Are you supposed to download the DLC in-game? I keep clicking on the Downloadable Content space and I'm getting nothing. Already have a Season Pass so I'm not really sure what to do.
Just finished deckers.die last night. How much of the game do I have left?
And wow, I guess I'm the only one that had a lot of fun with Genki. SRTT is what it is. Once you accept that, stuff like the DLC is a lot of fun. But hey, I loved the Shark Gun and hat DLC much more than I should too I guess.
Genki is more Saint's Row. It's fun.
You're missing my point Poop spraying is poop spraying it's a silly activity and done in good humour.
My problem is i just didn't find the idea of 'ho's' being locked up in squalid shipping containers funny or amusing much less the implication that they have been in their so long that they have had to shit and piss in them. The escort activities at least have some good humour to them but that whole 'rescue' misson and it's seemingly jovial tone was just was distasteful.
Add onto that the end when the only way to end the misson was to deliver them back to their captors for a reward or make you their new pimps and make some long term money.
Why can't i just let them go? Or do they like being pimped and locked up?
Except the boss doesn't have much to gain from either transaction. Why not fold these girls into the Saint's gang, even strapping C4 to them to turn them into suicide strippers? That would be more of a boss decision than selling them off for a low return.Because the Boss is not a nice person.
If people don't realize that Saints Row is not that kind of story early on, then they've got issues they need to work through. NOTHING the main characters do is good in any way, except for the way they look out for each other. That is literally the only redeeming quality about the characters (other than being hilarious), and even it isn't always true.
I'd never played a game in the series before and I had no problem whatsoever realizing this after only two missions.
Like I said in my earlier post, it gets old. The constant glorification of violence and debauchery gets old.
Everyone has a limit to what they are okay with. But I think the real problem here is that people have a problem with the lack of characterization to justify such events. Making everyone an asshole is just lazy, shitty writing, because there's no real reason for it. I'm still trying to figure out what the dev team was trying to say about violence in the media - if anything at all.
Because I refuse to believe that they would write in such ridiculously horrible sceranios with no subtext.
Except the boss doesn't have much to gain from either transaction. Why not fold these girls into the Saint's gang, even strapping C4 to them to turn them into suicide strippers? That would be more of a boss decision than selling them off for a low return.
Like I said in my earlier post, it gets old. The constant glorification of violence and debauchery gets old.
Everyone has a limit to what they are okay with. But I think the real problem here is that people have a problem with the lack of characterization to justify such events. Making everyone an asshole is just lazy, shitty writing, because there's no real reason for it. I'm still trying to figure out what the dev team was trying to say about violence in the media - if anything at all.
Because I refuse to believe that they would write in such ridiculously horrible sceranios with no subtext.
Like I said in my earlier post, it gets old. The constant glorification of violence and debauchery gets old.
Everyone has a limit to what they are okay with. But I think the real problem here is that people have a problem with the lack of characterization to justify such events. Making everyone an asshole is just lazy, shitty writing, because there's no real reason for it. I'm still trying to figure out what the dev team was trying to say about violence in the media - if anything at all.
Because I refuse to believe that they would write in such ridiculously horrible sceranios with no subtext.
Lazy? Shitty?
Get over yourself, I guess.
This game is not a satire on violence, it just is a hilarious open world 3rd person shooter. Thats it. nothing more to look into.
"Hey, that guy has an opinion! Get him! GET HIIIIIIIM!"
Calling the writing lazy and shitty because you don't like it is not an opinion
Anyone else have this on PC and get a framerate that bounces between 30 and low 40s especially when driving? I know someone who has a GTX 570 and was bragging about a steady 60 FPS with everything maxed and to me that either means he doesn't have a great CPU (didn't ask) or this is a very demanding game, anyone else have anecdotes about their experience?
Yeah the missions in the SR2 DLC weren't great but the extra stuff- alien and astronaut costumes, the 3 wheeled motorcycle, and the little yellow plane - were cooler than the extras we got in Genkibowl. I thought so anyway.Are people really surprised that the dlc is crap? SR2 dlc wasn't that great either, although it did add even more customization options.
But I mean really their first bits of dlc so far have consisted of outfits, a gun and freaking cheat codes!
Don't get me wrong, I loved SR2 and I really enjoyed SRTT, but they don't really have the bset track record when it comes to great dlc.
Then that's pretty sad, if Volition sat around in a room and went to themselves "you know what's cool? Killing people".
I've been playing it like it is a satire. There's nothing wrong with that. Still, I would like to one day ask Volition what they made in mind when making the series.
I certainly get a lot of people's complaints about some of the things in the game, especially the treatment of women, but at the same time the game has no problem with treating a female main character with the same respect as a male one.
I doubt that Volition's writing team is crying just because I didn't like how they handled things.
Well, of course not. They would have no reason to be, because your "opinion" is - ahem hem - lazy and shitty.
I'm not sure why there has to be some deeper meaning to everything for it to be considered "good". That seems an awfully shortsighted stance on life.
If anything, SR is parody of GTA games, not of society or media. GTA usually tries to justify the main character's actions by providing opponents that are far worse criminal than him, except most people will play the game in a way that makes him a crazy mass murderer so this whole plot device becomes absurd. SR takes this to the extreme, and that's why it's funny. I don't think there's anything else.
I'm not sure why there has to be some deeper meaning to everything for it to be considered "good". That seems an awfully shortsighted stance on life.
Niko Bellic is a serious character trying to do serious things in a serious game, which makes his actions far more disturbing.
There it is. The inevitable "your opinion sucks, so now I'm going to make a judgement about you as a person" post.
I thought SR and SR2 had a great balance of drama, humor, story, mission progression, character depth, and motivation for the gang leaders. Volition threw most of that out in favor of wackiness. Judging by this thread most people like the new direction. I miss the SR of old, but I know it's not going to come back. I just hope with SR4, they at least strive to match the amount of content and features found in SR2.
There it is. The inevitable "your opinion sucks, so now I'm going to make a judgement about you as a person" post.
The first 2 SR's had a reason behind why your character did what he/she did. SR 3 throws that all out of the window and adds in silly things like the Saints being a household name in a good way(no clue why they did this) and having stores with their gear in it.
I thought SR and SR2 had a great balance of drama, humor, story, mission progression, character depth, and motivation for the gang leaders. Volition threw most of that out in favor of wackiness. Judging by this thread most people like the new direction. I miss the SR of old, but I know it's not going to come back. I just hope with SR4, they at least strive to match the amount of content and features found in SR2.
I know some people were turned off by the gangsta thing, but there was a certain charm to it, and I felt more like I was actually part of a gang, or something bigger than me and the few NPC's who tag along in SR3. Having the Saints sell-out, become commercialized, and all that was pretty lame, but seeing as how Volition wanted to expand their audience by changing the feel of SR, it makes sense. I think my dislike for SR3 is comparable to your love of GTA4.![]()
What better to judge someone on than their opinions?
I just wish the Saints weren't so ridiculously over the top this time around.
Saints being a household name in a good way(no clue why they did this) and having stores with their gear in it.
That's why I think it's a parody.
You must REALLY hate SR haha.
: I never played SR1, is it worth picking up?
I enjoyed SR3, but I think I prefer SR2. While SR3 had some really great moments it felt a little too "over the top", SR2 had more balance between wackiness and seriousness.
On a side note: I never played SR1, is it worth picking up?
No, I love SR1 and 2; between both I've spent over 300hours on them, and it was my favorite new IP of this generation. SR3 was the title I was most hyped for and it let me down in pretty much every possible way. I played it for around 40 hours and there's nothing to bring me back.
That's why it's so frustrating. I think they really fucked up when they could've just kept expanding on all the great things that were already in place, instead of taking out all the little (and no so little) things that made SR awesome.
Be careful, that sounds like something only a horrible person would say.
I can understand that line of thought; I just don't understand why they did it.
No one called you a horrible person.
The city of Steelport itself was a huge step down as were the gangs.
I know, I was exaggerating because the whole conversation was so ridiculous. Saying that I can have an opinion as long as it isn't one that people find insulting? And "ranting"? I was explaining my position. And then it is implied that, because I don't "get" a video game (or rather, have a different opinion about what it was about), I must be a cynical person?
Seriously, it's a video game. I had an opinion. My own personal, subjective opinion. I don't see how that offends some people. Or why it's made into a thing.
K12 is really great, especially after the lackluster playlist from SR2, when it was so awesome in SR. GTA3's RiseFM is still my absolute favorite radio station in a game, but this new K12 is up there.