There were plenty of online gaming options before Dreamcast. Dreamcast wasn't even Sega's first go at it. Sega MegaNet and NetLink existed long before DC.
- Online gaming before anyone else
There were plenty of online gaming options before Dreamcast. Dreamcast wasn't even Sega's first go at it. Sega MegaNet and NetLink existed long before DC.
- Online gaming before anyone else
I purchased one of these at the midnight launch on 9/9/99. I remember watching the sixth sense first in the theater and then standing in line behind two middle aged dorks arguing about Dragonball Z, The line was a good 25 people deep when I got in line around 11pm. I came home with the Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure, Ready 2 Rumble, and NFL 2k. I remember I was so mad that Crazy Taxi was delayed for launch but had a blast with the launch games. Going from N64 to the Dreamcast back then was a massive jump in graphcis. It was my first online system, web browser, (*ahempron search*) etc. So many memories! It was far ahead of it's time just too bad Sega screwed people before with the 32x, sega cd, saturn, etc. I agree for about a 2 year period the Dreamcast was legendary.Listen Gaf. I don't need to write a long post about why the DC is the best console ever, but lets take a short sweet trip down memory lane.
- Online gaming before anyone else (Yes I know NES had a modem where you can access a limited internet network, but that was for things like ordering pizza etc)
- VMU. I think this was incredible. Sonic Adventure where I can download the pets found in game into the VMU, use it as a portable Tamigotchi and then reupload to the game whenever I wanted??? Amazing)
- Innovotive and exciting games. Seaman using the mic with the voice of Leonard Nimroy as the pet fish, Headhunter, Skies of Arcadia, Planet Ring, Power Stone, Shenmue, PS0 etc.
- Amazing LE consoles and import games, if you were into the import scene like I was the DC/PS2 era was the last great generation for imports.
- NGPC to DC link up. Forget hooking up your vita to the your PS4 or GBA to GC. The Dreamcast did it first and it worked amazingly. SNK and Sega a great match.
Yeah, it'll be a little pricey though; somewhere around $100.This is actually a real thing. The Dreamcast Junkyard Facebook group is keeping the DC scene alive with new hardware like the VMU2 and even new games. There's even a new magazine for the DC. Well worth checking out the group.
Series X shits on Dreamcast
That's some nice self censorship.Now GTFO.
That's some nice self censorship.
I prefer the original comment, tbh.![]()
The first time watching soul calibre was jaw dropping. I couldn't believe they did visuals that good.
Shenmue was like having another life, amazing.
I've seen where Naomi games seem to look/ play slightly better running on Naomi than on Dreamcast, but I'm not sure if that's due to emulator enhancements or how it was natively on Naomi arcade games. I would think with the extra horsepower, the Naomi board will yield a higher, more stable framerate with more textures. Frames of animation, however, should've been equal since Dreamcast had more than adequate RAM? Interesting question to investigate...I noticed that when I played Marvel Vs Capcom 2 on arcade NAOMI board vs Marvel Vs Capcom 2 on Sega Dreamcast, the arcade one had more frames of animation?!
Series X shits on Dreamcast
Is seriesS like s spiritual successor to dreamcast. If consoles didnt go big thats what they would be like.
Unbelievably the dreamcast only consumed 20watts during gameplay while SeriesS consumes about 80watts
Boo this man. I can name 50, easy.Dreamcast had like 10 good games,
Dreamcast had like 10 good games, the original Wii U
Well for DC - it got steamrolled by the PS2. Much discussion about that earlier in this thread. I worked in a game store at that time and people just flat out ignored the DC even though it had better games during the direct head to head times on the market - like Madden compared to NFL2k.Dreamcast really encapsulated the Sega 'soul and spirit', it's almost unexplainable. Even with the crap joystick design it was still charming. Unfortunately, not profitable by itself. I find it fascinating people really have more positive feelings to tragic failed consoles like Dreamcast and Saturn, maybe even the 32X. Where was the love when they were actually on the market fighting for survival.
Well for DC - it got steamrolled by the PS2. Much discussion about that earlier in this thread. I worked in a game store at that time and people just flat out ignored the DC even though it had better games during the direct head to head times on the market - like Madden compared to NFL2k.
Also the bluray player inclusion (or exclusion in DC's case) was huge at that time.
haha yep my bad - im getting old!It's all blurring together for you man.
That was DVD, not bluray in PS2!!
It wasn't really. The Neo Geo did that before the DC and it's wasn't that hard to have near perfect ports when you're using the same hardware in the Arcades to the home. The Saturn and PS were the 1st systems where I saw near perfect Arcade ports of games not using the same harder in the home and ArcadesIncredibly innovative and the very first console to have actual 1:1 arcade ports (and usually) better. 3DO came close but Dreamcast actually pulled it off. I remember thinking that for the first time ever, you really didn't have to go to the arcade anymore and that was kinda cool but depressing.
The downside to me was the library. At least for the U.S.. There just wasn't anything I wanted to play on it.
I just remembered that one of the most overlooked aspects of the Dreamcast is its controller. Its design is absolutely amazing. The analog stick feels SO GOOD, it's like butter. The only controller which has surpassed the Dreamcast's analog stick is Sony's DualSense analog sticks on the PS5.Listen Gaf. I don't need to write a long post about why the DC is the best console ever, but lets take a short sweet trip down memory lane.
- Online gaming before anyone else (Yes I know NES had a modem where you can access a limited internet network, but that was for things like ordering pizza etc)
- VMU. I think this was incredible. Sonic Adventure where I can download the pets found in game into the VMU, use it as a portable Tamigotchi and then reupload to the game whenever I wanted??? Amazing)
- Innovotive and exciting games. Seaman using the mic with the voice of Leonard Nimroy as the pet fish, Headhunter, Skies of Arcadia, Planet Ring, Power Stone, Shenmue, PS0 etc.
- Amazing LE consoles and import games, if you were into the import scene like I was the DC/PS2 era was the last great generation for imports.
- NGPC to DC link up. Forget hooking up your vita to the your PS4 or GBA to GC. The Dreamcast did it first and it worked amazingly. SNK and Sega a great match.
Anybody know what this game is and if it's at all worthwhile? It seems pretty clunky but potentially interesting. It's a remake to a PS1 game that looks even clunkier (duh) apparently but there's barely any footage of it. It gives me Space Hulk vibes. Surely it had things going for it if they remade it?
Just looked into these games recently, they seem a bit sub par compared to most real classic racers but Speed Devils has some sweet lighting effects (which I read the Online edition thing doesn't have, I suppose they maybe shuffled the content around and ditched the pitch black night stages).Speed Devils Online. Flawless 5 player online racing. Damn that game was a lot of fun.