Ahah, at least I can post here without fearing to be bumping a topic a little bit too old ! ;p
Thanks R_thanatos, and congratulations on your Platinium !
-Patch 1.05 is out( in case you're still playing online )
Out of curiosity, do you have the changelog ? Just being curious to see what has changed.
Final thoughts
I took my sweet time with this game ...i don't know why but i did.
It was very enjoyable and the mecanics , while simple got me.
There is surprising amount of things to do in this game and i enjoyed all of it but the individual story were without a doubt the highlight in term of fun.
All 4 academies story were excellent and i enjoyed seeing homura and the other girls after the original senran kagura events
Viva the full customisation ! Viva each school finale fight ( hanzo gakuen final fights were superb ) and viva the epic epilogue !
You can tell they put a lot of work in to this and i didn't regret a € i spend on it.
FINAL NOTE : 4.8/5
Overall I really enjoyed it too in spite of some flaws, still my favorite PSV exclusive so far.
- I was pleasantly surprised by the gameplay, I really was. The base moveset felt complete (dash, air combos, parades, blocking, specials...), and more particularly, each character's moveset felt really different and unique from the others : while Asuka and Homura are good all-around brawlers without too much weak points, a character such as Ryouna plays a little more mid-to-long range and is completely different. I love playing with 'dash' characters such as Ikaruga and Hikage, and I love the little latency of Ikaruga's nodachi, it feels more 'realistic'. Katsuragi kickboxing moves feel strong and heavy. Hibari is surprisingly good for bringing down the stomp hammer. Imu's electric staff is a beast. Shiki's scythe moves are weird but interesting, and she uses poison. Yozoruha's iron gauntlets are short-range but incredibly strong. Mirai is a bloody Touhou danmaku shooter in shinobi form. And I could go on and on. And I'm not even talking about the differences between sen/you/in for the movesets; or the DLC characters, which were already overpowered from the start.
I would love seeing a dev company such as Arc System Works doing a SK versus fighting game.
- if the game has one glaring weakness, it's its braindead, unbalanced difficulty. Theorically most of the levels could be finished by spamming the basic attack, ditto (I think) for the final duels of each storyline. And then you unlock the final epilogue of the game.
It's the moment the AI was patiently waiting for : it bites your head off, splatter yours guts on the vita screen, and wipe the ground with your hometown.
It's a bloodshed.
So you go back to the solo campaign, grind some 10 more levels to have a standing chance, and plunge back to hell. And I had a kick with this fight : it feels truly epic, and when at least you finish stomping the inputs to win that last air combo, it feels like a true, hard-earned victory, the kind you would have on
Dark Souls. It felt good.
I went on playing with giving a try to the hard mode, and it was much more interesting, with a much more interesting challenge than the regular version. i still have some levels unfinished, I should go back to it soon.
- I felt the plot suffered somewise from being divided into several routes, and was weaker to SnS or especially Burst (which I consider, overall, as the best story in a SK game). The first game was centered around Asuka and Homura's rivalry and took some time to develop it so it could be a little bit more complex, and not only antagonistic; Burst greatly expanded the relationships between all the characters. Both games had a great balance between comedy and drama (so not at all what we had with the anime ;p).
In comparison, SV felt less focused. There isn't one rivalry but several, events or characters can change between each routes... its feels less homogeneous.
- On the other hand, I'm glad they introduced some new concepts (kagura, youmas), that they remembered the character of Tsumuji, and were able to bring some form of closure to Homura's backstory.
- Overall I loved the Gessen and especially Homura Gurentai routes. Kurokage's students like to talk big but are much more sweet and forgiving that what you would expect given they backstories.
Homura's squad is as charismatic as ever, and it was especially funny to see them rushing to their Hanzo rivals' sides whenever they were attacked ;p especially the reactions of Haruka and the others; you are fooling no one, Homura ;p
I swear they succeded into hijacking the game and are the real heroines of the franchise now ;p
Hanzo's gals are TOO DAMN SERIOUS. Even Katsuragi, who was blackmailed with her parents' lives. Emotionnally, the plot was the most griping of the four routes (yet still much less than the first games, though). But goddam if the series can be generous with the melodrama.
Hebijo was too much on the grim side for me. Hated it.
Conclusion : a solid 7/10 for me.
I hope we will have some news about a new game soon. New Wave seems to be still going strong; on the other hand, a part of the fandom seems to be angry with the producer for dropping the support for Burst and for releasing a game on a non-Nintendo platform. And the anime was really badly received by some fans for being too much fanservice-friendly and for being a bad adaptation of the plot.
We will see