I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
I just want to confirm that the splitscreen is awesome after playing it a bit this past weekend.
Just got to the battle where you get the. On Hard with no quicksaves, this fight seems like one hell of a brick wall for me. The Kleer Skeletons seem to literally never end. Might be a while before I can beat this.cannonball launcher
Plus, did they keep the Hippie setting in this one? The flower explosion is my preferred mode of play.
Buying this as soon as it goes on sale. Split-screen alone is gonna be awesome.
Something something forever alone.
I know what you meant.
Serious get. Loved First and Second Encounter, and the only reason I hadn't picked up BFE at launch was because I was poor.
So far so good. Only early but it makes shooting stuff feel good, like the old Sams did so well. Nice tongue in cheek humour too, which I remember fondly.
Gotta say though I really dislike the reloads. Seems totally counter intuitive to the kind of game they made. It sort of creates its own metagame and tensions, but on a personal level I don't really like it at all as it doesn't contribute to my play style, only detracts from it with an unnecessary annoyance. ....
Also, the sledgehammer owns. The end.
...u mean i can play split screen by myself too!?
Gotta say though I really dislike the reloads. Seems totally counter intuitive to the kind of game they made. It sort of creates its own metagame and tensions, but on a personal level I don't really like it at all as it doesn't contribute to my play style, only detracts from it with an unnecessary annoyance.
I'm also not too hot on the visuals. The engine itself is gorgeous and the game looks good, but the drab colour palette is far less appealing than the vibrant colours of First/Second Encounter. Though I did see a 'Vibrant' option in the colours menu so maybe I'll play with that turned on.
Serious Sam 3 Update Released
Product Update - Valve
- Added Show Hints option in Game Options menu.
- Fixed reload animation sometimes being stuck when playing in 3rd person.
- Enemies that somehow manage to fall into void are now killed automatically, so fight scripting doesn't get stuck. (This is a general safety fix for all levels.)
- Added safeties to make sure Biomech boss on Broken Wings always starts, even if not all enemies are killed before.
- Zooming on weapons with a scope (Devastator, Sniper) is now disabled while player is sprinting.
- Fixed some rare problems when attempting to change weapons while doing melee or throwing a melee trophy.
- Old School Achievement now shows which levels it is fulfilled for. This is visible in checkbox form in achievements menu.
- Fixed text stretching on targeted player name in split screen mode.
- Fixed FOV cvar not being saved
- Fixed wrong subtitles on Khnum Boss fight in Unearthing The Sun.
- Serious Sam Classic Gold is now much more golden.
- Added Game Time Display and FOV Override to Advanced Options menu.
- Added localizations for some strings that were still untranslated.
- Voting now works during loading.
- Implemented vote to force game start (can be used when there are players which have loaded the current level and at least one is ready if using in-menu warmup).
Serious get. Loved First and Second Encounter, and the only reason I hadn't picked up BFE at launch was because I was poor.
So far so good. Only early but it makes shooting stuff feel good, like the old Sams did so well. Nice tongue in cheek humour too, which I remember fondly.
Gotta say though I really dislike the reloads. Seems totally counter intuitive to the kind of game they made. It sort of creates its own metagame and tensions, but on a personal level I don't really like it at all as it doesn't contribute to my play style, only detracts from it with an unnecessary annoyance. I'm also not too hot on the visuals. The engine itself is gorgeous and the game looks good, but the drab colour palette is far less appealing than the vibrant colours of First/Second Encounter. Though I did see a 'Vibrant' option in the colours menu so maybe I'll play with that turned on.
Also, the sledgehammer owns. The end.
The level where you get the minigun. :OO
I'm exhausted.
The level where you get the minigun. :OO
I'm exhausted.
RPS said:You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
Im telling you why
Serious Sam 3: BFE is coming to town
Hes making a list
And killing everything on it three hundred million times
Gonna find out whos naughty and nice
And then kill them all anyway.
so does anyone else spend half the time trying to climb on top of buildings you aren't supposed to and get outside of levels or is that just me?
Serious Sam 3′s DRM is brilliantly cruel, punishing only those who pirated it. By relentlessly pursuing them with a giant invincible armoured scorpion. As revealed by Dark Side Of Gaming, only those who unlawfully duplicate the game encounter this immortal enemy, who haunts them from the opening moments
I mean, part of me just wants to go ahead and say that this is the best Western action game since Doom 2
Serious Sam 3 Update Released
Product Update - Valve
- Added Santa Sam and Santa Sammy models.
- Split screen game was erroneously requiring user to be online. Fixed.
- Split screen users (other than the first one) couldn't configure gamepad settings. Fixed.
- Set up dpad icons for star shaped weapon list.
- FOV slider now shows its value.
- Moved FOV menu slider to graphics options.
- Changed FOV lower bound from 75 to 60 degrees.
- FOV override now works in versus games.
- Fixed "pause" text being visible on client when game starts.
- Fixed single player loading screen sometimes being shown instead of multiplayer one when loading in multiplayer.
- Fixed an issue which prevented showing of message when a secret is found.
- Added safety to fix cases when achievements are sometimes not registered by Steam (probably if connection fails temporarily while playing). They will be stored internally and re-awarded later.
- Changed sort order of achievements in achievement menu (so related achievements are listed together). Also, unlocked achievements come before the still locked ones.
- It is now synchronized whether server is still loading so it is not allowed for (vote) force game start during that time.
- If server was still loading and one of the clients finished loading, that client would start the game although server was not ready. Fixed by switching status to "Waiting for players to load" if server is loading.
- Added safeguard against loading screen exiting before game is fully synchronized to the client.
- Fixed falling through floor if crouching while jumping on extremely low frame rates.
- Fixed player's corpse respawning at chapter after being eaten by sandwhale in Team Survival mode.
- Made player details menu title use a font which is not in uppercase, so player's name is shown in its original form.
- Fixed aux buttons in loading screen sometimes not working during multiplayer loading.
- Fixed looping fire animation remaining on player's third person model even after weapon runs out of ammo and is replaced.
- Fixed problem with player exiting the loading screen if trying to initiate a vote while another vote is already in progress.
- Reduced number of current render-target changes when rendering shadow's cascade or faces.
- Optimized collection of depth prepass, fast-lights and shadows commands.
- Fixed double creation of ingame menu when invoked via F10 from loading screen.
- Loading screen now uses a checkbox character for readyness toggle button text (should be more intuitive than "set ready"/"set not ready" texts).
- Fixed some string formatting error in Chinese locale table.
- Disabled ingame menu invocation from the loading screen if the menu button is not visible.
- Adjusted image frame in session info menu according to its image aspect ratio.
- Fixed an issue which would cause scaffolding pole to sometimes remain locked in player's hand if it is used in combination with melees.
- Fixed preview menu popup that happens when closing multichoice or string input menu.
- Fixed menu transparency issues visible in low framerate.
Some people have a funny ass recollection of the 90s
Can you elaborate on that? I guess you mean "pure" action game, without adventure or roleplaying elements in their design. Since that would include games like, say, HL, System Shock 2 and NOLF.
Some people have a funny ass recollection of the 90s
some cross-forum posting now that I've finished my initial playthrough (hard, no quicksaves):
This game has surprised me so much that I need to slow down and be very careful about what I'm saying. Without a doubt, this game dethrones my two favorite first person shooters this gen (Crysis and Episode 2). It kinda sucks that you occasionally need to roll back a save or two, but the game remembers the last 8 or so auto-saves. It kinda sucks that glorious no-quicksave mode has to be a player-imposed rule, but it's far more sensible to do that now that the checkpoints are overall pretty good. The beginning of the game kinda sucks in that the enemies you fight are super easy and it takes a little bit to get out of the usual corridor-shooting stuff, but all was forgiven after about half an hour. The variety in enemy behavior, the variety in weapon usage, the constantly-changing arenas, the constantly changing visibility, the perfectly rationed ammo and health pickups, and the tension added to the game when you can't quicksave all mash together and make the big fights in this game wonderful.
I mean, part of me just wants to go ahead and say that this is the best Western action game since Doom 2, but 1) those are enormous words, and 2) this might actually be better than Doom 2.
lol. I was obviously exaggerating.
And 90's go up until 99 (Shenmue)![]()
Damn, son. My hype is at an all time high now.
It goes up to 2000.
Nineties is 91-00.
Eighties is 81-90.
Yeah, yeah. Sometimes you guys are way too picky.
(says the the guy that thinks that model could be from the 90's)
Additionally I felt there were too many instances in 3BFE where you could back track to avoid enemies. The HD games as I remember locked you into rooms and vast courtyards making the game I believe far more difficult.
Riposte said:Damn, son. My hype is at an all time high now.