Oh my.
What's new apart from the cover? All the dlc and patches in I guess?
Release Date: March 17, 2016
Platform: PlayStation 4
Price: 4,980 yen + tax (package or download)
Genre: Giant breasts hyper battle
Players: 1 to 10
Rating: CERO D (17 or older)
Bonus: “Sakura Swimsuit Set” product code including five outfits (all copies) and special sleeve (first-print copies)
Ah yeah, just seen that: http://gematsu.com/2016/01/senran-k...us-arc-infinity-complete-pack-announced-japan
Seems like a good price. Also seems that Shinovi Versus is now above 300k copies sold worlwide.
Don't think I'll be able to get this with all the other games coming out soon. Not too upset but I would have liked that Daki.
huh, I hope they don't implement shipping restrictions..Maybe there will be enough stock to get it later.
Happened with SKBurst and SK2 in Europe.
Edit: btw if you don't the listing anymore, Rice Digital said they had to take it out, but will put it back pretty soon.
>Very Nice cover , but i kinda wish it was a Director cut version of the game with even more things inside.
They are coming back.
Holy cow! Amazon said my Nyuu Nyuu packs would arrive some time in February but it arrived yesterday!
Now I have all the little figures yeeeee they look fantastic!!
Which ones did you get? Only have the SK2 ones myself, but love them.
Sucks, was really looking forward the localization since the combat seemed to be better than Senran Kagura. It also means that even if they do bring the game to NA they haven't started localization yet so it would release late 2016 or worse. T_T
that sucks
Start spamming (be nice)
[email protected] (<- more likely to reach the boss)
In the worst case, how is VD in Japanese? I'd lose all story, but I assume it's very playable without knowing the language?
it's sad that will never had this game , and forget about importing it to my country , the customs will not allow this game to enter.
Buy it digitally.
So talking about Bhikkhuni
I was recently linked this review and I can't wrap my mind over what the hell the reviewer was on
Since is pretty lenghty and the guy has an incredibly thick accent I'll resume the thing
- Game is just a reskinned SK with most of its flaws and nearly no redeeming qualities
- Button mashing is the only thing needed to advance through the game
- Camera and Lock on are garbage
- Enemies are braindead and bosses are most interested on running around the arena than engaging in combat
- Every character is the same with Mana being the only character of note, and she makes all the bosses a joke due being a long ranged character
- Meteorise lazily reused SK's engine and most of its animations
- Sudden spike of difficulty in the final bosses (he doesn't seem aware of the two endings) due the bosses suddenly becoming capable and the need of using mechanics never needed nor alluded before them
- Giant bosses are a drag and unfun to fight
- Plataform sections being superflous and poorly implemented
- Large barren levels with low effort backgrounds
- Pointless additions of Challenge and Survival modes due the lack of depth in the combat
- Dude doesn't mention:
* the Phantom Drive and its associated mechanics (Dance, Strike, Fall, Revenge and Delude),
* The existence of a launcher attack
* Connect Mode
* Communication Room and interactions with the girls
* The way Exstas modify your character stats
* Training Mode
* The fact you can set the camera zoom during the game (thus being needed for the platform sections)
* How the Keepers work
I mean, he does has some legitimate points but those becomes moot when he only looks at the game on an incredibly superficial level ignoring nearly all the different elements of the game.
Thanks for the notice.EV is back on Rice Digital
http://www.ricedigital.co.uk/store/index.php?route=product/search&filter_name=Estival Versus
I think they may have increased international shipping cost, but that's it
I don't know, he took the effort to play a terrible looking game. I'll listen to him.
- Dude doesn't mention:
* the Phantom Drive and its associated mechanics (Dance, Strike, Fall, Revenge and Delude),
* The existence of a launcher attack
* Connect Mode
* Communication Room and interactions with the girls
* The way Exstas modify your character stats
* Training Mode
* The fact you can set the camera zoom during the game (thus being needed for the platform sections)
* How the Keepers work
I mean, he does has some legitimate points but those becomes moot when he only looks at the game on an incredibly superficial level ignoring nearly all the different elements of the game.
Best Buy still doesn't have EV up. *sigh* Wonder if they'll even carry it. They are where I bought 2 from so hopefully they will.
On the JP Vita Store, there are five new SK themes up each worth ¥350. They're of the schools (Gessen, Hanzo, Homura's Crimson Squad, Hebijo, and the Kagura Thousand Year Festival) and shows off the girls I believe. There's also a new Valkyrie Drive theme up on the store that is ¥350 as well; here are the pictures of it:
If there's a specific lock screen image, then I don't have it, as I captured these from my PSTV.
Does the VD theme or any of the SK theme have a unique BGM?
No idea about the SK themes, but the VD one plays the Bhikkhuni Main Menu Theme.
There is no way to use those themes on an american account right?
This would've been useful four months ago XSEED