There's a difference between BvS not hitting its potential target of a billion+, and listing JL 5th against the rest of this list like suddenly Thor 3 is going to make 900 million and beat it. BvS made 850 million and SS 750 million with absolutely crap ratings, and it's not like all the others are guaranteed a billion either, not even Guardians 2, which I think will top this list.
I know it might be inexplicable to us sane people, but people still watch DC movies and JL (Batman and Supes mostly) is still the biggest or one of the biggest brands in there.
I mean what is your definition of a superhero movie, if not what I wrote?
Justice League
Are guaranteed top 2 I think
I dunno what takes 3 between spiderman, Thor, wonder woman and Logan
I can't come up with an all-encompassing definition of a superhero movie. At least not one that can be concisely stated. In some sense though, it should be about a normal person suddenly gaining extraordinary powers and using those powers for good.....and dealing with the responsibility that it entails. Even that definition fails to take into account someone like Batman, who has no real powers beyond what most humans are capable of.
I tend to object to categorizing Guardians of the Galaxy as a superhero film because, as far as I can recall, nobody in the movie has extraordinary powers. None of them are light years beyond the god-given talents and abilities of their race or species. It's a science-fiction space opera.....nothing about it really strikes me as a superhero film. If it were made without any involvement with Marvel I doubt anyone would call it such.
It honestly sounds like you don't know anything about the group, or haven't actually seen the movie. Take a visit to Wikipedia or YouTube.
It's a superhero film based on comics, there are no other primary genres it matches. It's not Road to Perdition or A History of Violence in terms of showing human and not superhuman ability. You're just wrong.
Guardians > Justice League > Spider-Man > Logan > Thor 3 > Wonder Woman > Lego Batman > Power Rangers
I tend to object to categorizing Guardians of the Galaxy as a superhero film because, as far as I can recall, nobody in the movie has extraordinary powers. None of them are light years beyond the god-given talents and abilities of their race or species. It's a science-fiction space opera.....nothing about it really strikes me as a superhero film. If it were made without any involvement with Marvel I doubt anyone would call it such.
Justice League isnt guaranteed shit with DCEU track record
Now just because none of them can fly or project energy or anything like that doesn't mean they aren't well above the god-given talents of their race.
What is it then that differentiates Guardians of the Galaxy from other 2017 films not mentioned in the OP (Valerian, Ghost in the Shell, Transformers)? Is Star Wars a superhero movie? Is The Matrix a superhero movie? How about John Wick? I am not really opposed to a broader definition of the superhero genre, but the current one just seems weirdly selective.
I think you can draw a distinction that superheroes don a costume and often maintain a secret identity, but even that falls apart in many instances (including GotG).
The movie outright says that Peter is more than human at the end. Rocket is the result of genetic experiments on his race. Drax and Gamora were both made to be less powerful than their comic book counterparts, but we can easily assume that both are at or near the top of abilities of their respective races. Now just because none of them can fly or project energy or anything like that doesn't mean they aren't well above the god-given talents of their race.
Fuck BO predictions, let's do RT predictions:
It's not weirdly selective. There's a simple distinction that you're missing; the source material is comics and all of the individuals have super human abilities, regardless of how many jokes they make.
What you mean the track record of Oscar awards and 700k+Justice League isnt guaranteed shit with DCEU track record
Conversely though, what is there to show that they are extraordinarily beyond the natural talents of their race? I tend to think of GotG as a heist movie full of people who are gifted specialists, but not preternaturally gifted. There's nothing there that indicates they are as head-and-shoulders above their peers as Peter Parker or the Hulk. Starlord is a regular Joe, and I think that actually helps his character in a meaningful way.
Nailed itPulling for Guardians 2 to win it all.
I think the web-head will finally join the billion dollar club
also, how crazy is it how low our expectations for justice league are?
I think the web-head will finally join the billion dollar club
also, how crazy is it how low our expectations for justice league are?
1. Guardians of the Galaxy 2
2. Spider-Man: Homecoming
3. Justice League
4. Thor Ragnarok
5. Wonder Woman
6. Power Rangers
Logan will probably pull a cool $600 or $700 million WW by its end.
Spider-man I think is the most recognizable super hero period, going on 40+ years now. Sells the most merchandise out of everyone as well, pretty sure that will continue after this film.Guys, ASM2 made over 700MM and it wasn't very good, and was coming off the most pointless reboot in comic book movie history.
Spider-Man will be $800MM bare minimum. It's gonna be huge. Kids still fucking adore SM, and grown-ups love him. SM is arguably the most recognizable hero after Supes and Batman... don't forget that. Yes, even more than post-RDJ iron man.
I don't think it's that crazy. The box office for Spidey has went down with each film and while I think Homecoming will do better than ASM2, it does have the highest level of competition out of all the other comic book movies.You people thinking GOTG is going to outgross Spiderman are taking crazy pills.
I think that this might be a skip year for billion dollar comic films. I don't see any of them hitting that mark. Guardians needs a huge overseas bump to get in that range. Local currency amounts would have to increase by about 75% , if we are assuming $350-400M domestic.
You people thinking GOTG is going to outgross Spiderman are taking crazy pills.
I can totally see that to be honest. GOTG 2 would would have to improve on the original's WW gross by nearly 25% to top a billion so, even with the prime summer spot, it's a fairly big ask.
Absolutely. How can a superhero film written by the guys that wrote and directed that Vacation reboot starring Ed Helms miss?
Amazing Spidey 2 grossed over $700 M worldwide. Homecoming is going to be a fucking hit unless the movie somehow sucks. And even then, that didn't stop BVS or Suicide Squad from getting theirs. Spidey's a virtual lock.
Box Office $$
1. Spidey
2. Justice League
3. GotG 2
4. Logan
5. WW
6. Batman Lego
7. Thor 3
8. Power Rangers
Quality (RT score)
1. GotG 2
2. Spiderman
3. Thor
4. Logan
5. WW
6. Batman Lego
7. Justice League
8. PR
Okay. I love the delusions people have about these movies just because they hate them.
Look at the box office track record of the last two movies. This will be big
What distinction am I missing? Comic books are the source material for Valerian and Ghost in the Shell, and both feature protagonists with superhuman abilities.
I wouldn't really consider "source material" to be a defining aspect of any film genre -- you can make a superhero movie that isn't based on a comic book (see also: The Incredibles, Sharkboy & Lava Girl, Hancock, Unbreakable).
Okay. I love the delusions people have about these movies just because they hate them.
Look at the box office track record of the last two movies. This will be big
BvS's box office is entirely the reason people are dialing back their expectations on Justice League, DC already played their trump card of having their biggest heroes on the screen at once and it got out-grossed in the US by Deadpool of all people
Absolutely. How can a superhero film written by the guys that wrote and directed that Vacation reboot starring Ed Helms miss?