Proxy service.Did you buy that? I thought people outside Japan couldn't use Yahoo Auction.
Proxy service.Did you buy that? I thought people outside Japan couldn't use Yahoo Auction.
Did you buy that? I thought people outside Japan couldn't use Yahoo Auction.
I just did.
Did you win an auction or find one for sale? Seems pricey for an A4 poster.
Well i uploaded a picture to twitter just fine few days ago , but the ones i took didn't work this today ..i have no idea why.Ugh they better not have. I'll test when I get home, I uploaded an image a day or two ago though. I wish they'd stop trying to maintain this "consoles r 4 kids" crap. If my twitter followers don't want anime boobies they can unfollow. It's not Miiverse.
for fuck's sake, I hope that isn't true.
Ugh they better not have. I'll test when I get home, I uploaded an image a day or two ago though. I wish they'd stop trying to maintain this "consoles r 4 kids" crap. If my twitter followers don't want anime boobies they can unfollow. It's not Miiverse.
wait , so i can't upload pictures taken now ? is this a bug ?
i'm on PS4 and it says something about "restrictions"
Does this have auto save? I cant read a damn thing.
( Update finished.)
Its true. The only way to get the pictures off the PS4 now is to hook up a USB storage device of some sort like a flash drive or external HDD. It sucks. I hope the share ban on this is only temporary. Cause its a pain in the ass to have to hook up my HDD to my PS4 download the pictures plug that into my PC then pull them off and upload them for something that could literally take like....10 seconds otherwise.
Oh my god. That opening sequence in 1080p.
Yeah, I cant go back to another handheld SK game. This needs localized, like yesterday.
The actual gameplay is way more amazing. One of the best looking anime games I've seen. No more handhelds.
Nah that's bullshit. Great that it's better on PS4, but it started on handhelds and I have no interest in getting any next gen console anytime soon, (unless the Wii U counts in which case I already have one) so just make it for handhelds and consoles.
Ah alright, then we agree. When you said no more handhelds I thought you were saying you didn't want them to make anymore handheld games.I just mean I'm not buying 'em on Handhelds anymore if I can avoid it (or if I will it'll be for figures). They can make an awful 3DS version for all I can as long as I can play it on something better
5500 yen for mine. So worth it.Wish the ryona one was that cheap
3DS version that bad eh?
Never owned a 3ds so I never tried those game nor do I care to try them.
Is Burst at least reasonably enjoyable? Or should I just preserve the purity of my 3DS?
Is Burst at least reasonably enjoyable? Or should I just preserve the purity of my 3DS?
Is this the first game Hikage has worn the red sweater dress instead of her low cut jeans?
I don't know how you guys do it. I always feel like I'm "breaking canon" if I change their costumes.
Its true. The only way to get the pictures off the PS4 now is to hook up a USB storage device of some sort like a flash drive or external HDD. It sucks. I hope the share ban on this is only temporary. Cause its a pain in the ass to have to hook up my HDD to my PS4 download the pictures plug that into my PC then pull them off and upload them for something that could literally take like....10 seconds otherwise.
What the incredibly pointless and annoying.
Which page is the mini translation guide on? Im lost.
tweet taka and ask for the restriction to be removed, they won't get rid of it if people don't tell them it's a problem
I don't know how you guys do it. I always feel like I'm "breaking canon" if I change their costumes.
If I save the game in another menu like the dressing room does that save overall game progress too? I dont know how to save the game in the menus yet other than after missions.
There are 2 saves for this game ( on PS4 anyway ) one is your changes ( to the characters + settings ) , the other is your story progression + item gained..
The first save is automatic , few second after you've exited the manu , the other manual.
Heh, found a weird dumb way around the screenshot posting restriction. If you go to the menu where you select your screenshot and press "options" you can select "preview" which previews the screenshot. Simply press Triangle twice to get all the button prompts off the screen then press the share button again to essentially take a screenshot of your....screenshot. That screenshot will then be in the "other" folder which won't be restricted for you to upload.
Pretty much what i said here but simpler.