Any thread beginning with OP expressing how he has been subjected to a deep and intellectual experience which led him to a complete change of values thanks to GAF isn't really worth it anyway.
And yes, the rampant feeling of superiority over the general populace is rather... overhelming, but unsurprisingly in line with the profile of a lot of forumers (middle class, college educated, leftist & progressive).
Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions.
Well if you live in the US the general population does seem rather stupid.

But I see where you are coming from. I just find it rather ironic that these people don't see the bubble they live in.
It was a pretty awful thread but yeah, don't like a thread stay out of it. I do wish there was an "ignore thread" feature sometimes though. Especially when some OTs have really annoying titles
When I see threads like that I poke in to see what's up then laugh. I don't post though. I got that self control.
I posted way too much in there but I'm done. GAF will never have the mentality of let gamers play what they want. It always ends up being "your sick and subhuman because you like the thing." Whatevs.
I won't say it's a GAF mentality but those threads tend to draw people of the same mindset that makes it look like there is a group think thing. That said the judgement of people having particular kinks always amuse me with the hypocrisy of man.
I am just always amused by some of these reactions. Just like the concept of 'social justice' I always found something off if it's people just hanging by a hash tag or on a forum. You have to do more than just that.
All that said nobody who has tried Senran Kagura can't say the game is shallow and has no good game play. Also some of the people judging have some really suspect methods of deciding if something is shallow. Ninja Gaiden is extremly perverted but I never seen somebody bring that game up in that thread.
Ayane is 14 in the game dressed in tight clothes, Rachel comes out of a demon lookin like she been dipped in oil. And it got cat demons with double ds that flop around. It's also violent as hell but I never see people talk about the bondage theme of Rachel or the fact that Ayane is 14.
And since Ayane is dlc I wonder if she'll have the purple under wear?