104 was the record? That's nothing.
104 was the record? That's nothing.
104 was the record? That's nothing.
Indicated 111F on highway 101 on my drive home. Stopped at costco parking lot in redwood city... 109F.
Ya, it's really hot here in RWC. It doesn't feel like 110 in my apartment, but I came home after circulating air all day so I think that helps. Only essential electronics on, turn everything else off lol.
And Kanye will still be wearing sweatshirts.
Sitting here at SJSU and the AC's broken in this lecture hall, class wasn't cancelled, waiting for someone (probably me) to pass out so they can sue the university
Its hot AF
yow. what class is it?
Had to stop charging my phone and also turn off the computer and the TV. I didn't wanna risk anything.
SF are you guys okay? 106 for y'all is insane. I don't think it even got to 106 in Sac today, unless I was just indoors at work at the time.
What's the risk?
It's been 100+ for like four weeks here in Bakersfield. You'll be fine.
Welcome to the shit, Bay Area. SoCal sends our regards.
Not really. You'll be surprised how many single family homes don't have AC, especially those made in the 60s and 70s. Apartments started putting in window units, but they're not great.You guys have AC though.
Still gross in SR.
Wunderground sensor at the park 1/2mile from me says 89.5, and iOS says 95.
Feels closer to 95, the park has a lake and lots of shade.
We have the most the windows closed still but will open them full hog in like an hour.
Blech. Drinkin a bud light.
How is it even possible for SF to be over 100? It doesn't make any fucking sense.
Just had to rush to the vet hospital because one of our cats got heat stroke. It's awful, there's no way to cool the apartment down and nowhere has ACs in stock. I don't know what to do the rest of the weekend.
Check your city hall website for cooling centers. Should be something set up that's pet friendly.
LOL, yep.These temperatures sound like a Chinese hoax to me.
You guys have AC though.
I was very uncomfy with the heat.
But holy crap... these microfiber cooling towels I impulse-purchased at Costco a while back actually work!
I don't know why I was so skeptical and never tried till now. I guess they sound weird. You wet it, wring it out, and then snap it a few times. It then becomes nice and cool.
There are tons of similar products available online.
This is really good.
I'm staying at a hotel in SF and this hotel has no ac.