What about Revenge of Death Adder![]()
Unfortunately, still no Revenge of DA tho.Next week is Golden Axe and Streets of Rage.
What about Revenge of Death Adder![]()
Can somebody summarize the diferences between Backbone's and M2's aproach on emulating these titles?
I ask this because looking at the Sega Genesis Ultimate Collection, it has pretty much what i want and a bit more.
Still doesn't exist according to SegaIt's still Golden Axe 1, 2 and 3.
They should probably have also thrown in Golden Axe Warrior and Ax Battler for shit and giggles too.
I wonder if M2 did hide some stuff in here somewhere. The PS2 Space Harrier collection had Game Gear versions of stuff hidden away, and Treasure Box had the Game Gear and Master system versions of Dynamite Heady hidden too.
Monster World Collection on XBLA yet?
Just "care" really. The emulation for Backbone's stuff is all over the place, from bad to pretty good. Megadrive sound is a bitch to get right, and they never could.
Lame achievements, generally poor menu structure, lack of options. Just a general "cheap" feel.
M2 seem to go that extra mile, with these new packs each game has all versions available to you if you wish to check them out, a jukebox mode to listen to the music, and all the games have extra challenges that they've specifically made for this version. In the Alex Kidd missions they have you try to get as much money as possible in a few minutes, or beat one of the peticopter levels within a time limit.
They didn't have to do any of this, but they did it anyway. Makes it like they cared about the process and the games.
Even if you play with your screen set in Dot by Dot?On my 360 I purchased the fast boots from stage 2 on wonderboy in monsterland.
Did regrettably induce some screen tearing, it can hopefully get patched.
The only reason Sonic CD was re-released at all is because some Sonic fan remade it on his own and then offered it to them. If it required any real effort on Sega's part they wouldn't have bothered.
Then why, oh why, did they shut down Streets of Rage Remake?
Wow, Super Hang On is even in 3D! Awesome.
Only thing missing for me is more scan line options. I find the included scan lines a little harsh.
The presentation (as well as every other aspect) on these is out of this world.
The game selection screen alone is awesome. Take notes, Backbone. Or just stay out of the emulation game entirely, because M2 is in the fucking house, and they do Sega justice.
So much love.
Played Super Hang-On whole freaking day! Very easy trophies btw.
No 6 on leaderboards - come at me GAF!![]()
Might buy Super Hang-On on PSN just so I don't have to deal with Alex Kidd being on my system in any way, shape, or form.
Playing WBiMW is such a huge nostalgia trip. This is the first time I've played it since the 90's. So good
All of the achievements are easy when you have save states.![]()
Wow, Super Hang On is even in 3D! Awesome.
Only thing missing for me is more scan line options. I find the included scan lines a little harsh.
Rock Paper Scissors, who ever wins decides the game's quality.Why you be hatin' on Alex?
Then why, oh why, did they shut down Streets of Rage Remake?
like, proper framepacked 3D?
Because M2 will offer a great SoR Collection. Well not as great as the Remake, but close.
Guys imagine the Megadrive Aladdin done by M2. I would kill for it.
It has side-by-side 3D and 2 colour variants.
I hope you guys take a look at M2 Neo Geo PSN conversions now.
Is there Metal Slug 3 on PSN done by M2? I would kill for that, too. <:
Ok just bought alex kidd. In the options theres a setting called 'game version' and theres north america, master system II, europe and japan. Anything differences with these?
Nope. They're stuck at Metal Slug 2.Is there Metal Slug 3 on PSN done by M2? I would kill for that, too. <:
I know the Master System II one is where he eats a hamburger instead of a rice ball. Not sure other than that.
I've already playing it. Also you can record replays and upload them. And the widescreen mode is almost the same as in Sonic CD. It looks great, also scanlines.
Did M2 use the retro engine? It almost seems that way. M2 also did the best cave port to date: Mushihimesama Futari.
Woah, hold the phone. It has widescreen support? Damn. I own the Sega Ages PS2 release, but I think I'll be double dipping!
I hope you guys take a look at M2 Neo Geo PSN conversions now. The Sega classic are ported in the same way, so on Neo Geo you also have perfect ports, all the rich options, region settings, manual, backgrounds and online play.
Support M2 so Backbone can get lost.
what the fuck am i going to do
Seems like bullshit to me, it just stretches the shit out of the picture on my end anyways. Sonic cd did it natively and looked awesome for it.