-That magic stuff at the end of S2 (the sword)? Nah, no mention of that. It's either no longer canon or the characters just don't care.
-Ryo, after learning so much, overcoming such powerful foes in S2, comes across some random-ass thug leader who is more powerful (and by proxy is therefore stronger than everyone Ryo has beaten till that point). But don't worry guys, learning one new move get's him by it.
-Oh shit, in Niaowu there's another random-ass thug leader who is even strongerer guiz. But don't worry, learning one new move get's him by it. Again. Power level raised! I can't wait to see how Ryo will beat every other guy in the next game, maybe: Meet foe -get beat - find master - learn move- beat foe -repeat.
-Want to show how good a master martial artist is?; Just have them dodge every one of Ryo's attacks. They're so powerful Ryo can't even touch them! This happened in past games but it was once or twice per game. Now it's just the go-to
"OMG they're so good!" trope and it was already old coming into S3 because of the characters who did it in S2. Master can't even be touched. How original.
-Oh no! Shenhua has been kidnapped! Gotta save her... But damn, it's late and Ryo is tired. 9PM?! That's too late to go and save someone. Okay next day, time for a calm chinwag with Ren, better go and wonder round the port looking for a boat. It'll be ready the next morning, so Shenhua has been a prisoner for 2 days now. Ah, I'm sure she's fine. In the meantime Ryo has a day to kill (despite being told that after that point you're in the end game so it could just jump to right to the castle). Time to go play some "arcade" games whilst Shenhua is locked in a cell, hope she's having as much fun as Ryo. ...Remember when Nozomi was kidnapped and Ryo went out into the dead of the night to find a way to get to the port as quickly as possible to save her? He didn't wait till morning because he needed his beauty sleep or because there were no buses, he didn't have a day to kill playing Space Harrier. Yeah, better times...
-Speaking of Nozomi, I'm glad Ryo now calls her Harasaki (in the first game he always called her Nozomi) because that way I can pretend she's a different character. Seriously, that person I got on the phone wasn't Nozomi. The voice actress in no way resembles that one from the first game but that isn't too bad, it's the way she acts that's wrong. In the first game Nozomi is meek, shy and calm, on the phone in S3 she's an excited brat. Same for Guizhang, he doesn't act like he did in the first game. These characters just got outright rewritten. I guess after nearly 20 years the devs forgot how to write these characters.
-The ending was nonsensical:
- Niao Sun just decides to betray Lan Di? I guess? Why? Because she has the Phoenix Mirror? Ok, but Lan Di still has the Dragon, so...?
- Who were all these monk guys we had to fight?
- I guess all those other guys with Lan Di were the other leaders of the Chi You Men, too bad they're all bitches. That bandit guy in Bailu could beat them, apparently.
- Lan Di just blocks everything, OMG guys, he's so powerful! Ryo can't even touch him! Where have we seen this before? You know, when so many other characters are shown to be untouchable badasses, when you have the main bad guy do the same it just isn't impressive anymore.
- Why were the other characters there? What was the point of the shrine maiden & the fat kung fu guy being at the castle? What were they doing when Niao Sun was setting fire to the place? They're so dumb and the cutaways to them were pointless filler.
- Lan Di standing there like a dumbass after Ren threw the fake mirror out the window was hilarious. I guess he was thinking "Oh shit, that guy just ruined all my plans in a split second". It's actually funny to think that Ryo could have at any point dropped the mirror in the ocean and Lan Di would be fucked. Seeing as Niao Sun has it now, I guess it's too late for that.
- So we save Shenhua's father but what did we actually learn? the answer is absolutely nothing, the whole game is just a stop gap and it was so bad we can be sure we'll never see a sequel.