upgrades.
Spent the better part of yesterday and the night playing this and I have to say it's pretty great but I disagree with anyone who makes comparisons to Crackdown.
This is basically a more fleshed out and more customisable version of Prototype. Everything about it reminds me of Proto. The wall running, the super sprint, the glide with added thrusting, charged jumped, pretty much everything about it feels like it was ripped wholesale from Prototype.
This isn't a bad thing, but it's certainly no Crackdown as some have suggested. The collecting of code (orbs) is also not as good as collecting orbs as after a couple of hours, you're pretty much powerful enough to reach even the most out of reach code and this means there's absolutely no challenge in collecting them as there is in Crackdown. The lack of any real platforming is also disappointing and it's solely due to how quickly you become overpowered.
Overall though, this is pretty great and I'm thoroughly enjoying it but it's not scratching the Crackdown itch. I think showing some more restraint in how you gain powers would have made the game a lot more enjoyable in the long run.
Someone needs to make a brightness mod for this game. Christ it's dark.
Did you guys hear about the sound glitch fix? Weird, and I always click through these opening screens.
SRTT and SRIV sound issue fix
It's been posted here a few times, I think. It's a mod for PC by IdolNinja to control the night/day cycle early on.Someone needs to make a brightness mod for this game. Christ it's dark.
yea I don't get why there isn't daytime, kinda sucks really
This is insane. I can't hack shit because I seem to generate noteriety like a mother without even doing anything. Is there a way to dismiss my homies? They seem to just attack everything I see. The noteriety orb isn't spawning either![]()
It's been posted here a few times, I think. It's a mod for PC by IdolNinja to control the night/day cycle early on.
The darkness does get a bit tiresome but it's meant as a ploy by Zinyak to further "break" your Boss character.
It might be a primary quest you have to complete if they keep coming. I had the same issue and someone here pointed it out to me.
and you can dismiss your homies by holding down on the D-pad.
The powers slowly progressing like in Crackdown isn't comparable, but I still get that "Holy shit I'm super-powered" which was one of the best things about that game.
Also, how do I taunt/compliment? I'm pressing left and right on the dpad like SR3 but nothings happening.
Along with Jane Valderama, which makes it even better.
So do the Clusters respawn? I've nearly maxed out my Super Jump and Sprint before even tackling any story missions afteryou get to the ship.