So it there an exact release date for this yet? I can only find "June 2013", which is pretty much now.
28th I think
So it there an exact release date for this yet? I can only find "June 2013", which is pretty much now.
Shadowrun Returns Let's Play (user-created mission):
More info:
Can't say that this is very inspiring. Hopefully the bad animations and lack of functionality can be attributed to the early build(even though 31.05 shouldn't be that early...).Shadowrun Returns Let's Play (user-created mission):
More info:
I would say that's probably right.
However, the editor for this game is pretty robust, and it's using Steam workshop for sharing user-created missions. So, there will be no shortage of content.
It's not supposed to be an RPG to the scale of Baldur's Gate or what have you. It's just a campaign pack which will be followed by another one of similar length a few months later.I really hope you are not right 5-6 hours for an rpg would be more abysmal i could even guess.
Game delayed until July:
Were really proud of the Shadowrun Returns art team and excited that they have the opportunity to show off some of their work with an art show at the Raygun Lounge on Capitol Hill in Seattle. The show includes a large selection of art and concepts from the game as well as personal contributions by members of the art team.
If youre in the Seattle area, come join us tomorrow night starting at 6pm for the opening of the show! Make sure to check out the pieces down the street at Gamma Ray Games, too.
The Art of Shadowrun Returns
July 11, 2013
6pm - 9pm @ The RayGun Lounge
501 E Pine Street - Seattle, WA 98122
Cant make it tomorrow? The show will be viewable through August 7. Here are just a few pieces that are in the show.
Just a heads up, they've started sending out keys to backers. You won't be able to activate them on Steam until the game goes live though.
You can add them to your account, but you won't be able to download anything yet. Doesn't sound like they'll be doing a pre-load either.Just a heads up, they've started sending out keys to backers. You won't be able to activate them on Steam until the game goes live though.
Got my key too. For one brief shining moment I thought we got an early beta or something.
Uh, who's on the OT?
I thought and hoped this was true. Got my key though, and I'm fucking ready.
Don't forget to check out the full conversion SNES remake for Shadowrun Returns when it drops...
Harebrained Schemes LLC less than a minute ago
Hey All - We finished sending out all keys this morning. If you haven't received your email, please check your spam box and shoot us a note at [email protected] if it's not there. We definitely have quite a few that have bounced back to us so don't panic. We promise to sort it out. Thanks!
Very curious to see how this one plays out.
Yep, it seems like this game is going to live or die by how well the community supports it with new modules.
Question: I got three keys, does that mean I can give two out to friends?
Question: I got three keys, does that mean I can give two out to friends?
Harebrained Schemes LLC about 21 hours ago
The first key is for being a Backer, the second key is the one that we weren't able to put on the dog tag (but that you can load onto the dogtag yourself), and the third key is for the DVD-Rom copy in the Boxed Set. Since the DVD can't be updated over time, it's not truly a copy of the game. You are free to keep or give away the extra keys as you wish.
Isn't it time for the OT? Who's doing it?