Holy crap <3
Holy crap <3
Has there been any word on the release of Ayane?
Holy crap <3
jojos sucks
a nice dose of truth for the thread
jojos sucks
a nice dose of truth for the thread
I love Puruzi very very muchLook at you two getting along.
jojos sucks
a nice dose of truth for the thread
I love Puruzi very very much
And I thought we were getting along Puruzi.
I've never been so disappointed with this thread in my life.
18th or so. Around that time.
Looks nice but shouldn't there be a seperate VD thread? I'd like to talk about it more but not in a thread not dedicated to it.
What Puruzi gettin' too REAL for some of you folks?
I love Puruzi like I love Ryobi. Which is a lot.
Looks nice but shouldn't there be a seperate VD thread? I'd like to talk about it more but not in a thread not dedicated to it.
What Puruzi gettin' too REAL for some of you folks?
I love Puruzi like I love Ryobi. Which is a lot.
I'm pretty sure that all the people hyped for VD would be in this thread already. I'm ok with it. Just means one less thread I have to check.
Looks nice but shouldn't there be a seperate VD thread? I'd like to talk about it more but not in a thread not dedicated to it.
Why's that?I'm not so sure we should shorthand Valkyrie Drive to VD.
So I can talk about Lord of Magna's maid waifus then?this is the official marvelous thread
Where did you see that? If anything, it should be the 20th or 21st, going by previous releases. New game day in Japan is on Thursdays.
Reminds me how people would shorthand BlazBlue: Chronophantasm as CP.
I'm not so sure we should shorthand Valkyrie Drive to VD.
Tis why I said around that time. Some games if they are a bit fuzzy get releases any time. Also it's Sony's trolly hands that hold the dlc so who knows. Just saying it's safe to assume around that time.
SENRAN KAGURA fans, hold on just a bit longer for some 'Double D' action. We'll have some news to share next week!
So I've been playing Estival Versus and I'm kinda confused. I'm trying to complete the story mode and just did the mission where you play as the new girl with the water pistols and her two friends, Hanabi and Whatsherface, and you have to kill all the enemies in 10 minutes.
After that, no further missions unlocked. Is that it? Thats kinda a bum level to end the game on.
Also I only have like two solo story modes available, how do I unlock the rest?
Finally, is there a list of all the unlockable outfits and hairstyles in the game? I'm kinda worried I already unlocked them all, which would be disappointing.
So I've been playing Estival Versus and I'm kinda confused. I'm trying to complete the story mode and just did the mission where you play as the new girl with the water pistols and her two friends, Hanabi and Whatsherface, and you have to kill all the enemies in 10 minutes.
After that, no further missions unlocked. Is that it? Thats kinda a bum level to end the game on.
Also I only have like two solo story modes available, how do I unlock the rest?
Finally, is there a list of all the unlockable outfits and hairstyles in the game? I'm kinda worried I already unlocked them all, which would be disappointing.
Got Ikaruga so my SK shelf is finally finished.
Fair enough ahah, just thought it was fun. Which one has the been the hardest to find/buy? Yagyuu?
I have too much crap to display on one shelf. My shelf looks like it just vomited Katsuragi everywhere.
Got Ikaruga so my SK shelf is finally finished.
You haven't cleared that mission day requirements so you didn't move on the next days missions.
Next you have the individual girls missions and you need destroy the towers in the story missions to unlock them. ( next to each story mission, you have a counter, those represent the number of towers in each mission ) the more towers to have destroyed , the more individual stories you have.
The rest is the true epilogue and the dual heart stories and you should complete the story before you attempt those.
Cool, thanks! Is there somewhere I can look up the mission day requirements?
Cool, thanks! Is there somewhere I can look up the mission day requirements?
Just replay every mission "from that day" and you should able to progress the story
Drazzan wrote:
Everything is seeming absolutely fine, we had our game cartridges arrive today, so they're going to be packed into the editions and then sent off. We have some temporary staff joining us next week in order to assist with packing, so everything is going as planned! Ideally we want to have them all shipped next week.
Lucky europeans
I hope the ridiculous amount I had to pay for shipping means that it'll arrive by the end of next week. Mine should be one of the first if they ship the orders in the order they recieved them in