Will there be any perks for importing your sr3 character?
Volition currently doing a livestream of Saints Row 1. Nice background noise if you don't want to get spoiled on SR4 stuff.
I missed this and they don't have the video archived :O( (that O was a mistake, but a good one).
I'm really bummed about vehicles being useless.
A lot of my time in SR2 end-game was spent just stealing random cars and seeing how I could trick them out in the upgrade shop. Obviously I can still do that but what's the point if it's completely useless?
I'm really bummed about vehicles being useless.
A lot of my time in SR2 end-game was spent just stealing random cars and seeing how I could trick them out in the upgrade shop. Obviously I can still do that but what's the point if it's completely useless?
Never played any SR. Looks fun, where should I start ? 2 or 3 ? Story and characters wise i mean.
Never played any SR. Looks fun, where should I start ? 2 or 3 ? Story and characters wise i mean.
Anyone know the cheapest place to preorder? Platform doesn't matter.
Never played any SR. Looks fun, where should I start ? 2 or 3 ? Story and characters wise i mean.
I wanna watch the Quick Look. Has anyone seen it? Do you consider it spoiler-y?
I stopped 10 mins in when they said something about the hub
Is there any comments on the PC version? How it runs etc?
Is there any comments on the PC version? How it runs etc?
Volition currently doing a livestream of Saints Row 1. Nice background noise if you don't want to get spoiled on SR4 stuff.
I wanna watch the Quick Look. Has anyone seen it? Do you consider it spoiler-y?
Lot of positive impressions from the reviews. The console versions, however...
Night and day in comparison to the console version, I think Jeff from GB did say something more about it during the QL but I cant recall
Absolutely loving what I have played of this so far. The writing is fantastic.
The PC port runs and looks great.
After watching the Giant Bomb QL, I can't help but think it feels like they went too far. I understand the appeal of giving you so many powers and giving them to you so fast, but it seems like they've eliminated most of the risk/reward from the equation. Climbing that tower was a total joke. You also couldn't see anything from the top. Is the whole game really at night? Climbing the tower in Crackdown was absolutely nerve wracking because there was real consequence for falling and it took concentration and skill to make it to the top.
Also kind of reminds of turning on all the cheats in a GTA game. That's fun for like 10 minutes but then gets super boring and dumb real fast.
Platform including PC?
You can get SR4 and a bunch of pre order bonuses for $44.99 through Steam if you own SR3. Or there is a 20 percent coupon at GMG to make it $39.99.
Not sure about console versions. Amazon would be my guess since they include a 10 dollar credit with purchase.
After watching the Giant Bomb QL, I can't help but think it feels like they went too far. I understand the appeal of giving you so many powers and giving them to you so fast, but it seems like they've eliminated most of the risk/reward from the equation. Climbing that tower was a total joke. You also couldn't see anything from the top. Is the whole game really at night? Climbing the tower in Crackdown was absolutely nerve wracking because there was real consequence for falling and it took concentration and skill to make it to the top.
Also kind of reminds of turning on all the cheats in a GTA game. That's fun for like 10 minutes but then gets super boring and dumb real fast.
Truly hoping that the superpowers don't ruin it. I want some challenge. All the videos I've seen thus far show the player laying waste to everything with ease. Also, I didn't like Steelport nearly as much as Stillwater; shame they are using it again![]()
I worked on the powers and can say that it was a balancing act. If you play on Hard, it still isn't going to be easy.
After watching the Giant Bomb QL, I can't help but think it feels like they went too far. I understand the appeal of giving you so many powers and giving them to you so fast, but it seems like they've eliminated most of the risk/reward from the equation. Climbing that tower was a total joke. You also couldn't see anything from the top. Is the whole game really at night? Climbing the tower in Crackdown was absolutely nerve wracking because there was real consequence for falling and it took concentration and skill to make it to the top.
Also kind of reminds of turning on all the cheats in a GTA game. That's fun for like 10 minutes but then gets super boring and dumb real fast.
I'm really bummed about vehicles being useless.
A lot of my time in SR2 end-game was spent just stealing random cars and seeing how I could trick them out in the upgrade shop. Obviously I can still do that but what's the point if it's completely useless?
You can't use cars?
After watching the Giant Bomb QL, I can't help but think it feels like they went too far. I understand the appeal of giving you so many powers and giving them to you so fast, but it seems like they've eliminated most of the risk/reward from the equation. Climbing that tower was a total joke. You also couldn't see anything from the top. Is the whole game really at night? Climbing the tower in Crackdown was absolutely nerve wracking because there was real consequence for falling and it took concentration and skill to make it to the top.
Also kind of reminds of turning on all the cheats in a GTA game. That's fun for like 10 minutes but then gets super boring and dumb real fast.
How long is the gameplay of this if you just play the main mission and the side missions ?
About 20 hours for missions and most of the activities. This is just one persons experience, so things could be a lot different.How long is the gameplay of this if you just play the main mission and the side missions ?
While I heartily enjoyed SR3, I don't hesitate to say that the pacing and structure of the game felt a bit stunted. Like side activities comprised a lot of the Story missions, as some sort of introduction to the game. I completed it to 100% twice, so I did them all willingly, but it still took away from some of awesomeness of the game's story.
Is SRIV like this? I mean, I'm going Day one, and I love the franchise, but I wonder about it. I think getting a taste for superpowers in Trouble With Clones really invigorated a love for amazing traversal over the drab city design.
http://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/idolninjas-saints-row-iv-review.3133/There are 4 forced activities that are appended to the end of the tutorial-style quests:
1 Blazing
1 Platforming Rift
1 Mind over Murder
1 Super Powered Fight Club
These forced activities are spread out over the first third of the game, so it isn't as annoying as it was in SRTT.
http://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/minimauls-saints-row-iv-spoiler-free-review.3128/I counted aboutmain story missions (not counting optional sidequests or activities or the few tutorial missions at the very start) and I'm glad to say that unlike Saints Row: The Third, activities are not used throughout the game to fill in for story missions!20 to 25
Volition currently doing a livestream of Saints Row 1. Nice background noise if you don't want to get spoiled on SR4 stuff.
Now they are streaming Saints Row 2![]()