We can mod Yumi out of the game.
you people make me sickthis would be lovely
We can mod Yumi out of the game.
you people make me sickthis would be lovely
you people make me sick
Don't fret we can mod their games to be only Yumi.![]()
the woad to cutneth and justethFor justice ?
SK coming to PC? That's great to hear. I don't think I'll get SV since I own a PS4 now and EV will come out before then most likely. Who knows when EV will make it over?
It'd be even better to have the mainline games on Steam, but Nintendo won't have that. Still good to see this series get more love.
I'd just like to throw out these thrilling facts
Current post counts for the OT:
- DigitalHitmann 625
- Puruzi 368
- Sir TapTap 315
- Ohmygoditsjrod 272
- ShinMaruku 270
- Vylash 265
- Eolz 247
- Demoskinos 225
- Zonic 222
- Alfebit 214
I need to step my game up. I'm falling behind. Also for those that don't know Eolz was perma'd. Always remember the 247.
I'd just like to throw out these thrilling facts
Current post counts for the OT:
- DigitalHitmann 625
- Puruzi 368
- Sir TapTap 315
- Ohmygoditsjrod 272
- ShinMaruku 270
- Vylash 265
- Eolz 247
- Demoskinos 225
- Zonic 222
- Alfebit 214
I'd just like to throw out these thrilling facts
Current post counts for the OT:
- DigitalHitmann 625
- Puruzi 368
- Sir TapTap 315
- Ohmygoditsjrod 272
- ShinMaruku 270
- Vylash 265
- Eolz 247
- Demoskinos 225
- Zonic 222
- Alfebit 214
Heads up, Kagura and Naraku cards have been released on New Wave
Why wouldn't they be on Steam because of Nintendo? Did they partially fund them or something?![]()
Maybe this will lead my to own my 4th copy of Shinovi Versus? Wonder what the mods will be like, if there are any besides the obvious nudity that is. Although seeing how many times I've played it, I'll probably only max out Ryōbi and Yomi this time.
She looks awesome, on my top 5 with Katsuragi, Yozakura and Suzune. I hope that Shinovi Versus on PC sells well enough that XSeed ports the 3DS games since those are the only games I care for on 3DS but won't buy it just because of them. As for the Estival Versus I just hope that it includes all of the patches on the disk.
I seriously can't believe how many times I've purchased these games.
SK1: Don't own.
SK1 Burst: 2x Digital (U.S.), retail (JPN)
SK2: Retail: 3x (JPN), LE (JPN), Retail (U.S.)
SV: 3x Retail (JPN), Retail 'LE' (U.S.), LE (JPN)
EV: 5x Retail PS4 (JPN), Digital Vita (JPN), Retail Vita (JPN), LE Vita JPN), LE PS4 (JPN)
BA: 3x Digital (JPN), Digital (U.S.), Retail (JPN)
I'm insane.
Did EV have different boxart for retail than LE or are you the type that doesn't open your LEs?
what is Frantic Mode ?3rd jutsu is unlocked via the final missions of a school, as I recall. & you have to have your health be in the red before you can activate it.
Yin is for going into Frantic Mode.
what is Frantic Mode ?
underwear mode
Censorship in Games
With games like Oneechanbara and Senran Kagura there seem to be this issue where companies like Atlus and NISA are forced to censor their video games for Western audiences. XSEED doesnt seem to ever be included in this conversation, but it ever in the discussion that you might have to censor a title due to cultural differences.
Yes, all the time. The good and bad thing is are localization team is made up of the vocal audiences online against censorship. Tom Lipschultz is the most vocal of them, he will on his own speak publicly online saying, Nothing should ever be censored. Knowing that theres someone like that on our internal team there is always a very outspoken voice against censorship. We do always try to keep the original creators vision in mind when we localize stuff as long as it can be excepted in the US. The ESRB is probably more lenient then what people think because theyve been clear to us that it isnt their job to censor anything its their job to just rate the content. So most of the time we present the content as is and they come back with an M rating, which we understand, but if they come back with an AO than we have to have some discussions about what to censor in order to get that to an M rating. Otherwise, none of the platform holders allow an AO product on their platform.
"So sticking with PC, Senran Kagura was also announced for PC. Is this a way to gain more interest in the series by introducing it to different crowd?
Absolutely, weve done well on PC and weve been talking to the Japanese community to not rule out PC. It seems to be something youve been seeing more of from not just us or our parent company Marvelous in Japan, but other traditionally console publishers are starting to port more of their titles onto PC. Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus HD actually came to us from Tamsoft saying that they wanted to do an HD port to the PC and we were completely on board."
Tamsoft confirmed?
Credit OP in xSeed thread.
episode 2 is out , and it's censored
maybe because its not from AT-X
no it isn't. you have to watch commie or senektsu subs for it be uncensored
or watch it raw. I catch the livestream of atx so I see it the second it airs, without censorship