Came for ponies (for my daughter, of course), did not leave disappointed. Are/will these be available on the Wii U version (the version she's getting for Christmas)?
I think the WiiU version has some other sort of exchange, which means you don't get access to shaowebb's genius

Surely there are MLP ponies on the Wii U, though.
Im all aflutter guys <3
Glad you all like my stuff. I'll try to make the rest of the ponies too and once you get the Wii U version or whatever PM me and I'll tell you step by step how to make them. Once you have the base done you can modify it pretty easily into the rest of the cast. For the record I don't have cutie marks on the ponies because most are pushing the object limit and because most of the objects only scale so small so most cutie marks would be a combination of a LOT of shapes.
I believe to make the ponies it was ...
- start with a horse, shrink the body, lengthen the upper leg and shrink the lower leg.
- Next put out of the body parts folders the plain arm shapes painted to match the bodies so that they don't have any black hooves messing up the way the legs are all solid in color.
- For the face remove the head (or shrink it and cover it) with the "Head" shape.
- For the nose I used a "hook" shape and nudged it up to the edge of the face so it'd make the outline of the muzzle.
- For the eyes I used eggs and covered the original eye dots on the head and then nudged my new eyes into place so that they'd rest on top of the hook creating a lower eyelid effect. I then nudged the eye over so that it allowed the old eye's eyebrow to peak out beside my new eye like an eyelash.
- Next I used a leaf for the ear and nudged it down so the stem connected to my eye creating the other eyelash.
Thats the template. The rest is using references and figuring out what shapes could be colored to make the hair shapes you need for the rest of the cast.
Rainbow Dash used moons and fangs.
Twilight used paper (lol irony) and a canoe for her back tail
Pinkie Pie used clouds and cotton candy.
Applejack used bushes arm shapes, and a shrunk rod for the hairband. Hat was just circles moons and half circles shoved behind the head.
I hope this helps those of you wanting these characters for your family to play with on your 3DS or Wii U consoles.
Ask me anything and I'll tell you how to recreate these.
Okay apparently it is listed in the game that most clothing ONLY comes in Maxwell's size. Only characters specifically coded for puzzles can wear clothing other than hats and such. HOWEVER, I found the adjective "resurrecting". I may not be able to make Phoenix change colors, but I may be able to make her start out in her Dark Phoenix outfit and once killed she starts her ballistic freakout and all the other stuff I'm cooking up for her.
Cross your fingers. Dark Phoenix may be rising soon.