ah ok, thanks. hope they have other merch. not a fan of bobbleheads, personally.
Speaking of interesting easter eggs, found these the other night (all of which are on the southwestern-most ship):
-Painting of Niko Bellic.
Also just found an Attrazione and was surprised at how fast the thing is.
Jumping back in with a new character. This time I'm going to focus on buying stuff up before I go through the story stuff. I feel like the first time through I didn't do enough of that.
Also just found an Attrazione and was surprised at how fast the thing is.
I really do understand that it could be a bit too much at times regarding to pacing etc. I mean personally I LOVED SR1 because it was still a bit realistic, the pipebombs really felt like they had a good weight to it, the explosions were certainly fantastic as well. Things got crazier in SR2, and now in SR3 the crazy is turned up to 200 like all the time.
Your character looks great, Neuromancer!
Volition needs to watch this and take notes imo, but Im sure they have seen it already.
Btw speaking of easter eggs I already said this but I found a pikachu looking doll the other day in between a few trees. lol![]()
Did you watch his sr2 review? It was his goty.I havent liked any of the reviews ive seen of this man.
He always is so nitpicky that sounds like he doesnt enjoy games at all. And the majority of times he contradicts himself.
The only right thing he said in that review was the character customization.
I dont want something in the middle of GTA and Saints Row 3 for Saints Row 4, I want all the wackiness and fun as I can have. I dont want progression of shitty losser to boss LIKE IN ALL FUCKING SANDBOX GAMES. The good thing of Saints Row 3 is that you are always amazing, something games dont do too much, and that getting an air strike in the first missions makes you say "this cant get any crazier, its already too good" but it does! And comes more wacky and awesome weapons as the game progresses.
I dont know how people think that SR2 story is more memorable than SR3. IMO all those realistic problems the character had didnt fit the game at all (like for example the part were you are attacked by the ninja guys at Gats home and her girlfriend is killed). The saints Row 3 story wasnt godly or had materpiece writting with amazing plotwists, but it was so fun, so wacky, and the cutscenes are so awesome that is miles better.
So i hope they dont take any notes (aside of character customisation) of that videogame snob.
Volition needs to watch this and take notes imo, but Im sure they have seen it already.
Btw speaking of easter eggs I already said this but I found a pikachu looking doll the other day in between a few trees. lol![]()
I think SR2 was my GOTY as well....hmm.
And the cutscene with gat that you are talking about is like almost the best one...
SR2's seriousness wasn't what made the story so memorable, it was the characters and the interplay between them.
Yes, there's some stores where you can buy different clothes and a few stores where you can buy some clothes that aren't in the normal stores. They have different names from the normal stores.I've never played a Saints Row game before this so I wasn't sure what to expect. The game has already managed to make me smile and I've only been playing for an hour, soo good. It also has one of the best character customizations I've come across, however I'm wondering if you have an option to change your clothing as the game progresses?
Yes, there's some stores where you can buy different clothes and a few stores where you can buy some clothes that aren't in the normal stores. They have different names from the normal stores.
Ew, this game is gross, really regret buying it. Bububut it's fun. Bullshit, it's just retarded. Can't wait for GTA V, return of the King bitch.
Maybe I'm forgetting, but what interplay between the characters do you mean? And I don't know, as I said before, the most memorable part of SR2's story was the Brotherhood quest, and that's some crazy revenge porn escalation/boss dick-waving. Except I wasn't so crazy about the part where Carlos bites it.
Anyone else had achievements vanishing on PC? I replayed last mission twice and got both achievements, restarted Steam, look at achievements page - no achievements given for last mission. WTF?
I've not had that but I've had a massive ? achievement since the first few missions. It just sits there in the done achievement list. Random.
God! the pathfinding in this game is atrocious. Snatch missions are especially aggravating as fuck. I wish they just let the 'hos' do that ninja jump into your car if they're having serious problems finding the correct path, instead of circling seven times with fidgety animation as two morningstar brutes in SUVs plow the shit out of them.
It was mine as well, but I think I prefer SR3. If THQ doesn't die before then, I do hope they make SR4 be a content upgrade the way SR2 kinda was.
Yeah, but that's kind of the problem, right? I mean, that is one of the best cutscenes in the game. SR2's story was interesting because it painted the main character as being just as psychopathic in-cutscene as you are when just running around, but I didn't find it particularly memorable.
Also, I think it went a little too far towards psychopathic -- I think SR3 strikes a better balance. Because, yeah, players are all playing psychos in open world games, but they're playing completely goofy, utterly ridiculous psychos, and SR2's treatment of the boss was really, really self-serious. Not that SR3's balance is necessarily perfect, I could see some people finding it too goofy. I think goofy trumps serious any day of the week for videogames, but then I think games are all kind of fundamentally ridiculous in the first place.
I also have it, it counts as you have so its no problem. Its the treat well/bad 500 people or something like that.I've got that ? achievement too - no idea what its for but it must have been very early on as I got it before the first mission
It's shonky in places but so fun and genuinely funny - I'm playing with Hispanic female voice and she NAILS IT, really pitches it perfectly between aggressive and playful and I find that playing with a female character has made it all a bit less dudebro and more characterful. GREAT voice work from whoever's doing it - she adds so much humour in her delivery of the lines and made me like my character in the game a lot.