Guess we need to call Asuka

Understandable but a shame nonetheless.
Guess we need to call Asuka
I hate you forever.haruka is still the worst btw
I hate you forever.
haruka is still the worst btw
Oh, and I am a PS4 owner as of 2 days ago, so I'm officially on the Estival Versus hype train. Bring on the Life and Hometown.
PS (Love how everyone ignored Lyte. Sorry buddy. xD)
haruka is still the worst btw
"2015, the strongest collaboration on the day of this year's pie (?) Of how fusion story (?), I'm going to deliver one EV last large fireworks."
Is it a teaser for another DLC character? Did we even get Ayame yet?
I just don't like her for some reason while I really like Katsuragi. Something about her attitude is just bleh
Didn't Xseed drip-feed us Shinovi Versus DLC? They don't seem to be like IFI in that they just dump all the DLC at once (I prefer the all-at-once method, the DLC is done, just give it to us). But since the free characters are a patch now, I hope they just include them from the get go. I imagine we'll get the latest version on disk but have to wait for paid DLC.
I'd be interested in confirmation on that, but the Share thing bugs me more, that's a system level feature being disabled permanently.
To be fair, from what I understand, the SV DLC was distributed about the same way as Japan. Obviously not expecting the crossover DLC characters at launch, but I just hope we don't have to wait long.
her whole personality is just being a jerk, she's very unappealing
plus the whole "alluring temptress" thing doesn't really work since she's not that hot
her whole personality is just being a jerk, she's very unappealing
plus the whole "alluring temptress" thing doesn't really work since she's not that hot
There's something wrong when even the doujinshi I've read involving Haruka also enforces how little I like her character.
Same DAY as DanganronpaI think we've known about that for a few weeks. What's wrong? Granted, same month as Danganronpa AE & maybe one other game I can think of.
Oh damn, really? Wonder if I'll get this or my LE for AE in the mail first. Just glad I've got SK2 paid off thanks to gift cards.Same DAY as Danganronpa
less ??
-Ayane will cost 600 yens and comes with her own story
-New Shinobi Girl Heart stories focused on two characters, free for ten days.
The more I know of Estival the less I'm interested on it
less ??
The content delivery is nearly perfect.
Some screens of Ayame from Takaki's twitter