The point about "Girls only club" being unfair on guys might be valid if we lived in a perfect world. But we don't. It's a small sacrifice for you to "miss out" on things happening in that "girls" club, vs the huge benefit for those women to have a place to go when the wider community gets hostile. If you spent just a day on the receiving end of this kind of stuff, you'd be like "oh shit, that's the least I can do!"
I'm glad some one said it better than I could (crashing from having a very early shift so I'm not all that coherant now. As if I'm ever coherant

In some thread they were talking about "check your privledge". I want to point out to people who think that them excluding people is because they dislike men or are just being prejudice to look at it from this light. Imagine you are part of a group that is a minority in the gaming world (like females). Imagine that the larger group has a lot of people who feel your group really doesn't belong in gaming or doesn't take you seriously. Anytime you try to bring up a topic that might be relevant to your group, you get shouted down by a lot of these people (you're in the minority and there is more of them than you). You never can bring up a topic cause it turns into a huge mess because of this (hell, one of the first posts here already tried to say we shouldn't discuss this cause it will become a big crapfest... and NeoGaf is most definitely one of the better places).
Sometimes you even want to bring up the fact that your group is not the majority and that it would be nice to see it acknowledged more or the problems you have being of the minority group in gaming. Oooh, that will really get shouted down (seriously, as a female this is the only gaming forum I feel mostly comfortable even discussing anything close to "sexism" or what not... and maybe Kotaku too but I've seen some really scary posts there too, but at least there are posts that give me faith in humankind as well).
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to have a group of only your group so you don't have to worry about every thread on that topic getting shouted down? Sure, there are most definitely reasonable people of the other group and it kinda sucks they get excluded cause they probably have good things to say, unfortunately by allowing them in you allow the loud obnoxious ones as well. And it would be nice to be able to discuss topics more relevant to your group. The only way to fix that is by allowing exceptions into the group.
Making it strictly girls only may have brought it to a confrontational level. What they should have done was make it a girl friendly safe place, closely moderated for trolls from the outside, and let the women make it their own space through community action and posting. If the mods couldn't support that, then that's just bad moderation and customer service. But making a rule, no men allowed, and then asking for SC to make it so, that could have become problematic. Instead of letting it blow up like this and banning her, they should have tempered the issue and made some smart suggestions, while also isolating the asshats and putting them in their place.
This is actually a great suggestion. I wonder if she would have been open to the idea if people had been willing to say, "This is not a good idea cause of this but maybe do something like this" rather than outright "oh that's a sexist idea and you're just trying to be exclusionary".