Just beating 100% again Saints Row The Third (and beating the DLC for the first time) to be ready to have a blast with IV. The Third was one of the surpirses of the generation for me and this seems even more crazy and expanding things that I love form the third (that ipod implementation to run also with the music intead of only vehicles! DAMN,I loved like in the third you could leave the radio on of your car if you pressed Y two times so you could hear your favourite song while in the area, the ipod thing is just putting this one step further). Cant wait for the song game moments, cant wait for the radio music, cant wait for the super powers and cant wait to be the president of the USA! (and Im european lol)
Still im sad I can't get any special edition for PC in my country and more importantly, that Oleg and Viola have dissapeared of the map. I suppose Viola is becuase of Sasha Grey but what about Oleg

I love the character portraits and I hope the characters are also dressed like that in the game (or you can dress them like that). And lol at Cliff B portrait and his salty response.
I think this really need to be as an image:
Talk about milking. They haven't even bothered to make a new map for the city. This should have been a DLC, or an expansion pack at best.
Theres 5 different maps in the game, one is Steelport, the others are Washington, The Middle East and Space. One of the other zones hasnt yet been revealed, could be Stilwater.
So, what the fuck are you talking about, you think that Volition has been 3 years scratching their nutsack?
Slightly sucky that we have to wait till Friday here in Europe, but ah well. W101 is out the same day as well. Urgh... Decisions.
Going to get both the same day without a doubt! Glorious day to be a gamer.