Wasn't all in, but it still hurts. I've got 36k left.EDIT: @Frantic: Like someone said before, never go all in on a DBZ match.
It wasn't Darth Maul or Darth Vader that defeated Tenma-sama... but C3P0 and R2D2.
Why didn't I bet more on them?! D:100 turned into 4.4k. Really wish I dropped a grand like I was thinking about... >_<
It wasn't Darth Maul or Darth Vader that defeated Tenma-sama... but C3P0 and R2D2.
Why didn't I bet more on them?! D:100 turned into 4.4k. Really wish I dropped a grand like I was thinking about... >_<
I lost 5 grand on Prinny vs the big sprite Vegeta. Prinny more or less had it each time, but it turns out that throwing Prinny in MUGEN is the same as throwing a Prinny in Disgaea. He explodes and dies.
Holy fuck seriously? Thanks for the tip.
It also includes 'cinematic' supers, so Prinny has quite a few bad matchups. He's really good, otherwise.Holy fuck seriously? Thanks for the tip.
That final round clutch from Clara vs Kuando might be the single best clutch moment I've seen in the two or so months I've been watching SaltyBets. Get ate'd old dude.
I really hate Team Remisen btw.
I hate nothing more than a fake whatever getting insanely skewed bets, and then clutching out a round five win and preserving the rich people's mistake money anyway. It happens so often.
I hate nothing more than a fake whatever getting insanely skewed bets, and then clutching out a round five win and preserving the rich people's mistake money anyway. It happens so often.
Damn it, Not even based Kira can kill those creeps. She was kinda close, but not enough... maybe Neptune can do it.
I have to say that it was predictable, but It would have been nice to see one of those things defeated by a legit character.
And yeah, I still can't believe people put that thing as an underdog.
See: Heika nearly defeating a Vega in a crazy upset, and then as usual, as soon as the favored guy is 0-2 their AI suddenly turns on and the underdog's turns off for the next two rounds, followed by a close fifth round where the favored one wins.
This has been happening a lot lately, to the point where I'm honestly wondering if there is some kind of AI balance thing happening here.