Ohh my copy is in stock at AmiAmi. One other thing holding that order up then I should be sent a payment request :3
Wow that's mean. Don't kick any Senrans into soccer nets please.I can't tell if they're geniuses or just really passionate perverts.
Also, that flash site was really choppy for me. I dunno what I just did, but apparently I just kicked a naked Asuka into a soccer net. That wasn't very nice.
AmiAmi payment sent.
$212 for both premiums and EMS shipping.
? 212$ for both LEs? Mine is 212$ for just one. Is there a middle edition or something?
How is your order that much for one...?
They quoted me 396$ for both.
Senran Kagura Estival Versus: Shoujotachi no Sentaku [Ebten Limited Edition] (Japan, No Region Protection)
Release date Mar, 2015 pre 1 US$ 219.99 US$ 219.99
Senran Kagura Estival Versus: Shoujotachi no Sentaku [Limited Edition] (Japan, No Region Protection)
Release date Mar 26, 2015 pre 1 US$ 132.99 US$ 132.99
Sum US$ 352.98
Shipping US$ 43.90
Total US$ 396.88
Good gracious....why do they want 200 for it??
This is the one I ordered
That is around 104.44 at the current exchange rate to USD. Then about 20-30 for EMS shipping.
Ugh what the fuck. Its almost double.
Where did you order from?
PlayAsia, where I order everything.
Crazy...I know Ami is usually a little cheaper but that is a huge difference. You might be getting more goodies than I am though.
Ayame playable confirmed!?
Just the shop icon I'm sure, I like her VA though
It's a shop trophy
Yeah, it's just the trophy for buying everything in the shop again, similar to SV. *dead*
Edit: and for those who just cant wait for estival versus to arrive, this should help you pass the time.. NSFW
True innovation.
So is this all of the costumes? They look great. I hope they never do a realistic style Senran Kagura game
Theres 16 total.
Same. Keep it anime
I think Milla, Honoka, and Marie Rose ended up the best. I hope they never do a realistic style Senran Kagura game
I don't care for Dead or Alive much, but the best DoA girl ended up with the costume from the best SK girl. Must be fate.
How much are the costumes ? I have a couple dollars left on my US account, tempted to get Marie Rose and Mirai costume just for kicks.
Usually a full pack is 14.99 for all the costumes in the set. Individually theyre like 1.99.
Maaaaan I probably won't even be billed until the 26th. No EV until next week for me.
Wow that's mean. Don't kick any Senrans into soccer nets please.
Except maybe Yumi. Yumi deserves to be bullied, and only her.
Wow that's mean. Don't kick any Senrans into soccer nets please.
Except maybe Yumi. Yumi deserves to be bullied, and only her.
Not allowing Royona to be bullied is very rude
I find the idea of to actually bully someone by avoiding bullying them is amusing.
Not allowing Royona to be bullied is very rude
This wins the post of the day. It's all down hill from here folks.
It seems individual SK costumes for DoA are 2.99, talk about a premium since all others are 1.99.
Oh well, I'll wait until next week to get my SK fix with Estival Versus!
Are they on the US Store already? I checked a couple hours ago an didnt see any. How much is the total package for all of them?
Edit: They must be just starting. Only 4 sets up so far.
The catalog and 8 costumes are up so far when i looked.
Ah you edited. Yeah it's still updating.
Good lord, $3 for EACH costume. That's $48 for all of them individually. Watch it be about $35 or $40 for a bundle. other words, about the same as the damn game.
Good lord, $3 for EACH costume. That's $48 for all of them individually. Watch it be about $35 or $40 for a bundle. other words, about the same as the damn game.