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Shenmue 3 is a terrible game and I've wasted my life.


First one sucked too.

"Oooh luck I can open a drawer and drive a fork lift"

Fuck you

That's actually what people wanted to be able to do in "games of the future", back then. Or at least they thought they wanted that, so it's important that some game devs truly did it so we can say "oh, so it's possible... only it's kind of boring so I guess we don't really need it in most games after all".
It's like the common expectation, "I want to roam a big city and be able to enter any building at any time". When some games tried to do that (at least partially), we realized that most of the time it was pointless. Or devs realized it wasn't worth the effort.
It's certainly better than this silly clickbait video, so there's that.
His passion for Shenmue might be blinding him a bit. But it really does seem mundane and more of a bridge to establish a fourth game rather than try and give the fans what he wanted. The grinding in particular to beat people isn't really bad game design but it's a poor choice when the series knew what it was going for prior. The 19 year gap and lack of budget probably fucked this game over heavy.
I haven't played Shenmue 3 yet. I enjoyed the first and second Shenmue and thought they were amazing at the time. I tried to replay the HD version on PS4 but didn't get very far.

Shenmue is where I also began my life long obsession with finding sailors.


The game is fine. Its not as good as the first 2 but that should have been expected. It's mostly just the limp climax and the awful combat that bring it down. It really feels like they ran out of time or money and the city portion suffered because of it. The village portion of the game was pretty great if you ask me.

I backed it for a hefty amount and it mostly delivered on what I wanted out of it.
The first 2 were pretty good, especially the second one. 2 is a god damn masterpiece.
But 3 was a bit of a dissapointment but I still liked it. It wasn't perfect, it sure as hell it has flaws, but there was still that Shenmue feel when I was playing the game.
The biggest problem with Shenmue 3 is that it felt like a betrayal to the fans. We waited all these god damn years and finally Shenmue 3 releases and the story barely progresses. I was pissed of at the end.
That's the biggest problem with Shenmue 3.


I've played the first two games several times over back when they originally released. I don't have a PS4 so I YouTube'd the ending and couldn't believe how underwhelming it was.
I also heard Ryo's health is constantly depleting and you have keep topping it up. This would annoy me more than having to wait for the in-game clock to pass. I have no idea why they decided to make the health system function like that. It wasn't present in the first two games.
I've played the first two games several times over back when they originally released. I don't have a PS4 so I YouTube'd the ending and couldn't believe how underwhelming it was.
I also heard Ryo's health is constantly depleting and you have keep topping it up. This would annoy me more than having to wait for the in-game clock to pass. I have no idea why they decided to make the health system function like that. It wasn't present in the first two games.
It's only a problem at the beggining of the game. But even then it's not too big of a deal. Just eat a ton of garlic.


Big fan of the first two games.
This one sucked.
I finished it for the story but I haven’t the courage to start a second play through


Huge Shenmue fan, the HD collection was one of the finest experiences this gen. I was surprised how well the games held up for me and the removed load times helped loads. I platinumed both and it was great to do so. The bugs were unfortunate.

But 3? I fucking hate it. Its not for budget reasons. Well perhaps the shitty combat can be placed on low budget. But the graphics were okay for me, and the awful VA was nostalgic. Its the focus on useless shit instead of a focus on moving the story forward. And the awful quest design that repeats itself over 2 different locations. Props to players who weren't sick of the game by the second area. I was completely done with it by then.

Suzuki focused on the wrong things with 3 and it pretty much adds nothing to the lore. You can pretty much skip it if 4 ever comes out.
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First one sucked too.

"Oooh luck I can open a drawer and drive a fork lift"

Fuck you

did you play the game on release? It's kind of like the Sienfeld effect. Shit was revolutionary back in the day but it's been copied and reiterated and built upon so much that looking back, the original stuff looks shitty or boring now.


First one was awesome/groundbreaking and paved the way for a lot of the games that we parise today.

That being said, you'd need a huge budget to do the franchise justice today. Only MS are stupid enough to spend the money that the franchise needs to do it properly ($500 mill on Halo Infinite LOL)


Shenmue deserved a return in a big way, but that was a great financial risk, Sony did not want to finance a large-scale project of Shenmue because perhaps there was not a great demand behind, the saga was never a success in sales, not even its remasters had a great reception in the market.


did you play the game on release? It's kind of like the Sienfeld effect. Shit was revolutionary back in the day but it's been copied and reiterated and built upon so much that looking back, the original stuff looks shitty or boring now.

Lol I did actually. I was very young. Shit felt like real life. Just like the driver games on ps1. I'm being reductive for the lulz


His alternative ending suggestion was kinda as bad xD

I think this game was what Shenmue fans needed; a reality check.


Well, my backer T-shirt came in a while ago too!
I'm to jump in to finish those couple of DLCs that I am to complete. (Platinumed)
It is what it is. As gameplay perspective, it's certainly below my expectation - but it is a "Shenmue" game nevertheless.

Action packed Kowloon section of Shenmue 2, especially the final intrusion up to Yellow Head Building was one of the best moments that I had in the series, and even though the story didn't really reveal anything too new so far, I'm still very much a Shenmue fan. Hopefully I won't have to wait another 20 years for Shenmue 4 and 5.


i played shenmue I when i was young and i definitely have an intense nostalgia for its cozy little Japanese town. although having replaying it recently, yeeesh has it not aged well lol. i still has a fun cozy atmosphere but man is the voice acting and polish fucking bad. i do think it is an important game that paved the way for better games like Persona 4 or Yakuza, so i don’t wanna shit on it because it really is an influential game but if you didn’t grow up with Shemue, it’s rough playing now


I picked up Shenmue in January, less than a month after it came out. It was already marked down to $20 at Target. Didn't really know what the game was about. Knocked it out in a day. It's one of the few gaming experiences I would ever describe as feeling truly revolutionary. It's one of my favorite games ever.

With that said, I will never return to it. Too much time has passed. It's also why I can't be bothered to play Shenmue 3. I want to preserve that memory and not have it tainted by reality. Sucks, but that game might be the most "of a time and place" game ever made.


People need to learn about fucking perspective. I'm not defending 3 cos I got bored of it in about an hour (times have changed and so have I). But back when 1 and 2 released? It was groundbreaking for gaming - 10 years ahead of its time, maybe even more than that. So don't shit on the series cos you played it now, or even a few years back. You missed the boat.
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Shenmue............................. is a terrible game.......................................... and ive wasted............................ my........................... life...................................


I love the originals.
Combat was good and exploration was ground breaking
If you didn’t like it you can suck my chadeez
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REE Machine

It's certainly better than this silly clickbait video, so there's that.
Eye patch wolf if a huge fan of the franchise and was severely dissappiinted and let down. Especially on their podcast Lets Fight A Boss he goes into detail of the amazing faults of the game and why its trash


RSI Employee of the Year
Eye patch wolf if a huge fan of the franchise and was severely dissappiinted and let down. Especially on their podcast Lets Fight A Boss he goes into detail of the amazing faults of the game and why its trash

Anyone who alleges he "wasted his life" playing a game deserves nothing more than absolute mockery, regardless of whether they profess themselves fans of a franchise or not.

REE Machine

Anyone who alleges he "wasted his life" playing a game deserves nothing more than absolute mockery, regardless of whether they profess themselves fans of a franchise or not.
If its a game he looked forward to and was severly let down then yes its wasted time, time is a finite resource when older, you dont get it back on trash


Gold Member
I think perspectives change with quality of life changes in the industry that dont exist in the game. what the creator was making was a dreamcast game using unreal engine. what the fans wanted was something that is current. This also occurred with yooka laylee they were making a n64 platformer with current tech and it was missing many quality of life features that have been around for 2 decades now. its not that the game is bad its that you have grown accustom to streamlined content. There are way better products out there now that can offer that. I can understand disappointment after waiting so long for a sequel though.


Gold Member
I was a fan of the game back when I imported it for the Dreamcast. It was a dream of the future. The video definitely broke down those points. The mundane tasks were cool because video games weren’t there yet. I backed ShenMue 3 and the game wasn’t that amazing to me. I use to praise ShenMue back in the day too.

I got bored of chopping wood and gambling (racing turtles) for 2000 yuan. I got to the second part and it wasn’t really grabbing my interest. I thought the best Kickstarter game (for me) was Bloodstained. I’d much rather replay the original ShenMue. It has nostalgia and you can feel the era of gaming that you’re playing in. ShenMue 3 felt like a step up, but those once cool things became those boring real life things.

Those huge reactions to ShenMue 3’s announcement were certainly earned, but I am hesitant to think all the people yelling and jumping up and down enjoyed it. There’s so much there to make excuses for. I don’t think Yakuza fans have to justify themselves as much as ShenMue fans do. I’d much rather go to the Yakuza franchise. I use to think that I’d never talk bad about ShenMue. I also read where ShenMue owners would have had to buy the game twice for it to make even on production costs. Yu Suzuki made a lot of good games. I’ll enjoy replaying ShenMue years from now. I think the only game I’d look forward to would be the conclusion of the series.

I actually sold my backer copy, but I kept the KS sleeve for it. I don’t feel bad. I just didn’t enjoy what I was doing. It felt better playing it back in 1999/2000.
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The original 2 were kinda bland and poorly designed, but they were saved by the cool setting and awesome combat. The third one is all the bad things from the original without any of the good. The combat especially is terrible now. I guess it was impossible to pull off with the shoestring budget they were working with, compared to the 100+ million of the first and second game.


I think as a series it definitely has some merits(its obsession with the minutiae is to be apluded in some ways)

But yeah I just watched this video and fuck, what is with the story, isnt that what people want resolved or at least moved forward in a major way?

It's Jeff

I've liked all three games and can't explain why, nor recommend them to any of my friends. There's something about the intended realism versus execution that makes me laugh. I can sprint all day on an all garlic diet. 49 cans of grape soda in a row and I dont piss myself or have an irregular heartbeat. Stall owners need complete strangers like me to run their booths. Conversations are meaningless exchanges between sociopaths.

Every criticism in the video is valid, but I'll still buy a fourth game day one. The Shenmue parallel reality is too charming.
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