Even though I just beat it last night, I just now found out the Hulk Hogan voiced Angel.
Even though I just beat it last night, I just now found out the Hulk Hogan voiced Angel.
Even though I just beat it last night, I just now found out the Hulk Hogan voiced Angel.
I know, he was very restrained. I thought he did a great job.
Even though I just beat it last night, I just now found out the Hulk Hogan voiced Angel.
This game doesn't really have oscar worthy gameplay. I just had to do like four missions in a row with Zimos that were all atrocious. Drive him around, protect him while he stands there and does nothing, get in car again.
Nothing has been like the first mission.
I don't know butI'm sure this has been asked somewhere in this thread, but I'll ask again:
Why are therestill zombies and the "zombie" island is still blocked off? I would have thought things would go back to normal after the zombie mission
I'm sure this has been asked somewhere in this thread, but I'll ask again:
Why are therestill zombies and the "zombie" island is still blocked off? I would have thought things would go back to normal after the zombie mission
I think the bridges that are up count as jumps you need for 100% completion? I could be wrong though.
I'm sure this has been asked somewhere in this thread, but I'll ask again:
Why are therestill zombies and the "zombie" island is still blocked off? I would have thought things would go back to normal after the zombie mission
There's a random call for a survival wave that totally gives it away. Sucks for me because I heard it before I ever met the character.Even though I just beat it last night, I just now found out the Hulk Hogan voiced Angel.
I did not survive.
Driving is pretty terrible without an analog stick. Not sure what the solution is because you would probably still want a m/kb for aiming. I ended up using both.has anyone played this with a keyboard on the pc? Does it work out ok?
I tried with a 360 controller and a mouse/keyboard and I like mouse/keyboard better. The driving's forgiving enough that I didn't miss the analog sticks too much, and the shooting is much better with a mouse.has anyone played this with a keyboard on the pc? Does it work out ok?
The use of licensed music in this game easily tops anything else out there.
You're the best! Around! Nothing's gonna ever keep you down.
The use of licensed music in this game easily tops anything else out there.
You're the best! Around! Nothing's gonna ever keep you down.
Using licensed music in gta type games is nothing new?
No it's not new but it's not done nearly as well as it is in this game.Using licensed music in gta type games is nothing new?
No it's not new but it's not done nearly as well as it is in this game.
Pretty sure all copies are Steam registrable. The retail copy needs Steam too.
I more meant will they give me a code or do I have to wait for a box
Favorite choice of music has to be the penultimate mission whenI Need A Hero started playing. I ran through the STAG and Luchadore gunfire, shrugging that shit off like a boss jumped into the water and swam to the statue to save my homies. It was some heroic, Superman type shit.
Also the freefall in Air Steelport when Just For Today plays
STAGs theme is also really good. It plays the first time you get pursued by them.
Is there any way to complete the 50 taunt challenge after you've completed the game? I kept meaning to go for it while there were some gangs around, but I flew through the story instead. This is like the only challenge I'm not close to finishing.
Wait what. I thought he was Kill Bane. I stupid.
It felt like something out of a John Candy movie, I loved it.Favorite choice of music has to be the penultimate mission whenI Need A Hero started playing. I ran through the STAG and Luchadore gunfire, shrugging that shit off like a boss jumped into the water and swam to the statue to save my homies. It was some heroic, Superman type shit.
I'm pretty sure you can taunt Saints gang members and it counts for it, just like the Love/Hate relationship trophy?
Here's a mini-trailer for all of you about Genkibowl VII (bigger one coming soon): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siBhtWd0cq4
..and some initial screenshots as well:
Coming January 17th!
CheapyD DLC
[Dr.Zoidberg] What is? [/Dr.Zoidberg]
So how many of these activities muddle up missions? Can you just skip them or do you have to do them? Getting tired of them already.
For some reason I've recently started getting this song stuck in my head whenever I'm flying through Steelport at night or driving in the rain.
Any chance we'll ever get an option to allow custom soundtracks on PS3?
EXITE !!! SO SO SO AWESOMEHere's a mini-trailer for all of you about Genkibowl VII (bigger one coming soon): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siBhtWd0cq4
Coming January 17th!