Screenrant: We gave Wukong a 6/10 for lacking inclusivity but here are 10 reasons it deserves GOTY At TGA 2024

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Yeah my average scores are usually around 7'ish. These days very rarely do games reach over 8. I think Like a Dragon and SH2 are the only ones that are above 8'ish this year. Might be missing some.

The Next Generation Data GIF by Star Trek

Just pulling your leg btw, the placement of winjer winjer 's post, yours and your tag, too hard to resist.


For fuck sake, is there even a grain of integrity in the gaming "journalism"? What a clown.
Bro these people are just like corporations, they go where the wind blows. If nazi were popular again they would support them...Anything for that click. Prostitutes.
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Linux User
There are billions of Asians but for American journos the only true diversity is if it has black people in it. And only the Afro-American kind obviously Africa doesn't count.


There isn't any money to be made in actual gaming reviews/journalism these days. Even if you can find someone who's willing to write for your website on a contract basis, they just can't make a high enough margin to justify it. This is why sites are closing down left and right and those that remain are just SEO optimized trash and silly click bait. All the people who used to do a stand-up job as reviewers and reporters 20 years ago either left the industry completely or transitioned to independent media personalities.

No one should expect any level of honestly or integrity from anyone working in games media these days. It's sad to say, but Steam user reviews combined with watching game play videos are the only reliable sources to make your purchasing decisions. Even then, both of those must be taken with big grains of salt.

The culture wars bullshit is just an added confounder on top of the unworkable business model that games media has to deal with these days. Save yourself some time and just side-step that shit. Ignore all of it completely.


Gold Member

Before we were happily trying to destroy things that didn't align with our ideological perspective. But now since people voted overwhelmingly against us, we're not that bad....please don't destroy us.

Boss Mog

So you're telling me that a game based on ancient Chinese folklore doesn't have any black people in it? Completely unacceptable and borderline racist. 6/10.


For fuck sake, is there even a grain of integrity in the gaming "journalism"? What a clown.
Integrity is unrelated to making money. If they can say something then the opposite and make more money like this, they will do it. This is a business, their sole objective is to make money.
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Reseterror Resettler
Black Myth Wukong - just about the only "black," thing in the game. Score reflects the number of poc in the game - 0/10, absolutely disgu-

Wait, WHO won the election? Shiiiiiit, so as I was saying, this TGA snub is absolutely disgusting, and clearly punitive aggression aimed at the chu-shit, at the gamers that we've always been a part of and championed! Tits!
Are the writers at screenrant even educated people? The story and the characters are based on / inspired by journey to the west novel. The story occurred in 7th century and the novel itself was published in 16th century in China. Do you think there were black trans lesbian stupid two souls non binary people in a modest asian country at that time?


What bothers me more is that those review aggregator sites still include them as if they were honest source.

Steam user review is still currently the best.
It really is, over the past year or so its never steered me wrong. If a game is a genre I'm interested in and user ratings are very positive or higher, its always a banger. I dont even read reviews anymore because of this. The only thing to be mindful of is when people rate stuff low cos they have a shit pc, didnt read the spec, and complain the game doesnt run 🤣🤣


A game based on a CHINESE novel, yet complained about the lack of diversity and inclusivity.

Great journalism. Then you wonder why people mock journalists all the time.
I’m confused. Where in a make believe fantasy story about a humanoid monkey man who fights monsters is the inclusivity supposed to fit?

Not everything needs a “message” and not everything needs to moralize to people. It’s getting stale and I think a lot of people are tired of it.
It’s kinda racist when you think about it. It’s a game about humanoids and monkeys. What group of people want to be in a game that wants to be like? And then imagine a blue haired demon with their nose pieced trying to lecture Wukong about their pronouns
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