Haha.PSN yet?
PSN yet?
As a game, Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus will no doubt be unfairly judged based on the sexualised portrayal of its all-female cast, but those who can look beyond its titillating nature will find an accessible, enjoyable brawler. Balancing issues and a backstabbing camera put a limit on the fun, but a diverse cast and surprisingly competent narrative should keep fans fighting well into the late hours just remember to play it beneath the sheets.
So excited for Thursday! I don't mind a few days, I'm getting the PSTV today and will mess around with that to kill time, and need to finish Mordor and Metro.
I disagree about SAO being more well known than Toaru. Toaru's novels still sell tons and there was a new series of Railgun, Raiilgun S last year <3
As a game, Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus will no doubt be unfairly judged based on the sexualised portrayal of its all-female cast, but those who can look beyond its titillating nature will find an accessible, enjoyable brawler. Balancing issues and a backstabbing camera put a limit on the fun, but a diverse cast and surprisingly competent narrative should keep fans fighting well into the late hours – just remember to play it beneath the sheets.
hi guys, i'm importing the us special edition but i heard that the eu digital release is tomorrow, for those who have played the jp version and have played the dlc, i'm wondering if the dlc is worth the purchase? if not i'll just wait a week or two until the import arrives in the mail.
The plot guy has some track record, like 428, 999, AA vs Layton, AA5 and such (not that he was main writer for all those but was involved to those projects).
Sure, theres a lot of fanservice to be had within, but I wouldnt say its offensive in any fashion unless the female body makes you uncomfortable. For those looking for a fun brawler with a huge amount of content to unlock and plenty of methods of progression, Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus is your game.
Our review's live if anyone's interested. Our scribe mentioned some difficulty spikes and camera issues, but overall had a great time with it. In fact, he made a point of the fact that he can't stop playing -- I can only wonder why!
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (PlayStation Vita) Review
I wish I could control time and make it Thursday already![]()
Our review's live if anyone's interested. Our scribe mentioned some difficulty spikes and camera issues, but overall had a great time with it. In fact, he made a point of the fact that he can't stop playing -- I can only wonder why!
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (PlayStation Vita) Review
Amazon.CA Delivery Estimate:
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 - Wednesday, October 22, 2014 by 8:00pm
I hope Polygon reviews this game! Hohoho.
Better than ordering two copies by accident like I did.Got the LE completely by accident.
When I preordered yesterday I didn't realize that the LE was the only copy of the game Gamestop was getting.
Any fellow Europeans waiting for the digital release on wednesday?
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus is a great place to start. Sure, its silly, superficial, and more than a little bit ridiculous, but thats what makes it so darn fun. And if you dip into this Senran Kagura offering, chances are youll want to delve into the others as well. Buyers, dont leave your Vita at home, cause its Senran Kagura at night and its bouncin, bouncin.
Mine also says October 21-22. I just asked Amazon.ca about this and they told me that it could be 2-5 months and that they were sorry. I guess pre-ordering it on August 4th with priority shipping didn't help me get a copy.
Better than ordering two copies by accident like I did.
Holy hell.
Please get your shit together, Xseed. Your Canadian distribution channels are clearly not working properly.
Don't blame XSEED. Amazon.ca sucks. I've stopped most of my shopping with them ever since they shipped my copy of Muramasa 2 months late.
Mine also says October 21-22. I just asked Amazon.ca about this and they told me that it could be 2-5 months and that they were sorry. I guess pre-ordering it on August 4th with priority shipping didn't help me get a copy.
Muramasa was published by Aksys, which has the exact same crappy treatment of Canada as Xseed.
Man.... I'm having a hard time choosing between buying this on psn or neptunia re:birth.
Dilemmas dilemmas.
Bullshit, Videogamesplus.ca just shipped my copy.Holy hell.
Please get your shit together, Xseed. Your Canadian distribution channels are clearly not working properly. There's no excuse for amazon.ca still not having stock at launch day. At this point why even bother? It would have gotten to us faster if we ordered directly from the US.
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus isnt for everyone, but you probably could guess that by looking at a single screenshot of one of the shinobis underwear. Its so shameless in its sexual nature that it borders on comical and that level of near-parody gives it personality along with its titillation. Looking past the upskirt shots and shredded blouses, a surprisingly decent musou game is found with charm to spare. The combat, while simplistic, has fluidity and evolution with its moveset and pacing. The camera is a chronic issue, but it doesnt drain the games command of its style.
I love Japanese games and their ability to do this kind of light-hearted game that Western developers would never dare to. Its not a bad thing to be a light-hearted, fan service game, but at least be a good one. The lackluster combat, combined with some terrible camera work and more loading screens than Lindsay Lohan mugshots, make for a game that just isnt very good.
Nope and because the EU often gets the shaft I put my US account on my Vita. If you haven't bought too much stuff for your EU account I'd suggest you switch. It's totally worth it with all the superior ps plus discounts.My copy shipped from VGP.
Hopefully EU dlc works on it? (Neptunia Re;birth 1 doesn't)