Is this hard to get into if you've never played Hearthstone or any card games in general?
i dont think so, no
this and hearthstone share a lot of basic mechanics, and both of those games are a bit simpler than other TCGs like yugioh and magic imo
Alright cool, do you suggest I go mobile or steam?
Also in terms of rerolling, what should I be looking for...
Alright cool, do you suggest I go mobile or steam?
Also in terms of rerolling, what should I be looking for...
Forestcraft: Forestcraft is best suited by rerolling for no less than 2 Ancient Elf, this 3 mana card forms the foundation of Forestcraft early game and isn’t replaceable by any lower rarity card whatsoever. Other notable targets to make current tier 1 Forestcraft decks include: Rhinoceroach, Altered Fate, Path to Purgatory, Will of the Forest. Darkness Evolved targets: Starting in Darkness Evolved a Midrange, very expensive style of Forestcraft deck is taking the stage, and as a result getting Gold Rarity Forest cards of of your Darkness Evolved starter packs is very important. Crystalia Tia is an excellent legendary but cards like Elf Girl Lisa and Elf Knight Cynthia absolutely destroy their competitors in the Standard Set.
Swordcraft: This class is VERY hungry for legendary rarity cards in its reroll, as its best decks make use of ALL legendary rarity cards. In other words, as many Sea Queen Otohime, Aurelia the Regal Blade, and Tsubaki as you can get will lead to Swordcraft success. In order to suit the new Control Sword Archetype cards like Alexander and Leonidas can be very useful in combination with the legendaries below.
Runecraft: Runecraft is quite easy to reroll for, as its best deck only runs 3 legendary cards and 3 golds in its basest, skeleton form. Shoot for Merlin and Dimension Shift and you probably won’t be disappointed. Targets remain the same in Darkness Evolved, with the exception of maybe a Timeworn Mage Levi or two. Pascale and Earth Rite decks are a possibility in the future but don’t exist as a top archetype in this expansion. Ancient Alchemist, Pascale, and amulets like Juno’s are what you’d want for them though.
Dragoncraft: Dragoncraft is a bit of a tough reroll, it has multiple archetypes that all like different legendaries, its best to do a little research before going all in on one type of dragoncraft deck or another, but if you’re rolling for waifus the target is crystal clear. After the Expac it's clear that all decks from now until the end of time will require 3x Forte, always Forte, and only Forte. In terms of strength on ladder Darkness Evolved Dragoncraft Golds and legendaries mean almost nothing. However as Dragoncraft has powerful late game the Evolution point granting bomb Dark Angel Olivia can add value and power to late game cards in a nice package. Other important golds include Genesis Dragon, Wyvern Cavalier, and maybe on top of all that a Fafnir or 2.
Shadowcraft: Shadowcraft is fairly expensive to play in its powerful iterations, and one reroll isn’t going to get you through the high amount of gold cards you’ll need to acquire but the targets are Cerberus (mandatory in all decks) Death’s Breath, Foul Tempest, and Phantom Howl. In addition to ALL of the previous thing Darkness Evolved’s new control shadow archetype demands 3x Lord of the Flies, for your consideration, however ladder has lost almost all of its Shadowcraft players as Haven has become dominant, the only netdecks that exist for this class are decks from back in standard or new, experimental control type decks.
Bloodcraft: Blood is somewhat odd in that none of its legendaries are super desireable or irreplaceable but it REQUIRES a large number of gold cards to function, almost every blood gold is good and part of its repertoire but aim specifically for cards like Revelation, Temptress Vampire, and maybe a Vampire Queen
Darkness Evolved update: Much less focus on the control cards as the meta has resulted in Dimension Shift being incredibly dominant over all control archetypes, building an aggro deck with cards like Vania, Vampire Princess and Vampiric Castle is much more popular and also a lot cheaper, if you like blood look for these cards.
Havencraft: Darkness evolved has taken this class from the bottom of the dumpster to the highest peaks, mostly due to very cheap cards like Beastcall Aria, however, the best decks of Havencraft still require golds like Elana’s Prayer, Themis’, and Winged Sentinel Garuda. From Standard you still want bunnies from the moon.
so... if I only plan on playing solo and take two... is there any reason at all for me to care about opening packs?
I have no plans to play normal multiplayer... I will just log in... collect some gold, and play some take two once a week or so.
What, you don't find getting legendary cards exciting?
I mean, at the very least, you can build up cards for decks to beat the Elite CPU in solo practice for the achievements... if you care about that.
At what rate do you earn cards by staying F2P? I already dump money into Hearthstone and enjoy that a lot, but I don't want to spend money on two card games so if I start this I'll likely not want to spend money.
At what rate do you earn cards by staying F2P? I already dump money into Hearthstone and enjoy that a lot, but I don't want to spend money on two card games so if I start this I'll likely not want to spend money.
At what rate do you earn cards by staying F2P? I already dump money into Hearthstone and enjoy that a lot, but I don't want to spend money on two card games so if I start this I'll likely not want to spend money.
You earn significantly more than Hearthstone.
40 packs at the start, one per week just from logging in, and quite a lot of gold from doing missions or earning achievements.
If you already play Hearthstone, you should be able to use your gold on Arena for even more efficient use of your gold. You can easily have a budget-friendly competitive deck going in just a few days of F2P play.
Legendaries: Crystalia Tia, Lord of the Flies, Moon Al-mi'raj, Odin x2, Alexander, Alexander (but Animated?...)
Golds: Rogue's Creed, Urd, Rimewind, Calamitous Curse, Medusa, Themis's Decree, Dracomancer's Rites, Dark Offering, Grand Archer Selwyn, Wyrm Spire, Arch Princess Laelia, Azazel
Honestly Forestcraft, Swordcraft, Runecraft, and Havencraft all looked cool for me. Any of those viable with these? Looks like Havencraft or Swordcraft might be my best bet.
When I go through my reroll process, should I spend tickets for the theme pack as well or just open the 10 standard packs?
No, I meant when I'm rerolling, should I be opening the theme packs as well? Because I see people on reddit saying to get 7+ legendaries with the first 10 free standard packs?!There are separate tickets for each type of pack.
How are people drafting Dark Angel Olivia in Arena? I've lost three in a row because of her and all from a winning position no less. Damn, I never thought I'd get triggered by Shadowverse.
I started playing on steam
Haven't really done much but the tutorial and up to the last mission in forest craft story
Am I still able to reroll and link my account through mobile? I'm unsure how account link works
I started playing on steam
Haven't really done much but the tutorial and up to the last mission in forest craft story
Am I still able to reroll and link my account through mobile? I'm unsure how account link works
Pretty sure it'll overwrite your steam progress
I think you can.
You might as well open your free packs on Steam first though. If you get 7-8 legendaries from your 40 packs you might decide it's not even worth rerolling.
I hope not. I wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but I'd be out the 2 bucks or so I spent on daily bonus packs so far
I guess that's the smartest way to go about it.
but if what Ken says is true can I ever complete that link to another service quest? or is that referring to something other than the mobile version?
Got jack shit from those packs lol. I really want to play Swordcraft and barely got anything.
Gonna do rerolls on mobile and hopefully I can overwrite on steam and still get all those packs again
Holy shit I'm loving this game. Quick question, but how many evolves do you get per game?
Metareport from a japanese site (translated by some user at reddit). It blows my mind that no class has over a 50% of winrate going first.
And one of elf/forescraft variants has an 60% winrate, to put that on perspective, that's higher than undertaker hunter. I really want to play with forestcraft since I'm curious on what makes that deck so broken (and in my rank I don't know if nobody has the optimal deck, nobody know how to play it, or somehow all my decks counter them, so I almost always win against them)
And I'm sad that the english version doesn't use the japanese names for classes, I like them way more than Xcraft
Holy shit I'm loving this game. Quick question, but how many evolves do you get per game?
Holy shit I'm loving this game. Quick question, but how many evolves do you get per game?
3 if you go second, 2 if you're first.
I had a sneaking suspicion that this was going to be the case, but was hoping that maybe I was just too newbie to judge. It's painfully obvious in Take Two, but I was hoping it may have been even enough in constructed.Metareport from a japanese site (translated by some user at reddit). It blows my mind that no class has over a 50% of winrate going first.
Seriously fuck that dark alisa card thing that gives 3 evolution when brought out. seriously overpowered![]()
Seriously fuck that dark alisa card thing that gives 3 evolution when brought out. seriously overpowered![]()
I had a sneaking suspicion that this was going to be the case, but was hoping that maybe I was just too newbie to judge. It's painfully obvious in Take Two, but I was hoping it may have been even enough in constructed.
So what's the solution? P2 gets an extra card, an extra point, and an earlier evolution. In the name of "fun", I'd like to see P1 bumped to 3 evos, but then that just means after back and forth evo trades, P1 may still stay ahead after 3 turns.
Problem is that if they are too good, then P2 can use them to get further ahead without spending another evolution. Difficult problem to have.Someone else had the idea of more "gain effect if there is an evolved enemy" type cards to nullify the extra evolve point a little. I think that's the best approach I have seen so far. Anything else seems like it would shift the game too far back again.
Yeah she is pretty damn good and fits in a lot of decks. Don't think she is that overpowered though.
Someone else had the idea of more "gain effect if there is an evolved enemy" type cards to nullify the extra evolve point a little. I think that's the best approach I have seen so far. Anything else seems like it would shift the game too far back again.