Trucker Sexologist
I got hosed. 10-25fps outside with crossfired 5850s and i5-750 @3GHz. Completely unplayable.I think I'm going to pick this up tonight. Any massive ATI/AMD issues I should know about?
I got hosed. 10-25fps outside with crossfired 5850s and i5-750 @3GHz. Completely unplayable.I think I'm going to pick this up tonight. Any massive ATI/AMD issues I should know about?
I have two 5850s and a quad core CPU (Q9550). With vsync on, the two cards will max out at about 60-70% usage and wildly fluctuate b/w 60 and 30fps, sometimes even lower than that. With a single card, it will use 100% of that GPU but the framerate will be a perfectly flat 30. That's how I'm playing it for the time being because at least that's consistent. With two cards, I'd consider it unplayable.What happens when you disable one 5850?
So they're selling cheat codes as DLC? Ugh...
I also seem to have another weird problem. The Luchadores territory is stuck at 96% and while it says I've done 7/8 gang operations, the last one doesn't appear on the map. What gives? :O
Yep that's happened to me too in ALL TERRITORIES. If I was supposed to do this before finishing the game and it didn't tell me I'm going to go psycho.
I'm having trouble with one of the assassinations.
I'm trying to lure Andre out in Espina. I've attacked a bunch of random hookers and got Morningstar to chase me. He never appears. I've tried many times but with no luck. Any tips on luring him out?
The pictures you take (Ps3 version) is uploaded to right?
But how the hell do I save them from there? I can only see tiny, tiny thumbnails.
Can't I get bigger versions of my pictures?
Well you need a 5 star Morningstar rating. I did it when I was invincible and I just killed every Morningstar and Hooker I saw.
Go to Community -> Map -> My Map -> My Screenshots
That explains it. I can only go up to 4 for some reason. I guess I have to progress farther in the game.
Finished the game last night, really enjoyed it. Beat it at around 16-17 hours, with 69% complete.
Didn't get to play as much co-op as I wanted, but I did a couple missions with NIN90 and Teknoman here and there.
Played about 2 hours.
Shitty performances (ati 5850) and can't play with Dx11 in fullscreen (1frame every 3 seconds, in the main menu alone).
If i put Dx9, all high (except the dx10/11 stuff) and no AA, still get a choppy frame rate, especially when speeding with a vehicle.
Still playable though, i'll wait for new ati drivers or i may even end up changing card (i'm tired of this shitty Ati support, honestly).
That said, had a blast for the little i've played, the variety of gang enemies is great,, great stuff.the big Luchadores' tanks and the Deck's rollerblade psychic girls
What specs and drivers do you have/are you using? I'd like to think I've done enough research to have some idea on what the best is (or at least, what you *shouldn't* be using). FWIW I actually got preferable performance (flat 30fps) out of my Q9550 and dual 5850s with Crossfire disabled, and that's on ultra settings.
Hey, that's really good and yeah a PC running this at 60fps would be really niceErin Esurance
Uploaded it here.
Decker uniform. Wish I could recolor it, I had what must have been a glitch where I was able to change the blue stripes on it though.
Edit: This game looks great, some day I will have a PC that can run this at 60 fps all the time. Though SR4 might be out.
Ah, so you're shooting for 60fps but finding ridiculous framerate drops to 30 because of vsync? I kinda had that too (though sometimes it would dip even below 30). Your PC should be able to smash the shit out of 30fps at ultra with everything cranked, although I do have my card(s) overclocked, but I doubt it would make that much difference.I got an i5 750, one 5850 and 4 gigs of ram.
As far as drivers, i'm using the 11.11 (downloaded them the other day, from the ati website, for Skyrim issues).
i'm playing at 1080p, vsync on, all i could at high (minus a few things that are "dx10 or above", so i've put those on low) and no AA, cause it's still acceptable IQ at 1080p.
I didn't mess up with the ini yet though, just wanted to give it a go.
As i said, if i start in Dx11 mode, fullscreen fucks me up, going at like 1 frame every 2 or 3 seconds.
The framerate is playable for the most part, it chops when speeding with a vehicles, so in case of racing missions, i'll have to see.
I'll try to cap at 30fps, from the ini, next time i get on it.
Probably not. I finished every assassination after only completing the first three story missions.
Probably not. I finished every assassination after only completing the first three story missions.
I have two 5850s and a quad core CPU (Q9550). With vsync on, the two cards will max out at about 60-70% usage and wildly fluctuate b/w 60 and 30fps, sometimes even lower than that. With a single card, it will use 100% of that GPU but the framerate will be a perfectly flat 30. That's how I'm playing it for the time being because at least that's consistent. With two cards, I'd consider it unplayable.
This is using the Catalyst 11.11 (not 11.11a) drivers and CAP2 profiles (with apparently "improved Crossfire performance" for SR3), though I'll be trying the leaked 12.1 drivers tonight with the CAP2 profiles to see if it's any better.
I haven't been able to call Shaundi at all in the game yet. I really hope they fix this soon.I'm pretty sure the greyed out/busy Homies thing is a bug. Oleg's been grayed out since like.. the first quarter of the game for me.
Yeah the i5 have 4 cores.Ah, so you're shooting for 60fps but finding ridiculous framerate drops to 30 because of vsync? I kinda had that too (though sometimes it would dip even below 30). Your PC should be able to smash the shit out of 30fps at ultra with everything cranked, although I do have my card(s) overclocked, but I doubt it would make that much difference.
As for the ultra slowdown with DX11, it may be due to having 4 cores (I guess... not sure how many your CPU has) and you may need to disable the latter two cores.. Check out here for some fixes which might help you out. Might not, but they're worth a go.
I'll be checking out the prerelease Catalyst drivers tonight, so I'll let you know if I have any luck.
I want to play this game sooo badly but I have the same rig as UrbanRats posted and the performance doesn't sound that good from what I'm reading.. Not as good as it should be at least. I'm also getting sick of the terrible support for ATI/AMD.. never again. Anyways its saying something that i'll be paying attention to this thread and new drivers updates everyday because I want to play that badly.
Honestly? I'm the same, at least on the AMD standpoint. While some of the time Crossfire scaling can be off the fucking charts (most Codies games, save for the F1s) more often than not I find myself either having to tweak the shit out of something via RadeonPro (although the ability to custom-tune each game is in the 12.1/8.93 prerelease drivers) or completely disable Crossfire altogether. If a game doesn't have a profile, it should default to only using one card... I had so much heartache with Blur and NFS:HP because of that shit. Profile updates rarely make a difference, either.I want to play this game sooo badly but I have the same rig as UrbanRats posted and the performance doesn't sound that good from what I'm reading.. Not as good as it should be at least. I'm also getting sick of the terrible support for ATI/AMD.. never again. Anyways its saying something that i'll be paying attention to this thread and new drivers updates everyday because I want to play that badly.
Played about 2 hours.
Shitty performances (ati 5850) and can't play with Dx11 in fullscreen (1frame every 3 seconds, in the main menu alone).
If i put Dx9, all high (except the dx10/11 stuff) and no AA, still get a choppy frame rate, especially when speeding with a vehicle.
Still playable though, i'll wait for new ati drivers or i may even end up changing card (i'm tired of this shitty Ati support, honestly).
That said, had a blast for the little i've played, the variety of gang enemies is great,, great stuff.the big Luchadores' tanks and the Deck's rollerblade psychic girls
After that Sublime scene I NEED this game.
I have two systems. Laptop (primary) and Desktop (looking to get rid of). Tried it on my desktop that also has a 5850 and indeed the performance was worse than my Nvidia laptop!
I'm running it on a single 5850 and it isn't giving me any trouble. 1920x1080, DX10/11, Medium settings, frame rate is flawed but by no means terrible.
I think I have low standards for a PC gamer.
BLITZ, Have you done the finale mission twice (And chosen the other ending)? I heard somewhere that they're technically tied up until the finale is finished a second time
Go to a clothes shop, dress up your character the way you want to (you can also access all the other clothes you have bought earlier from other shops), then there should be a gallery option with the choice of downloading or uploading your character.How do I upload my character? Do I have to download the Initiation Station?