I think the heal uses 1 bar. Guess she cant die as long as she has meter?
yup, that's why she only died the 1st round, because the match was just beginning and her meter hadn't started filling.
I think the heal uses 1 bar. Guess she cant die as long as she has meter?
Aww Yeah
Anyone else just luck out on the Blue Ranger Versus some random Dragon Ball character?
Good upset.
I went from my starting salt of 28 to $367!
Charlotte is a massive fraud. She lost me everything a few days ago, 500 yesterday, and 1 dollar a second ago.
Never again.
Oh god it's been a whole day since I've been able to get on Salty Bet because of worthless shit like people and life and other major inconveniences that keep me from bettin' mah salts.
Daddy needs his medicine.....
I feel you. I'm going to be out of town tomorrow so I'm missing the Shaker Classic... I know I'm gonna have the shakes all day tomorrow.Oh god it's been a whole day since I've been able to get on Salty Bet because of worthless shit like people and life and other major inconveniences that keep me from bettin' mah salts.
Daddy needs his medicine.....
It must be Ken hour
Wild Ken EX with the clutch over CVS2 Ken.
Okay, I take back what I said. Going all in on Cell was the best decision I've ever made. DAT MONEY. FUCK THE SALT MINES.
I slammed my laptop shut last night when geese lost to Haku 10k down and into the salt mines.
Bet it all on Tayuya.
Shiiiiiiiiit, people got FUCKED on that Gero/Saito match.
i lost the same amount, but i was to amused at the fact that the user Haku went all in on Haku and won big (went from 45k to 1.6 mil lol) to really be mad that i had lost half of my money on what should have been an easy win for geese.