Ceebs said:A gif of Kim shooting herself with her finger must be made.
jibril (aka veidt, terrible name) is sportin that at this very moment

Ceebs said:A gif of Kim shooting herself with her finger must be made.
I believe Year One and Youth In Revolt did pretty damn poorly.Google said:Why?
Kids want to see films with Cera in, because he made Juno and Superbad.
Not because he starred in Arrested Development when he was 15.
Danielsan said:I believe Year One and Youth In Revolt did pretty damn poorly.
Google said:Whats your point? The typical teenager cares little for the quality of a movie - all they want to know is that it has the guy from Superbad in it...
Much was the case with Sean William-Scott for 10 fucking years!
I'm not talking about the quality, I'm saying that those movies didn't draw a lot of people to the theaters.Google said:Whats your point? The typical teenager cares little for the quality of a movie - all they want to know is that it has the guy from Superbad in it...
Much was the case with Sean William-Scott for 10 fucking years!
Danielsan said:And when you say "guy from Superbad" everyone automatically thinks McLovin and not Micheal Cera.
AgentWhiskersX said:Are you on a Mac or a PC? On my MacBook Pro, right clicking and saving the file only saves the URL. When I double click that URL it opens the streaming version of the trailer. Can't save Apple trailers. =/
Haunted said:I first thought there was some artifacting/compression going on in the trailer when one of the exes (forgot his name, been a while since I read the comics) brings out the blue sword.
Upon re-watching, I see that it's an intentional [8-bit] pixel-effect. Outstanding.
me tooWes said:I actually preferred the first trailer to this recent one.
the prodigy - invaders must diebistromathics said:what is the song that ramps up in the trailer after kim goes "blam"?
me too
That's clearly Knives and Ramona fighting, and do you seriously think she looks 30?Son of Godzilla said:Am I missing something? Why does the girl that is presumably knives look like she's 30?
Edit: Err, according to IMDB they have someone cast as Mama Chau, so I guess that might be her fighting Ramona? Instead of her awesome ninja husband trying to murder Scott... Whatever..
She looks pretty young here but yeah she looks old in the trailerSon of Godzilla said:Am I missing something? Why does the girl that is presumably knives look like she's 30?
Edit: Err, according to IMDB they have someone cast as Mama Chau, so I guess that might be her fighting Ramona? Instead of her awesome ninja husband trying to murder Scott... Whatever.
XiaNaphryz said:That's clearly Knives and Ramona fighting, and do you seriously think she looks 30?
ty, friendMNC said:the prodigy - invaders must die
Depends on how they market it really.DominoKid said:It looks like its going to be awesome for people who are into this sort of thing (me) but its going to bomb hard financially.
The movie follows the comics up until the 3rd then there will be story differences but some instances will still be the same in both. Also the ending for the 2 are completely different, but they are still using source material from Vol 6 in it.JPBrowncoat said:Looks great. Ordered all the books and preordered the 6th. Is the 6th part of the movie or is the series ongoing?
DominoKid said:also, MEW looks terrible in this movie. i was wondering wtf yall were fangasming over until i saw her in some other stuff.
SalsaShark said:wat?
One might argue that the hair looks weird, but ive never thought ramona was one of the hottest girls out there to begin with. Perfect casting.
But there is a slight distinction between the two. I'd call manga volumes graphic novels and not comics.BenjaminBirdie said:I really fucking hate when people use "graphic novels" instead of "comics". You're literally, syllabically, going out of your way to avoid the fucking word.
Jet Grind Radio! said:But there is a slight distinction between the two. I'd call manga volumes graphic novels and not comics.
Jet Grind Radio! said:But there is a slight distinction between the two. I'd call manga volumes graphic novels and not comics.
Grizzlyjin said:Technically I don't think there is any distinction. Manga is just japanese comics. I always thought that graphic novel just came into popular usage to indicate that the particular comic in question is more substantive than something like Marmaduke. But yeah...they're all just comics. Graphic novel just sounds classier sometimes. :lol
Well, graphic novels tend to be more of a collected form. Or at least have a few chapters.BenjaminBirdie said:Got panels with balloons that, when strung together, tell a story?
Bad news, pal. You're readin' comics.
SalsaShark said:[*mew pic*
One might argue that the hair looks weird, but ive never thought ramona was one of the hottest girls out there to begin with. Perfect casting.
Not really. It's basically a "normal" world with hints of video game stuff, like outlandish attacks, 1Ups and save spots.selig said:question of someone who doesnt know the scott pilgrim-comics:
Does Scott have super powers from the beginning? Because in the trailer, at first it looks as if he´s a normal boy...but then this first ex-boyfriend appears and he fights like a super hero. Im confused.