Hamfam said:Hey, the Defence Department needs to get their funding from somewhere.
Btw, isn't this FCC bill against the nature of capitalism? Damn communists.
We call it the Defense Department over here, Hammy.
Hamfam said:Hey, the Defence Department needs to get their funding from somewhere.
Btw, isn't this FCC bill against the nature of capitalism? Damn communists.
bionic77 said:What happened to the First Amendment?
FnordChan said:Sigh. I'm heavily involved with college radio (WXDU-Durham) and can see that absolutely no good is going to come of this. Our station would probably be shut down were we to receive a single $27,500 indecency fine; the thought of being hit with a $275,000 fine because a naughty word is accidentally broadcast is simply ludicrous.
Hopefully these fuckers will come to their senses - or will backpeddle after political backlash - and bring things back down to the realm of the sane. Meanwhile, I hope poor old 'XDU survives the experience.
Phoenix said:What they SHOULD do is similar to speeding fines on the Autobahn, develop a system that scales with how much money the studio has. Fox can afford to pop a boob on the superbown for 275k, while a college station that lets 'shit' slip once is likely going declare bankruptcy the next day.
shoplifter said:Keep in mind that the fine is for EACH station which broadcast said 'indecent' word was on.
You're on 100 stations? $27.5 million please. For the performer as well if the FCC decides to do so.
scola said:Wouldn't that still be capped at 3million dollar a day limit?
mattx5 said:So now the country's being run by a fucking quasi-religious cult?
kitchenmotors said:What I find funny is the start of all this, Janet Jackson, has yet to be fined. But Howard has been fined recently for shows from like 3 years ago. It's insane.
Parents should regulate what is heard or seen on the tv/radio, not the government. I'm not a child, I'm a 22 year old adult and quite frankly, it disgusts me that the government also has to regulate what I want to watch or listen to.
CaptainABAB said:You know what I want to see?
I want the FCC to sue the brother of Pat Tillman for saying Fuck several times in his speech during the funeral - it was broadcast on ESPN after all.
Or how about when an athlete mutters some swear after getting poked in the eye.
Or how about suing someone for doing or saying something when they don't even know they are on live TV. Let's go after Bono, someone who is trying to help with debt relief in Africa.
Then the absurdity of this will become crystal clear.
CaptainABAB said:You know what I want to see?
I want the FCC to sue the brother of Pat Tillman for saying Fuck several times in his speech during the funeral - it was broadcast on ESPN after all.
Or how about when an athlete mutters some swear after getting poked in the eye.
Or how about suing someone for doing or saying something when they don't even know they are on live TV. Let's go after Bono, someone who is trying to help with debt relief in Africa.
Then the absurdity of this will become crystal clear.
Killthee said:I believe the FCC has to receive a certain amount of complaints before they can start an investigation.
*whistles*FnordChan said:First Degree Murder: 43
Second Degree Murder: 33
Air Piracy: 38
kitchenmotors said:500,000 complaints for Janet Jackson and no investigation that lead to anything. Try again.
Evolution VIII said:They've already ruled on those. They were using the word "fuck" as an adjective in showing emotion, not as in the verbal form which describes sexual acts.
Explodet said:Now when you refer to Air Piracy, are we talking about Don Karnage/"Tailspin" type Air Pirates?
explodet said:Dang, I keep meaning to see Porco Rosso.
Evolution VIII said:They've already ruled on those. They were using the word "fuck" as an adjective in showing emotion, not as in the verbal form which describes sexual acts.
The music was from the Nutcracker Suite.scola said:I haven't heard it yet personally, but the first act of a few weeks ago episode of "This American Life" covered similar FCC things. TAL is always good radio for me.
You can check out the stream here
EDIT: there is a 6 minute prologue to get past. Which oddly enough I think contains some mario music in it. Though I could be confusing it with some ballet that is lodged in the back of my head, it reminds me of the water music from SMB3.
LOL, as always Fnord, you are awesome
Evolution VIII said:All the bill is doing is telling broadcasters that they have to react responsibly with the public airwaves, which doesn't belong to Howard Stern, or Fox, or any other broadcasting channel, but belongs to all of us.
Other amendments tacked onto the bill: One suspends the FCC's June 2 ownership revisions
They've already ruled on those. They were using the word "fuck" as an adjective in showing emotion, not as in the verbal form which describes sexual acts.