so, aside from some projects around the house, tonight was the "let's have some drinks and try out some games you ended up with in wholesale lots", impressions:
McDonals Treasure Land Aventure - ahahaha how the hell did Treasure do this?! this has no right to be as enjoyable as bits of it are, its like they said "man Fantasy Zone sure is trippy...let's make a platformer kind've in that art style"
Boogerman: A pick & flick adventure - I unapologetically have an SNES (and small genesis) sections i call rose-tinted alley, because they're 90's properties that turned into largely forgettable games you'd only enjoy in small doses, and even then mostly nostalgia: Ren & Stimpy, Beavis & Butthead, Spawn, Jurassic Park, Power Rangers etc.
even saying that, someone formerly at Interplay should have to answer for this. history demands it.
Phelios - underrated shooter, greek stuff already more interesting than god of war, heh
Fantasia - Disney - with and without Capcom, i wanna say - had an unusually high bar for its licenses, from NES to Genesis (Quackshot deserves the HD treatment after Castle of Illusion!). This game mars that record, despite the interesting art/concepts.
Crue Ball - well, that's a pinball game alright
more to come, time to re-up