Exactly...or they'd get bashed cause it's only one one console instead of two, or two instead of three. Or if Daytona 3 was being put out, they'd wonder why that and OutRun 2 was coming out in the same time period. A lot of times Sega can't win with people regardless, so whatever.
That such a seemingly medicore list still got over 50 responses is telling though. I'm just not sure what.
Why Sega would (or should) bother with a new Panzer, Nights, Shenmue, Daytona or anything else like that before the next generation like some others keep suggesting/wanting is beyond me. I've said for almost a year now that they're best to just sit on their most potent franchises for now, and throw it out within the first two years of the launches of XBox 2, PS3 and Cube 2. Throwing it out now in the last days of the current systems and when Sega's brand recognition is at it's lowest since 1998 makes zero sense. Releasing such potentially hot software at or near the new system's launches on the other hand would give them a possible leg up on the competition in terms of both software cache and critical acclaim.
You look at how Namco were able to establish themselves early on with the PSX with Tekken and Ridge Racer, how Acclaim was able to estalbish themselves on N64 with Turok, WWF Warzone and QB Club, or how EA was able to REALLY estalish themselves on PS2 with Madden and SSX. That's the sort of thing Sega's gotta be thinking of now...looking to re-establish themselves as a premier publisher, at the start of a new generation when choices are lean and everyone is watching. No more splitting twenty or thirty exclusives among three consoles, unless said manufacturer is paying a fortune for the game (which aside from VF probably isn't likely). Have a developing force big enough that they can make even the biggest of games on a minimum of two machines, and preferably three. Remember, they're not gonna be playing catch up on the new systems this time around (something that's clearly hurt them)...they're in on the ground floor from the jump. Why not take full advantage of that?
Fuck the current generation, it's over for them anyway...release a few low cost bones, gimme my OutRun 2 and Spikeout (thank you), and save the big guns for a time where they'll actually make an impact. Which sure as fuck wasn't gonna be this year.