Glad I skipped bloodborne for this game.![]()
I'm glad I bought both lol
Glad I skipped bloodborne for this game.![]()
I'm glad I bought both lol
if it's on the playstation video service then indeed it would be a region block I'm afraid. : [
Only Japan is allowed to see the lewds.
The funny part is the PS4 version is actually censored.![]()
The funny part is the PS4 version is actually censored.![]()
I heard you can put your PS4 through a VPN somehow, I don't have one yet so I haven't bothered to check the specifics, but you might want to look into that.
Not worth paying for a VPN just to get at this IMO, if it's reasonably priced I'll get the physical I guess.
I didn't realize you can buy VPNs since all the ones I use are free. And I will get the physical(if I have enough money which looks like is not going to be a thing.
This is ten fold better than 'that' video.
This is ten fold better than 'that' video.
Hitman needs an adult.
Is that video the crappy CG porn video?
It's really so much better when it's in action...yes I bought it.
Anyways heard a sequel of sorts is getting made.
It's really so much better when it's in action...yes I bought it.
Anyways heard a sequel of sorts is getting made.
It looked like it was animated in the 90s by Canadians.
I'm Canadian, not trying to hate.
Reboot was made by Canadians and its one of my all time favorite series'.
Let us all go to the spa resort.
I did make one more, but this contains a spoiler and as you can imagine is rather NSFW.. but if you insist
Found one not on Youtube. If anyone wants It I can PM.
I think I was wrong about that, I remember reading somewhere that if an item had global shipping available that it could be shipped anywhere. I must have incorrectly extrapolated that it meant that you can do it with an existing account or else what would be the point of global shipping? But it seems the point is that you can ship globally but only as long as you're using a Japanese account. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused. There seem to be guides on making an account just to order global stuff but I'm not sure if that's worth it for most people.
Hmm. How do I even put in my address? It keeps telling me to look by prefectures and all that jazz.
I've never ordered anything globally personally, but I found a guide about it from some quick googling about "ordering from amazon japan and shipping to other regions" so try that out and it may help. I don't think its possible unless you make a new Japanese account which if you did already and the item is global shipping eligible and still can't select the item then i'm not sure whats up, hopefully one of those guides helps.
Welp. I got it. Thanks a lot. Only really ordering it for the Ryobi poster/card. Now to hunt down the EV preorder stuffs.
Thinking it over, I think the EV OVA suffers from the same problem a lot of '90s OVAs based on fighting games suffered from. You have a roster of a TON of characters, so you feel like if you leave anyone out, the fans will be mad because "WHY WASN'T *name here* INCLUDED!?", but because you're trying to work in so many characters, you have more trouble figuring out what the hell you're suppose to do with them & the story suffers from it. Not to mention, people will still be annoyed because "How come *name here* was only in for # minutes!? They were barely in it!"
Except here, the focus is less on story & the characters themselves (because fanservice), which again, when there's a whopping 20+, that's not even about a minute a character to focus on.
Maybe they should've split it up between 2 or 4 (one per school) OVA, though obviously, they went with one due to money & such.
Bunny girl is best girl.
"...and a new Boob Rank system will be revealed in the near future."
Houston, we have a problem... Look at the character profiles on Gematsu... God speed to whoever does the OT for that. I'm not going anywhere near it.
Wonder if theyre doing LEs for VD as well... Another 400$ bill incoming. :\
the lack of interesting screenshots in here or the OT for estival makes me a sad corgi.
the lack of interesting screenshots in here or the OT for estival makes me a sad corgi.
I've mostly stopped sharing my screenshots since I put everyone in ears and swimsuits. 2lewd4 my twitters
you know they have to be...the question is "What's in the LE?"
I just opened Kenichiros twitter on my phone and saw a pair of tits with no censor and I was like UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH *closes* ... :l
I saw the resin prototype statue an that was really nice. Maybe that and an art book. Id be fine with that.
I love Senran, but can't find anything really interesting in Valkyrie Drive tbh.
Who's doing the SK2 OT btw?
is valkyrie drive done by the senran kagura versus folks?