abstract alien
Downloading the demo as we speak. It says I have an hour and a half before it's complete, so this may take awhile :^/
ThirstyFly said:Man, how big is the full game if the demo itself is 2GB? Or is the demo the full thing and the purchase just an unlock?
This. Good thing I didn't impulse-buy it.anddo0 said:^This, along with no D-dad support makes Shank passable. I'll wait for a $7.99 (or cheaper) sale.
its not a bad game, its just that the fighting is too hectic and unfair for me. dishwasher did this kind of gameplay much better. i would still buy it for 10 bucks.Snaku said:Damn, wish I had read these updates before buyin it. I finished a chapter of Valkyria Chronicles, saw it was available, and hit buy. =/
Hope I enjoy it.
Q8D3vil said:so even arcades games are delayed on pc.
i'll wait.
Stumpokapow said:Given that XBLA games have mandatory demos, it'd pretty much be a scam if the PSN version didn't![]()
lobdale said:No d-pad support? What kind of fucking idiots code a 2D action game and remove d-pad? What a below-the-belt shot in the face!
I now have written off the developers of this game forever, and I hope they are reading this, because hey developers, you are totally amateur, and you smell, and even though I already bought your game I am going to pretend this game just made itself, because you guys are seriously morons.
Not You Guys
Sipowicz said:definitely a pass from me. IGN gave it a 7 FFS
IGN said:by Arthur Gies
tjohn86 said:jesus could this thing download slower off the psn?
220 minutes my ass
I usually use this argument, but movies typically give a unique experience throughout.denomes said:That's 2-3 hours longer than typical admission at a movie theater. Give your head a shake dude.
quinntendopower said:does this game have that "i can't wait to play it again so i can totally rape the parts i know i can rape now" feeling?
if it's a one time wowee look at the gory kill game, i'm passing.
remember, you can buy viewtiful joe for 2.99... :lol