Does anyone know what's going to be on the next OXM demo disc? I've heard rumors, but I doubt their true...Just wondering, so if you know, let me know.
Rumor Mole
Yonder Skies - sequel to crimson skies is coming out, prob for xbox 2
Overheard - John Carmack, of id fame, revealed in an interview that Doom 3 was built specifically from xbox specs to ensure it would be perfect fit for the xbox.
Spector has left the building? - ion storm leader is planning on leaving the building
First Look
Blinx 2
Def Jam
Fatal Frame 2
Forgotten Realms
kingdom under fire
Outrun 2
Xmen Legends
W00t! RSC2 downloadable content TOMORROW!! I searched google, found the official RSC2 forums (and op-ivy suggesting super hard careers, duh) and they're saying the update will come 'This monday'. So there you go. =)