CrimsonN0 said:Well, I saw the movie yesterday and really liked it.
The "battle of the bands" thing and the music actually pumped me up more than the fights did.
Also, in this interview it's mentioned that all the actors were given 10 secret facts about their characters, anyone actually manage to find them out?
Apparently, all of the Stephen Stills and Kim Pine at least ended up in the comic, but Aubrey Plaza says one of her character's secrets didn't make it for the movie or the comic:Julie Powers was in love with Scott.
SketchTheArtist said:I really want to know all of those characters' secrets. I know Scott's number one secret is thatall of this is a sort of re-telling of is own life in his head.
ezekial45 said:Thats actually a pretty brilliant way to describe the movie. It makes me appreciate it a bit more.
animlboogy said:Everything I'm reading talks about the tracking being so down because females have lost interest over time due to the marketing. I wasn't a fan of many of the TV spots, but I still wonder why that is? There's something very feminine about this movie to me, and the Scott Pilgrim series itself. It feels weird that my take on that seems to be so off. Maybe the videogame-y nonsense was played up too much? In the comics, it was just kind of there. I never had the impression that it was the most important feature of the series... Maybe the advertising pushes it that way?
Fuck that "Twilight for boys" nonsense, too. Scott isn't with idealized women, helpless without them. They're full of flaws besides just "do they love Scott... ENOUGH?"
animlboogy said:Maybe I read the comic differently (which just happens in that medium for the reasons you stated), but I felt the opposite. The game references all seems like strange moments that were serving the plot here and there in an unconventional way, especially with how things were drawn, while it struck me as a lot more ridiculous and part of the look and feel in the film. In a good way! The film was kind of shrill to me, while the simple art made the same scenes in the comic a lot more subdued.
Gooster said:I guess if you want to get overanalytical about it, maybe some women were put off at how the female leads, save for Stacey Pilgrim, are portrayed as psychotic, angry, bitchy, full of baggage and withdrawn, any combination of those, although all for the sake of comedy. After all, it's not like any of the male leads exercise logic or strong thinking in any way.
Snaku said:Saw the trailer. I have so very little desire to see this film. =/
Einbroch said:I died laughing at the. My friend had to tell me to stop laughing. :lolhigh five
Einbroch said:I died laughing at the. My friend had to tell me to stop laughing. :lolhigh five
Seeingezekial45 said:YEAH!!
Thats great to hear. Kim Pine is one of the more likeable characters in the originalVisionaryQuest0 said:The girl playing Kim Pine was awesome, I have a crush on her after watching this movie.
"We are Sex Bob-omb. We're here to make money and sell out and stuff."
My friend said the same thing; he saw the trailer and thought it looked stupid. But I got him and his girlfriend to come with us and they were so glad they did. He thought it was the most enjoyable movie of the year. Seriously, check it out. You (probably) won't be disappointed.Snaku said:Saw the trailer. I have so very little desire to see this film. =/
harSon said:Jesus
It kind of shouldfarnham said:thats interesting cuz i hated how envy was drawn in the original
she remeinded me of a horse more then anything :lol :lol
Funky Papa said:Did somebody notice that Envy Adams is based on Metric's Emily Haines?
From the legs to the chin. Both of them play a mean keyboard, too.
i kinda noticed that she wasnt that horse looking in volume 2-3 but in the later volumes its extremeFunky Papa said:It kind of should
Cirekiller said:I didn't like Gidheon'sattitude, it kind of ruined the build-up to the fight."hey we got no beef lets be friends"
In our theater, everyone groaned and one guy yelled DAMNIT! and then everyone laughed.Dechaios said:Oh man.. before the movie when the M Night Shyamalan's new trailer played.. the audience erupted into laughter when they saw his name.
Wait 6 more months.Akim said:Is this out in Germany?
derFeef said:Wait 6 more months.
Not surprising. Michael Cera is a tough sell. He looks like an adolescent version of the baby from Dinosaurs.Deku said:
Zabka said:Not surprising. Michael Cera is a tough sell. He looks like an adolescent version of the baby from Dinosaurs.
Zabka said:Not surprising. Michael Cera is a tough sell. He looks like an adolescent version of the baby from Dinosaurs.
Archurro said:Anyone else expectas the vegan police? I was severely disappointed with that lack of cameo.Simon Pegg and Nick Frost
That would have been incredible but I still laughed my ass off when I sawArchurro said:Anyone else expectas the vegan police? I was severely disappointed with that lack of cameo.Simon Pegg and Nick Frost
Scarecrow said:This film has a weird aspect ratio. I'm a projectionist at my theater and we use digital projectors. Usually, all you have to do is load up the hard drive for the movie and it works perfectly. When I watched the film, the only things I caught being cut off were a few words and [a certain character's] life bar. Looks like it wasn't just my theater having the problem, which is good to know. It's not my fault this time! :lol
Stumpokapow said:My theatre cleaved off a significant portion of the bottom of the film :/
Someone had a life bar?!
At least you didn't notice the life bars. My projectionist didn't have the projector properly positioned and I could see the start of the life bar but not the end.Stumpokapow said:My theatre cleaved off a significant portion of the bottom of the film :/
Someone had a life bar?!
bigosc2k said:Was I the only one who felt the double dragon reference flew over their heads when the Katayanagi twin scene happen, my friend said the reference to double dragon was because one of the twin had their hair black and the other had their hair blonde, so was I the only one that who missed that connection?
Understandable though, as the movie tries to stick with the source material for that period and then has to deviate after that.Jason's Ultimatum said:Great movie, but it slows down after the third fight.
SpeedingUptoStop said:As long as I got a great film already in the bag, I couldn't care less if it does toy Story 3 numbers or Scott pilgrim numbers. Shit happens, a great film will squeak out beneath the shitpile every once in a while, no mater how much money the last one made.